blob: 6d778123fe15a32c2a1841bd0427d70165ea395e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dexpreopt
import (
// These libs are added as <uses-library> dependencies for apps if the targetSdkVersion in the
// app manifest is less than the specified version. This is needed because these libraries haven't
// existed prior to certain SDK version, but classes in them were in bootclasspath jars, etc.
// Some of the compatibility libraries are optional (their <uses-library> tag has "required=false"),
// so that if this library is missing this in not a build or run-time error.
var OrgApacheHttpLegacy = "org.apache.http.legacy"
var AndroidTestBase = "android.test.base"
var AndroidTestMock = "android.test.mock"
var AndroidHidlBase = "android.hidl.base-V1.0-java"
var AndroidHidlManager = "android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java"
var OptionalCompatUsesLibs28 = []string{
var OptionalCompatUsesLibs30 = []string{
var CompatUsesLibs29 = []string{
var OptionalCompatUsesLibs = append(android.CopyOf(OptionalCompatUsesLibs28), OptionalCompatUsesLibs30...)
var CompatUsesLibs = android.CopyOf(CompatUsesLibs29)
const UnknownInstallLibraryPath = "error"
const AnySdkVersion int = 9999 // should go last in class loader context
// LibraryPath contains paths to the library DEX jar on host and on device.
type LibraryPath struct {
Host android.Path
Device string
// LibraryPaths is a map from library name to on-host and on-device paths to its DEX jar.
type LibraryPaths map[string]*LibraryPath
type classLoaderContext struct {
// Library names
Names []string
// The class loader context using paths in the build.
Host android.Paths
// The class loader context using paths as they will be on the device.
Target []string
// A map of class loader contexts for each SDK version.
// A map entry for "any" version contains libraries that are unconditionally added to class loader
// context. Map entries for existing versions contains libraries that were in the default classpath
// until that API version, and should be added to class loader context if and only if the
// targetSdkVersion in the manifest or APK is less than that API version.
type classLoaderContextMap map[int]*classLoaderContext
// Add a new library path to the map, unless a path for this library already exists.
// If necessary, check that the build and install paths exist.
func (libPaths LibraryPaths) addLibraryPath(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, lib string,
hostPath, installPath android.Path, strict bool) error {
// If missing dependencies are allowed, the build shouldn't fail when a <uses-library> is
// not found. However, this is likely to result is disabling dexpreopt, as it won't be
// possible to construct class loader context without on-host and on-device library paths.
strict = strict && !ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies()
if hostPath == nil && strict {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown build path to <uses-library> '%s'", lib)
if installPath == nil {
if android.InList(lib, CompatUsesLibs) || android.InList(lib, OptionalCompatUsesLibs) {
// Assume that compatibility libraries are installed in /system/framework.
installPath = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "framework", lib+".jar")
} else if strict {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown install path to <uses-library> '%s'", lib)
// Add a library only if the build and install path to it is known.
if _, present := libPaths[lib]; !present {
var devicePath string
if installPath != nil {
devicePath = android.InstallPathToOnDevicePath(ctx, installPath.(android.InstallPath))
} else {
// For some stub libraries the only known thing is the name of their implementation
// library, but the library itself is unavailable (missing or part of a prebuilt). In
// such cases we still need to add the library to <uses-library> tags in the manifest,
// but we cannot use if for dexpreopt.
devicePath = UnknownInstallLibraryPath
libPaths[lib] = &LibraryPath{hostPath, devicePath}
return nil
// Wrapper around addLibraryPath that does error reporting.
func (libPaths LibraryPaths) addLibraryPathOrReportError(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, lib string,
hostPath, installPath android.Path, strict bool) {
err := libPaths.addLibraryPath(ctx, lib, hostPath, installPath, strict)
if err != nil {
android.ReportPathErrorf(ctx, err.Error())
// Add a new library path to the map. Enforce checks that the library paths exist.
func (libPaths LibraryPaths) AddLibraryPath(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, lib string, hostPath, installPath android.Path) {
libPaths.addLibraryPathOrReportError(ctx, lib, hostPath, installPath, true)
// Add a new library path to the map, if the library exists (name is not nil).
// Don't enforce checks that the library paths exist. Some libraries may be missing from the build,
// but their names still need to be added to <uses-library> tags in the manifest.
func (libPaths LibraryPaths) MaybeAddLibraryPath(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, lib *string, hostPath, installPath android.Path) {
if lib != nil {
libPaths.addLibraryPathOrReportError(ctx, *lib, hostPath, installPath, false)
// Add library paths from the second map to the first map (do not override existing entries).
func (libPaths LibraryPaths) AddLibraryPaths(otherPaths LibraryPaths) {
for lib, path := range otherPaths {
if _, present := libPaths[lib]; !present {
libPaths[lib] = path
func (m classLoaderContextMap) getValue(sdkVer int) *classLoaderContext {
if _, ok := m[sdkVer]; !ok {
m[sdkVer] = &classLoaderContext{}
return m[sdkVer]
func (clc *classLoaderContext) addLib(lib string, hostPath android.Path, targetPath string) {
clc.Names = append(clc.Names, lib)
clc.Host = append(clc.Host, hostPath)
clc.Target = append(clc.Target, targetPath)
func (m classLoaderContextMap) addLibs(ctx android.PathContext, sdkVer int, module *ModuleConfig,
libs ...string) (bool, error) {
clc := m.getValue(sdkVer)
for _, lib := range libs {
if p, ok := module.LibraryPaths[lib]; ok && p.Host != nil && p.Device != UnknownInstallLibraryPath {
clc.addLib(lib, p.Host, p.Device)
} else {
if sdkVer == AnySdkVersion {
// Fail the build if dexpreopt doesn't know paths to one of the <uses-library>
// dependencies. In the future we may need to relax this and just disable dexpreopt.
return false, fmt.Errorf("dexpreopt cannot find path for <uses-library> '%s'", lib)
} else {
// No error for compatibility libraries, as Soong doesn't know if they are needed
// (this depends on the targetSdkVersion in the manifest).
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (m classLoaderContextMap) addSystemServerLibs(sdkVer int, ctx android.PathContext, module *ModuleConfig, libs ...string) {
clc := m.getValue(sdkVer)
for _, lib := range libs {
clc.addLib(lib, SystemServerDexJarHostPath(ctx, lib), filepath.Join("/system/framework", lib+".jar"))
func (m classLoaderContextMap) usesLibs() []string {
if clc, ok := m[AnySdkVersion]; ok {
return clc.Names
return nil
// genClassLoaderContext generates host and target class loader context to be passed to the dex2oat
// command for the dexpreopted module. There are three possible cases:
// 1. System server jars. They have a special class loader context that includes other system
// server jars.
// 2. Library jars or APKs which have precise list of their <uses-library> libs. Their class loader
// context includes build and on-device paths to these libs. In some cases it may happen that
// the path to a <uses-library> is unknown (e.g. the dexpreopted module may depend on stubs
// library, whose implementation library is missing from the build altogether). In such case
// dexpreopting with the <uses-library> is impossible, and dexpreopting without it is pointless,
// as the runtime classpath won't match and the dexpreopted code will be discarded. Therefore in
// such cases the function returns nil, which disables dexpreopt.
// 3. All other library jars or APKs for which the exact <uses-library> list is unknown. They use
// the unsafe &-classpath workaround that means empty class loader context and absence of runtime
// check that the class loader context provided by the PackageManager agrees with the stored
// class loader context recorded in the .odex file.
func genClassLoaderContext(ctx android.PathContext, global *GlobalConfig, module *ModuleConfig) (*classLoaderContextMap, error) {
classLoaderContexts := make(classLoaderContextMap)
systemServerJars := NonUpdatableSystemServerJars(ctx, global)
if jarIndex := android.IndexList(module.Name, systemServerJars); jarIndex >= 0 {
// System server jars should be dexpreopted together: class loader context of each jar
// should include all preceding jars on the system server classpath.
classLoaderContexts.addSystemServerLibs(AnySdkVersion, ctx, module, systemServerJars[:jarIndex]...)
} else if module.EnforceUsesLibraries {
// Unconditional class loader context.
usesLibs := append(copyOf(module.UsesLibraries), module.OptionalUsesLibraries...)
if ok, err := classLoaderContexts.addLibs(ctx, AnySdkVersion, module, usesLibs...); !ok {
return nil, err
// Conditional class loader context for API version < 28.
const httpLegacy = "org.apache.http.legacy"
if ok, err := classLoaderContexts.addLibs(ctx, 28, module, httpLegacy); !ok {
return nil, err
// Conditional class loader context for API version < 29.
usesLibs29 := []string{
if ok, err := classLoaderContexts.addLibs(ctx, 29, module, usesLibs29...); !ok {
return nil, err
// Conditional class loader context for API version < 30.
if ok, err := classLoaderContexts.addLibs(ctx, 30, module, OptionalCompatUsesLibs30...); !ok {
return nil, err
} else {
// Pass special class loader context to skip the classpath and collision check.
// This will get removed once LOCAL_USES_LIBRARIES is enforced.
// Right now LOCAL_USES_LIBRARIES is opt in, for the case where it's not specified we still default
// to the &.
return &classLoaderContexts, nil
// Now that the full unconditional context is known, reconstruct conditional context.
// Apply filters for individual libraries, mirroring what the PackageManager does when it
// constructs class loader context on device.
// TODO(b/132357300):
// - remove android.hidl.manager and android.hidl.base unless the app is a system app.
func fixConditionalClassLoaderContext(clcMap classLoaderContextMap) {
usesLibs := clcMap.usesLibs()
for sdkVer, clc := range clcMap {
if sdkVer == AnySdkVersion {
clcMap[sdkVer] = &classLoaderContext{}
for i, lib := range clc.Names {
if android.InList(lib, usesLibs) {
// skip compatibility libraries that are already included in unconditional context
} else if lib == AndroidTestMock && !android.InList("android.test.runner", usesLibs) {
// android.test.mock is only needed as a compatibility library (in conditional class
// loader context) if android.test.runner is used, otherwise skip it
} else {
clcMap[sdkVer].addLib(lib, clc.Host[i], clc.Target[i])
// Return the class loader context as a string and a slice of build paths for all dependencies.
func computeClassLoaderContext(ctx android.PathContext, clcMap classLoaderContextMap) (clcStr string, paths android.Paths) {
for _, ver := range android.SortedIntKeys(clcMap) {
clc := clcMap.getValue(ver)
clcLen := len(clc.Names)
if clcLen != len(clc.Host) || clcLen != len(clc.Target) {
android.ReportPathErrorf(ctx, "ill-formed class loader context")
var hostClc, targetClc []string
var hostPaths android.Paths
for i := 0; i < clcLen; i++ {
hostStr := "PCL[" + clc.Host[i].String() + "]"
targetStr := "PCL[" + clc.Target[i] + "]"
hostClc = append(hostClc, hostStr)
targetClc = append(targetClc, targetStr)
hostPaths = append(hostPaths, clc.Host[i])
if hostPaths != nil {
sdkVerStr := fmt.Sprintf("%d", ver)
if ver == AnySdkVersion {
sdkVerStr = "any" // a special keyword that means any SDK version
clcStr += fmt.Sprintf(" --host-context-for-sdk %s %s", sdkVerStr, strings.Join(hostClc, "#"))
clcStr += fmt.Sprintf(" --target-context-for-sdk %s %s", sdkVerStr, strings.Join(targetClc, "#"))
paths = append(paths, hostPaths...)
return clcStr, paths
type jsonLibraryPath struct {
Host string
Device string
type jsonLibraryPaths map[string]jsonLibraryPath
// convert JSON map of library paths to LibraryPaths
func constructLibraryPaths(ctx android.PathContext, paths jsonLibraryPaths) LibraryPaths {
m := LibraryPaths{}
for lib, path := range paths {
m[lib] = &LibraryPath{
constructPath(ctx, path.Host),
return m