Remove sdk_version: "none" restriction

Not entirely sure what the history behind requiring only libcore
projects use this, but it is a bit annoying to have to allow-list every

Bug: 173606718
Test: m nothing
Change-Id: I66f71e67d3f17e7f983c8537dff537fe8419da95
diff --git a/android/neverallow.go b/android/neverallow.go
index 8b8e1ac..031b3f4 100644
--- a/android/neverallow.go
+++ b/android/neverallow.go
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
 func init() {
-	AddNeverAllowRules(createLibcoreRules()...)
@@ -133,38 +132,6 @@
-func createLibcoreRules() []Rule {
-	var coreLibraryProjects = []string{
-		"libcore",
-		"external/apache-harmony",
-		"external/apache-xml",
-		"external/bouncycastle",
-		"external/conscrypt",
-		"external/icu",
-		"external/okhttp",
-		"external/wycheproof",
-		"prebuilts",
-	}
-	// Additional whitelisted path only used for ART testing, which needs access to core library
-	// targets. This does not affect the contents of a device image (system, vendor, etc.).
-	var artTests = []string{
-		"art/test",
-	}
-	// Core library constraints. The sdk_version: "none" can only be used in core library projects and ART tests.
-	// Access to core library targets is restricted using visibility rules.
-	rules := []Rule{
-		NeverAllow().
-			NotIn(coreLibraryProjects...).
-			NotIn(artTests...).
-			With("sdk_version", "none").
-			WithoutMatcher("name", Regexp("^android_.*stubs_current$")),
-	}
-	return rules
 func createMediaRules() []Rule {
 	return []Rule{
diff --git a/android/neverallow_test.go b/android/neverallow_test.go
index 1d454e5..8c7a538 100644
--- a/android/neverallow_test.go
+++ b/android/neverallow_test.go
@@ -215,50 +215,6 @@
 			"java_device_for_host can only be used in allowed projects",
-	// Libcore rule tests
-	{
-		name: "sdk_version: \"none\" inside core libraries",
-		fs: map[string][]byte{
-			"libcore/Android.bp": []byte(`
-				java_library {
-					name: "inside_core_libraries",
-					sdk_version: "none",
-				}`),
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		name: "sdk_version: \"none\" on android_*stubs_current stub",
-		fs: map[string][]byte{
-			"frameworks/base/Android.bp": []byte(`
-				java_library {
-					name: "android_stubs_current",
-					sdk_version: "none",
-				}`),
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		name: "sdk_version: \"none\" outside core libraries",
-		fs: map[string][]byte{
-			"Android.bp": []byte(`
-				java_library {
-					name: "outside_core_libraries",
-					sdk_version: "none",
-				}`),
-		},
-		expectedErrors: []string{
-			"module \"outside_core_libraries\": violates neverallow",
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		name: "sdk_version: \"current\"",
-		fs: map[string][]byte{
-			"Android.bp": []byte(`
-				java_library {
-					name: "outside_core_libraries",
-					sdk_version: "current",
-				}`),
-		},
-	},
 	// CC sdk rule tests
 		name: `"sdk_variant_only" outside allowed list`,