Run cquery using an expression

Passing multiple targets to cquery causes an error. Paste: Fix this by creating an
algebraic union expression.

As a trivial example, instead of the following
c = //bionic/libc/libc.contribution //bionic/libm/libm.contribution
build/bazel/bin/bazel --config=android --config=api_bp2build cquery $c

Run it as
c = //bionic/libc/libc.contribution union //bionic/libm/libm.contribution
build/bazel/bin/bazel --config=android --config=api_bp2build cquery $c

Also skip bp2build in the cquery call, since we just ran bp2build to
build the metadata files. This should be a no-op anyways, but doing that
check takes some time (~2s).

Test: multitree_build locally

Change-Id: Ie551a40f210d07ac6f0f9895bd66f0408fc1b8cd
diff --git a/inner_build/ b/inner_build/
index 6d97ca5..d886d22 100755
--- a/inner_build/
+++ b/inner_build/
@@ -174,16 +174,21 @@
             capture_output=False,  # log everything to terminal
-        print(f"Running Bazel cquery on api_domain_contribution targets "
+        print("Running Bazel cquery on api_domain_contribution targets "
               f"in tree rooted at {self.inner_tree}")
         proc = self._run_bazel_cmd(
-            targets=contribution_targets,
+            # cquery raises an error if multiple targets are provided.
+            # Create a union expression instead.
+            targets=[" union ".join(contribution_targets)],
             capture_output=True,  # parse cquery result from stdout
-        )
+            # we just ran bp2build. We can run it in again,
+            # but this adds time.
+            run_bp2build=False,
+           )
         # The cquery response contains a blank line at the end.
         # Remove this before creating the filepaths array.
         filepaths = proc.stdout.decode().rstrip().split("\n")
@@ -223,11 +228,13 @@
                        subcmd: str,
                        targets: List[str],
                        subcmd_options: Tuple[str] = (),
+                       run_bp2build=True,
                        **kwargs) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
         """Runs Bazel subcmd with Multi-tree specific configuration"""
         # TODO (b/244766775): Replace the two discrete cmds once the new
         # b-equivalent entrypoint is available.
-        self._run_bp2build_cmd()
+        if run_bp2build:
+            self._run_bp2build_cmd()
         output_user_root = self._output_user_root()
         cmd = [
             # Android's Bazel-entrypoint. Contains configs like the JDK to use.