blob: e5a033b5eeebeddcfbbfca3055f91e3726621563 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
//go:generate go run testcase/gen_testcase_parse_benchmark.go
// $ go generate
// $ go test -bench .
import (
type Makefile struct {
filename string
stmts []AST
type ifState struct {
ast *IfAST
inElse bool
numNest int
type parser struct {
rd *bufio.Reader
mk Makefile
lineno int
elineno int // lineno == elineno unless there is trailing '\'.
linenoFixed bool
unBuf []byte
hasUnBuf bool
done bool
outStmts *[]AST
ifStack []ifState
inDef []string
numIfNest int
func exists(filename string) bool {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func newParser(rd io.Reader, filename string) *parser {
p := &parser{
rd: bufio.NewReader(rd),
} = filename
p.outStmts = &
return p
func (p *parser) addStatement(ast AST) {
*p.outStmts = append(*p.outStmts, ast)
func (p *parser) readLine() []byte {
if p.hasUnBuf {
p.hasUnBuf = false
return p.unBuf
if !p.linenoFixed {
p.lineno = p.elineno
line, err := p.rd.ReadBytes('\n')
if !p.linenoFixed {
p.elineno = p.lineno
if err == io.EOF {
p.done = true
} else if err != nil {
line = bytes.TrimRight(line, "\r\n")
return line
func removeComment(line []byte) []byte {
var parenStack []byte
for i, ch := range line {
switch ch {
case '(', '{':
parenStack = append(parenStack, ch)
case ')', '}':
if len(parenStack) > 0 {
parenStack = parenStack[:len(parenStack)-1]
case '#':
if len(parenStack) == 0 {
return line[:i]
return line
func (p *parser) processMakefileLine(line []byte) []byte {
// TODO: Handle \\ at the end of the line?
for len(line) > 0 && line[len(line)-1] == '\\' {
line = line[:len(line)-1]
lineno := p.lineno
nline := p.readLine()
p.lineno = lineno
line = append(line, nline...)
return removeComment(line)
func (p *parser) processRecipeLine(line []byte) []byte {
// TODO: Handle \\ at the end of the line?
for len(line) > 0 && line[len(line)-1] == '\\' {
line = append(line, '\n')
lineno := p.lineno
nline := p.readLine()
p.lineno = lineno
line = append(line, nline...)
return line
func (p *parser) unreadLine(line []byte) {
if p.hasUnBuf {
panic("unreadLine twice!")
p.unBuf = line
p.hasUnBuf = true
func (p *parser) parseAssign(line []byte, sep, esep int) AST {
Log("parseAssign %q op:%q", line, line[sep:esep])
// TODO(ukai): parse expr here.
ast := &AssignAST{
lhs: string(bytes.TrimSpace(line[:sep])),
rhs: string(bytes.TrimLeft(line[esep:], " \t")),
op: string(line[sep:esep]),
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno
return ast
func (p *parser) parseMaybeRule(line string, semicolonIndex int) AST {
if len(strings.TrimSpace(line)) == 0 {
return nil
ast := &MaybeRuleAST{
expr: line,
semicolonIndex: semicolonIndex,
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno
ast.cmdLineno = p.elineno + 1
for {
line := p.readRecipeLine()
if len(line) == 0 {
} else if line[0] == '\t' {
ast.cmds = append(ast.cmds, string(bytes.TrimLeft(line, " \t")))
} else {
return ast
func (p *parser) parseInclude(line string, oplen int) AST {
// TODO(ukai): parse expr here
ast := &IncludeAST{
expr: line[oplen+1:],
op: line[:oplen],
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno
return ast
func (p *parser) parseIfdef(line string, oplen int) AST {
// TODO(ukai): parse expr here.
ast := &IfAST{
op: line[:oplen],
lhs: line[oplen+1:],
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno
p.ifStack = append(p.ifStack, ifState{ast: ast, numNest: p.numIfNest})
p.outStmts = &ast.trueStmts
return ast
func (p *parser) parseTwoQuotes(s string, op string) ([]string, bool) {
var args []string
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if s == "" {
return nil, false
quote := s[0]
if quote != '\'' && quote != '"' {
return nil, false
end := strings.IndexByte(s[1:], quote) + 1
if end < 0 {
return nil, false
args = append(args, s[1:end])
s = s[end+1:]
if len(s) > 0 {
Error(, p.lineno, `extraneous text after %q directive`, op)
return args, true
// parse
// "(lhs, rhs)"
// "lhs, rhs"
func (p *parser) parseEq(s string, op string) (string, string, bool) {
if s[0] == '(' && s[len(s)-1] == ')' {
s = s[1 : len(s)-1]
term := []byte{','}
in := []byte(s)
v, n, err := parseExpr(in, term)
if err != nil {
return "", "", false
lhs := v.String()
n += skipSpaces(in[n:], nil)
v, n, err = parseExpr(in[n:], nil)
if err != nil {
return "", "", false
rhs := v.String()
return lhs, rhs, true
args, ok := p.parseTwoQuotes(s, op)
if !ok {
return "", "", false
return args[0], args[1], true
func (p *parser) parseIfeq(line string, oplen int) AST {
op := line[:oplen]
lhs, rhs, ok := p.parseEq(strings.TrimSpace(line[oplen+1:]), op)
if !ok {
Error(, p.lineno, `*** invalid syntax in conditional.`)
ast := &IfAST{
op: op,
lhs: lhs,
rhs: rhs,
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno
p.ifStack = append(p.ifStack, ifState{ast: ast, numNest: p.numIfNest})
p.outStmts = &ast.trueStmts
return ast
func (p *parser) checkIfStack(curKeyword string) {
if len(p.ifStack) == 0 {
Error(, p.lineno, `*** extraneous %q.`, curKeyword)
func (p *parser) parseElse(line string) {
state := &p.ifStack[len(p.ifStack)-1]
if state.inElse {
Error(, p.lineno, `*** only one "else" per conditional.`)
state.inElse = true
p.outStmts = &state.ast.falseStmts
nextIf := strings.TrimSpace(line[len("else"):])
if len(nextIf) == 0 {
var ifDirectives = map[string]func(*parser, string){
"ifdef ": ifdefDirective,
"ifndef ": ifndefDirective,
"ifeq ": ifeqDirective,
"ifneq ": ifneqDirective,
p.numIfNest = state.numNest + 1
if p.parseKeywords(nextIf, ifDirectives) {
p.numIfNest = 0
p.numIfNest = 0
WarnNoPrefix(, p.lineno, "extraneous text after `else` directive")
func (p *parser) parseEndif(line string) {
state := p.ifStack[len(p.ifStack)-1]
for t := 0; t <= state.numNest; t++ {
p.ifStack = p.ifStack[0 : len(p.ifStack)-1]
if len(p.ifStack) == 0 {
p.outStmts = &
} else {
state := p.ifStack[len(p.ifStack)-1]
if state.inElse {
p.outStmts = &state.ast.falseStmts
} else {
p.outStmts = &state.ast.trueStmts
var makeDirectives = map[string]func(*parser, string){
"include ": includeDirective,
"-include ": sincludeDirective,
"sinclude": sincludeDirective,
"ifdef ": ifdefDirective,
"ifndef ": ifndefDirective,
"ifeq ": ifeqDirective,
"ifneq ": ifneqDirective,
"else": elseDirective,
"endif": endifDirective,
"define ": defineDirective,
func (p *parser) parseKeywords(line string, directives map[string]func(*parser, string)) bool {
stripped := strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t")
for prefix, f := range directives {
if strings.HasPrefix(stripped, prefix) {
f(p, stripped)
return true
return false
func (p *parser) isDirective(line string, directives map[string]func(*parser, string)) bool {
stripped := strings.TrimLeft(line, " \t")
for prefix, _ := range directives {
if strings.HasPrefix(stripped, prefix) {
return true
return false
func includeDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.addStatement(p.parseInclude(line, len("include")))
func sincludeDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.addStatement(p.parseInclude(line, len("-include")))
func ifdefDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.parseIfdef(line, len("ifdef"))
func ifndefDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.parseIfdef(line, len("ifndef"))
func ifeqDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.parseIfeq(line, len("ifeq"))
func ifneqDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.parseIfeq(line, len("ifneq"))
func elseDirective(p *parser, line string) {
func endifDirective(p *parser, line string) {
func defineDirective(p *parser, line string) {
p.inDef = []string{strings.TrimLeft(line[len("define "):], " \t")}
func (p *parser) parse() (mk Makefile, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("panic: %v", r)
for !p.done {
line := p.readLine()
if len(bytes.TrimSpace(line)) == 0 {
if len(p.inDef) > 0 {
line = p.processMakefileLine(line)
if strings.TrimLeft(string(line), " ") == "endef" {
Log("multilineAssign %q", p.inDef)
ast := &AssignAST{
lhs: p.inDef[0],
rhs: strings.Join(p.inDef[1:], "\n"),
op: "=",
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno - len(p.inDef)
p.inDef = nil
p.inDef = append(p.inDef, string(line))
if p.isDirective(string(line), makeDirectives) {
line = p.processMakefileLine(line)
p.parseKeywords(string(line), makeDirectives)
if line[0] == '\t' {
ast := &CommandAST{cmd: string(p.processRecipeLine(line[1:]))}
ast.filename =
ast.lineno = p.lineno
line = p.processMakefileLine(line)
var ast AST
var parenStack []byte
semicolonIndex := -1
isRule := false
for i, ch := range line {
switch ch {
case '(', '{':
parenStack = append(parenStack, ch)
case ')', '}':
if len(parenStack) == 0 {
Warn(, p.lineno, "Unmatched parens: %s", line)
} else {
parenStack = parenStack[:len(parenStack)-1]
if len(parenStack) > 0 {
switch ch {
case ':':
if i+1 < len(line) && line[i+1] == '=' {
ast = p.parseAssign(line, i, i+2)
} else {
isRule = true
case ';':
semicolonIndex = i
case '=':
if !isRule {
ast = p.parseAssign(line, i, i+1)
case '?', '+':
if !isRule && i+1 < len(line) && line[i+1] == '=' {
ast = p.parseAssign(line, i, i+2)
if ast != nil {
if ast == nil {
ast = p.parseMaybeRule(string(line), semicolonIndex)
if ast != nil {
return, nil
func ParseMakefile(filename string) (Makefile, error) {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return Makefile{}, err
defer f.Close()
parser := newParser(f, filename)
return parser.parse()
func ParseDefaultMakefile() (Makefile, error) {
candidates := []string{"GNUmakefile", "makefile", "Makefile"}
for _, filename := range candidates {
if exists(filename) {
return ParseMakefile(filename)
return Makefile{}, errors.New("no targets specified and no makefile found.")
func parseMakefileReader(rd io.Reader, name string, lineno int) (Makefile, error) {
parser := newParser(rd, name)
parser.lineno = lineno
parser.elineno = lineno
parser.linenoFixed = true
return parser.parse()
func ParseMakefileString(s string, name string, lineno int) (Makefile, error) {
return parseMakefileReader(strings.NewReader(s), name, lineno)
func ParseMakefileBytes(s []byte, name string, lineno int) (Makefile, error) {
return parseMakefileReader(bytes.NewReader(s), name, lineno)