blob: ca29c8d1dc5dc958c7d18170251eb363cd12266c [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
type Executor struct {
rules map[string]*Rule
implicitRules []*Rule
suffixRules map[string][]*Rule
firstRule *Rule
shell string
vars Vars
// target -> Job, nil means the target is currently being processed.
done map[string]*Job
wm *WorkerManager
currentOutput string
currentInputs []string
currentStem string
trace []string
buildCnt int
alreadyDoneCnt int
noRuleCnt int
upToDateCnt int
runCommandCnt int
type AutoVar struct{ ex *Executor }
func (v AutoVar) Flavor() string { return "undefined" }
func (v AutoVar) Origin() string { return "automatic" }
func (v AutoVar) IsDefined() bool { panic("not implemented") }
func (v AutoVar) String() string { panic("not implemented") }
func (v AutoVar) Append(*Evaluator, string) Var {
panic("must not be called")
func (v AutoVar) AppendVar(*Evaluator, Var) Var {
panic("must not be called")
type AutoAtVar struct{ AutoVar }
func (v AutoAtVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
fmt.Fprint(w, v.ex.currentOutput)
type AutoLessVar struct{ AutoVar }
func (v AutoLessVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
if len(v.ex.currentInputs) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(w, v.ex.currentInputs[0])
type AutoHatVar struct{ AutoVar }
func (v AutoHatVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
var uniqueInputs []string
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, input := range v.ex.currentInputs {
if !seen[input] {
seen[input] = true
uniqueInputs = append(uniqueInputs, input)
fmt.Fprint(w, strings.Join(uniqueInputs, " "))
type AutoPlusVar struct{ AutoVar }
func (v AutoPlusVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
fmt.Fprint(w, strings.Join(v.ex.currentInputs, " "))
type AutoStarVar struct{ AutoVar }
func (v AutoStarVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
// TODO: Use currentStem. See
fmt.Fprint(w, stripExt(v.ex.currentOutput))
type AutoSuffixDVar struct {
v Var
func (v AutoSuffixDVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
v.v.Eval(&buf, ev)
for i, tok := range splitSpaces(buf.String()) {
if i > 0 {
w.Write([]byte{' '})
fmt.Fprint(w, filepath.Dir(tok))
type AutoSuffixFVar struct {
v Var
func (v AutoSuffixFVar) Eval(w io.Writer, ev *Evaluator) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
v.v.Eval(&buf, ev)
for i, tok := range splitSpaces(buf.String()) {
if i > 0 {
w.Write([]byte{' '})
fmt.Fprint(w, filepath.Base(tok))
// TODO(ukai): use time.Time?
func getTimestamp(filename string) int64 {
st, err := os.Stat(filename)
if err != nil {
return -2
return st.ModTime().Unix()
func (ex *Executor) makeJobs(n *DepNode, neededBy *Job) error {
output := n.Output
if neededBy != nil {
Log("MakeJob: %s for %s", output, neededBy.n.Output)
if ex.buildCnt%100 == 0 {
j, present := ex.done[output]
if present {
if j == nil {
if !n.IsPhony {
fmt.Printf("Circular %s <- %s dependency dropped.\n", neededBy.n.Output, output)
} else {
Log("Building: %s already done: %d", output, j.outputTs)
if neededBy != nil {
j.parents = append(j.parents, neededBy)
if neededBy != nil {
return nil
j = &Job{
n: n,
ex: ex,
numDeps: len(n.Deps),
depsTs: int64(-1),
if neededBy != nil {
j.parents = append(j.parents, neededBy)
ex.done[output] = nil
for _, d := range n.Deps {
if d.IsOrderOnly && exists(d.Output) {
ex.trace = append(ex.trace, d.Output)
err := ex.makeJobs(d, j)
ex.trace = ex.trace[0 : len(ex.trace)-1]
if err != nil {
return err
ex.done[output] = j
return nil
func (ex *Executor) reportStats() {
if !katiLogFlag && !katiStatsFlag {
LogStats("build=%d alreadyDone=%d noRule=%d, upToDate=%d runCommand=%d",
ex.buildCnt, ex.alreadyDoneCnt, ex.noRuleCnt, ex.upToDateCnt, ex.runCommandCnt)
if len(ex.trace) > 1 {
LogStats("trace=%q", ex.trace)
func NewExecutor(vars Vars) *Executor {
ex := &Executor{
rules: make(map[string]*Rule),
suffixRules: make(map[string][]*Rule),
done: make(map[string]*Job),
vars: vars,
wm: NewWorkerManager(),
// TODO: We should move this to somewhere around evalCmd so that
// we can handle SHELL in target specific variables.
shellVar := ex.vars.Lookup("SHELL") = shellVar.String()
for k, v := range map[string]Var{
"@": AutoAtVar{AutoVar: AutoVar{ex: ex}},
"<": AutoLessVar{AutoVar: AutoVar{ex: ex}},
"^": AutoHatVar{AutoVar: AutoVar{ex: ex}},
"+": AutoPlusVar{AutoVar: AutoVar{ex: ex}},
"*": AutoStarVar{AutoVar: AutoVar{ex: ex}},
} {
ex.vars[k] = v
ex.vars[k+"D"] = AutoSuffixDVar{v: v}
ex.vars[k+"F"] = AutoSuffixFVar{v: v}
return ex
func (ex *Executor) Exec(roots []*DepNode) error {
for _, root := range roots {
ex.makeJobs(root, nil)
return nil