blob: 81dafc941fb0e7b8924392a63ed055bf241e073a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
var errTooManyErrors = errors.New("too many errors")
const maxErrors = 1
const default_select_branch_name = "__soong_conditions_default__"
type ParseError struct {
Err error
Pos scanner.Position
func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", e.Pos, e.Err)
type File struct {
Name string
Defs []Definition
Comments []*CommentGroup
func (f *File) Pos() scanner.Position {
return scanner.Position{
Filename: f.Name,
Line: 1,
Column: 1,
Offset: 0,
func (f *File) End() scanner.Position {
if len(f.Defs) > 0 {
return f.Defs[len(f.Defs)-1].End()
return noPos
func parse(p *parser) (file *File, errs []error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if r == errTooManyErrors {
errs = p.errors
defs := p.parseDefinitions()
errs = p.errors
comments := p.comments
return &File{
Name: p.scanner.Filename,
Defs: defs,
Comments: comments,
}, errs
func ParseAndEval(filename string, r io.Reader, scope *Scope) (file *File, errs []error) {
p := newParser(r, scope)
p.eval = true
p.scanner.Filename = filename
return parse(p)
func Parse(filename string, r io.Reader, scope *Scope) (file *File, errs []error) {
p := newParser(r, scope)
p.scanner.Filename = filename
return parse(p)
func ParseExpression(r io.Reader) (value Expression, errs []error) {
p := newParser(r, NewScope(nil))
value = p.parseExpression()
errs = p.errors
type parser struct {
scanner scanner.Scanner
tok rune
errors []error
scope *Scope
comments []*CommentGroup
eval bool
func newParser(r io.Reader, scope *Scope) *parser {
p := &parser{}
p.scope = scope
p.scanner.Error = func(sc *scanner.Scanner, msg string) {
p.scanner.Mode = scanner.ScanIdents | scanner.ScanInts | scanner.ScanStrings |
scanner.ScanRawStrings | scanner.ScanComments
return p
func (p *parser) error(err error) {
pos := p.scanner.Position
if !pos.IsValid() {
pos = p.scanner.Pos()
err = &ParseError{
Err: err,
Pos: pos,
p.errors = append(p.errors, err)
if len(p.errors) >= maxErrors {
func (p *parser) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
p.error(fmt.Errorf(format, args...))
func (p *parser) accept(toks ...rune) bool {
for _, tok := range toks {
if p.tok != tok {
p.errorf("expected %s, found %s", scanner.TokenString(tok),
return false
return true
func (p *parser) next() {
if p.tok != scanner.EOF {
p.tok = p.scanner.Scan()
if p.tok == scanner.Comment {
var comments []*Comment
for p.tok == scanner.Comment {
lines := strings.Split(p.scanner.TokenText(), "\n")
if len(comments) > 0 && p.scanner.Position.Line > comments[len(comments)-1].End().Line+1 {
p.comments = append(p.comments, &CommentGroup{Comments: comments})
comments = nil
comments = append(comments, &Comment{lines, p.scanner.Position})
p.tok = p.scanner.Scan()
p.comments = append(p.comments, &CommentGroup{Comments: comments})
func (p *parser) parseDefinitions() (defs []Definition) {
for {
switch p.tok {
case scanner.Ident:
ident := p.scanner.TokenText()
pos := p.scanner.Position
switch p.tok {
case '+':
defs = append(defs, p.parseAssignment(ident, pos, "+="))
case '=':
defs = append(defs, p.parseAssignment(ident, pos, "="))
case '{', '(':
defs = append(defs, p.parseModule(ident, pos))
p.errorf("expected \"=\" or \"+=\" or \"{\" or \"(\", found %s",
case scanner.EOF:
p.errorf("expected assignment or module definition, found %s",
func (p *parser) parseAssignment(name string, namePos scanner.Position,
assigner string) (assignment *Assignment) {
// These are used as keywords in select statements, prevent making variables
// with the same name to avoid any confusion.
switch name {
case "default", "unset":
p.errorf("'default' and 'unset' are reserved keywords, and cannot be used as variable names")
return nil
assignment = new(Assignment)
pos := p.scanner.Position
if !p.accept('=') {
value := p.parseExpression()
assignment.Name = name
assignment.NamePos = namePos
assignment.Value = value
assignment.OrigValue = value
assignment.EqualsPos = pos
assignment.Assigner = assigner
if p.scope != nil {
if assigner == "+=" {
if old, local := p.scope.Get(assignment.Name); old == nil {
p.errorf("modified non-existent variable %q with +=", assignment.Name)
} else if !local {
p.errorf("modified non-local variable %q with +=", assignment.Name)
} else if old.Referenced {
p.errorf("modified variable %q with += after referencing", assignment.Name)
} else {
val, err := p.evaluateOperator(old.Value, assignment.Value, '+', assignment.EqualsPos)
if err != nil {
} else {
old.Value = val
} else {
err := p.scope.Add(assignment)
if err != nil {
func (p *parser) parseModule(typ string, typPos scanner.Position) *Module {
compat := false
lbracePos := p.scanner.Position
if p.tok == '{' {
compat = true
if !p.accept(p.tok) {
return nil
properties := p.parsePropertyList(true, compat)
rbracePos := p.scanner.Position
if !compat {
} else {
return &Module{
Type: typ,
TypePos: typPos,
Map: Map{
Properties: properties,
LBracePos: lbracePos,
RBracePos: rbracePos,
func (p *parser) parsePropertyList(isModule, compat bool) (properties []*Property) {
for p.tok == scanner.Ident {
property := p.parseProperty(isModule, compat)
// If a property is set to an empty select or a select where all branches are "unset",
// skip emitting the property entirely.
if property.Value.Type() != UnsetType {
properties = append(properties, property)
if p.tok != ',' {
// There was no comma, so the list is done.
func (p *parser) parseProperty(isModule, compat bool) (property *Property) {
property = new(Property)
name := p.scanner.TokenText()
namePos := p.scanner.Position
pos := p.scanner.Position
if isModule {
if compat {
if !p.accept(':') {
} else {
if !p.accept('=') {
} else {
if !p.accept(':') {
value := p.parseExpression()
property.Name = name
property.NamePos = namePos
property.Value = value
property.ColonPos = pos
func (p *parser) parseExpression() (value Expression) {
value = p.parseValue()
switch p.tok {
case '+':
return p.parseOperator(value)
case '-':
p.errorf("subtraction not supported: %s", p.scanner.String())
return value
return value
func (p *parser) evaluateOperator(value1, value2 Expression, operator rune,
pos scanner.Position) (Expression, error) {
if value1.Type() == UnsetType {
return value2, nil
if value2.Type() == UnsetType {
return value1, nil
value := value1
if p.eval {
e1 := value1.Eval()
e2 := value2.Eval()
if e1.Type() != e2.Type() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched type in operator %c: %s != %s", operator,
e1.Type(), e2.Type())
if _, ok := e1.(*Select); !ok {
if _, ok := e2.(*Select); ok {
// Promote e1 to a select so we can add e2 to it
e1 = &Select{
Cases: []*SelectCase{{
Value: e1,
ExpressionType: e1.Type(),
value = e1.Copy()
switch operator {
case '+':
switch v := value.(type) {
case *String:
v.Value += e2.(*String).Value
case *Int64:
v.Value += e2.(*Int64).Value
v.Token = ""
case *List:
v.Values = append(v.Values, e2.(*List).Values...)
case *Map:
var err error
v.Properties, err = p.addMaps(v.Properties, e2.(*Map).Properties, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case *Select:
v.Append = e2
return nil, fmt.Errorf("operator %c not supported on type %s", operator, v.Type())
panic("unknown operator " + string(operator))
return &Operator{
Args: [2]Expression{value1, value2},
Operator: operator,
OperatorPos: pos,
Value: value,
}, nil
func (p *parser) addMaps(map1, map2 []*Property, pos scanner.Position) ([]*Property, error) {
ret := make([]*Property, 0, len(map1))
inMap1 := make(map[string]*Property)
inMap2 := make(map[string]*Property)
inBoth := make(map[string]*Property)
for _, prop1 := range map1 {
inMap1[prop1.Name] = prop1
for _, prop2 := range map2 {
inMap2[prop2.Name] = prop2
if _, ok := inMap1[prop2.Name]; ok {
inBoth[prop2.Name] = prop2
for _, prop1 := range map1 {
if prop2, ok := inBoth[prop1.Name]; ok {
var err error
newProp := *prop1
newProp.Value, err = p.evaluateOperator(prop1.Value, prop2.Value, '+', pos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, &newProp)
} else {
ret = append(ret, prop1)
for _, prop2 := range map2 {
if _, ok := inBoth[prop2.Name]; !ok {
ret = append(ret, prop2)
return ret, nil
func (p *parser) parseOperator(value1 Expression) Expression {
operator := p.tok
pos := p.scanner.Position
value2 := p.parseExpression()
value, err := p.evaluateOperator(value1, value2, operator, pos)
if err != nil {
return nil
return value
func (p *parser) parseValue() (value Expression) {
switch p.tok {
case scanner.Ident:
switch text := p.scanner.TokenText(); text {
case "true", "false":
return p.parseBoolean()
case "select":
return p.parseSelect()
return p.parseVariable()
case '-', scanner.Int: // Integer might have '-' sign ahead ('+' is only treated as operator now)
return p.parseIntValue()
case scanner.String, scanner.RawString:
return p.parseStringValue()
case '[':
return p.parseListValue()
case '{':
return p.parseMapValue()
p.errorf("expected bool, list, or string value; found %s",
func (p *parser) parseBoolean() Expression {
switch text := p.scanner.TokenText(); text {
case "true", "false":
result := &Bool{
LiteralPos: p.scanner.Position,
Value: text == "true",
Token: text,
return result
p.errorf("Expected true/false, got %q", text)
return nil
func (p *parser) parseVariable() Expression {
var value Expression
text := p.scanner.TokenText()
if p.eval {
if assignment, local := p.scope.Get(text); assignment == nil {
p.errorf("variable %q is not set", text)
} else {
if local {
assignment.Referenced = true
value = assignment.Value
} else {
value = &NotEvaluated{}
value = &Variable{
Name: text,
NamePos: p.scanner.Position,
Value: value,
return value
func (p *parser) parseSelect() Expression {
result := &Select{
KeywordPos: p.scanner.Position,
// Read the "select("
if !p.accept('(') {
return nil
// If we see another '(', there's probably multiple conditions and there must
// be a ')' after. Set the multipleConditions variable to remind us to check for
// the ')' after.
multipleConditions := false
if p.tok == '(' {
multipleConditions = true
// Read all individual conditions
conditions := []ConfigurableCondition{}
for first := true; first || multipleConditions; first = false {
condition := ConfigurableCondition{
position: p.scanner.Position,
FunctionName: p.scanner.TokenText(),
if !p.accept(scanner.Ident) {
return nil
if !p.accept('(') {
return nil
for p.tok != ')' {
if s := p.parseStringValue(); s != nil {
condition.Args = append(condition.Args, *s)
} else {
return nil
if p.tok == ')' {
if !p.accept(',') {
return nil
for _, c := range conditions {
if c.Equals(condition) {
p.errorf("Duplicate select condition found: %s", c.String())
conditions = append(conditions, condition)
if multipleConditions {
if p.tok == ')' {
if !p.accept(',') {
return nil
// Retry the closing parent to allow for a trailing comma
if p.tok == ')' {
if multipleConditions && len(conditions) < 2 {
p.errorf("Expected multiple select conditions due to the extra parenthesis, but only found 1. Please remove the extra parenthesis.")
return nil
result.Conditions = conditions
if !p.accept(',') {
return nil
result.LBracePos = p.scanner.Position
if !p.accept('{') {
return nil
parseOnePattern := func() Expression {
switch p.tok {
case scanner.Ident:
switch p.scanner.TokenText() {
case "default":
return &String{
LiteralPos: p.scanner.Position,
Value: default_select_branch_name,
case "true":
return &Bool{
LiteralPos: p.scanner.Position,
Value: true,
case "false":
return &Bool{
LiteralPos: p.scanner.Position,
Value: false,
p.errorf("Expted a string, true, false, or default, got %s", p.scanner.TokenText())
case scanner.String:
if s := p.parseStringValue(); s != nil {
if strings.HasPrefix(s.Value, "__soong") {
p.errorf("select branch conditions starting with __soong are reserved for internal use")
return nil
return s
p.errorf("Expted a string, true, false, or default, got %s", p.scanner.TokenText())
return nil
hasNonUnsetValue := false
for p.tok != '}' {
c := &SelectCase{}
if multipleConditions {
if !p.accept('(') {
return nil
for i := 0; i < len(conditions); i++ {
if p := parseOnePattern(); p != nil {
c.Patterns = append(c.Patterns, p)
} else {
return nil
if i < len(conditions)-1 {
if !p.accept(',') {
return nil
} else if p.tok == ',' {
// allow optional trailing comma
if !p.accept(')') {
return nil
} else {
if p := parseOnePattern(); p != nil {
c.Patterns = append(c.Patterns, p)
} else {
return nil
c.ColonPos = p.scanner.Position
if !p.accept(':') {
return nil
if p.tok == scanner.Ident && p.scanner.TokenText() == "unset" {
c.Value = UnsetProperty{Position: p.scanner.Position}
} else {
hasNonUnsetValue = true
c.Value = p.parseExpression()
if !p.accept(',') {
return nil
result.Cases = append(result.Cases, c)
// If all branches have the value "unset", then this is equivalent
// to an empty select.
if !hasNonUnsetValue {
p.errorf("This select statement is empty, remove it")
return nil
patternsEqual := func(a, b Expression) bool {
switch a2 := a.(type) {
case *String:
if b2, ok := b.(*String); ok {
return a2.Value == b2.Value
} else {
return false
case *Bool:
if b2, ok := b.(*Bool); ok {
return a2.Value == b2.Value
} else {
return false
// true so that we produce an error in this unexpected scenario
return true
patternListsEqual := func(a, b []Expression) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if !patternsEqual(a[i], b[i]) {
return false
return true
for i, c := range result.Cases {
// Check for duplicates
for _, d := range result.Cases[i+1:] {
if patternListsEqual(c.Patterns, d.Patterns) {
p.errorf("Found duplicate select patterns: %v", c.Patterns)
return nil
// Check that the only all-default cases is the last one
if i < len(result.Cases)-1 {
isAllDefault := true
for _, x := range c.Patterns {
if x2, ok := x.(*String); !ok || x2.Value != default_select_branch_name {
isAllDefault = false
if isAllDefault {
p.errorf("Found a default select branch at index %d, expected it to be last (index %d)", i, len(result.Cases)-1)
return nil
ty := UnsetType
for _, c := range result.Cases {
otherTy := c.Value.Type()
// Any other type can override UnsetType
if ty == UnsetType {
ty = otherTy
if otherTy != UnsetType && otherTy != ty {
p.errorf("Found select statement with differing types %q and %q in its cases", ty.String(), otherTy.String())
return nil
result.ExpressionType = ty
result.RBracePos = p.scanner.Position
if !p.accept('}') {
return nil
if !p.accept(')') {
return nil
return result
func (p *parser) parseStringValue() *String {
str, err := strconv.Unquote(p.scanner.TokenText())
if err != nil {
p.errorf("couldn't parse string: %s", err)
return nil
value := &String{
LiteralPos: p.scanner.Position,
Value: str,
return value
func (p *parser) parseIntValue() *Int64 {
var str string
literalPos := p.scanner.Position
if p.tok == '-' {
str += string(p.tok)
if p.tok != scanner.Int {
p.errorf("expected int; found %s", scanner.TokenString(p.tok))
return nil
str += p.scanner.TokenText()
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
p.errorf("couldn't parse int: %s", err)
return nil
value := &Int64{
LiteralPos: literalPos,
Value: i,
Token: str,
return value
func (p *parser) parseListValue() *List {
lBracePos := p.scanner.Position
if !p.accept('[') {
return nil
var elements []Expression
for p.tok != ']' {
element := p.parseExpression()
elements = append(elements, element)
if p.tok != ',' {
// There was no comma, so the list is done.
rBracePos := p.scanner.Position
return &List{
LBracePos: lBracePos,
RBracePos: rBracePos,
Values: elements,
func (p *parser) parseMapValue() *Map {
lBracePos := p.scanner.Position
if !p.accept('{') {
return nil
properties := p.parsePropertyList(false, false)
rBracePos := p.scanner.Position
return &Map{
LBracePos: lBracePos,
RBracePos: rBracePos,
Properties: properties,
type Scope struct {
vars map[string]*Assignment
inheritedVars map[string]*Assignment
func NewScope(s *Scope) *Scope {
newScope := &Scope{
vars: make(map[string]*Assignment),
inheritedVars: make(map[string]*Assignment),
if s != nil {
for k, v := range s.vars {
newScope.inheritedVars[k] = v
for k, v := range s.inheritedVars {
newScope.inheritedVars[k] = v
return newScope
func (s *Scope) Add(assignment *Assignment) error {
if old, ok := s.vars[assignment.Name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("variable already set, previous assignment: %s", old)
if old, ok := s.inheritedVars[assignment.Name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("variable already set in inherited scope, previous assignment: %s", old)
s.vars[assignment.Name] = assignment
return nil
func (s *Scope) Remove(name string) {
delete(s.vars, name)
delete(s.inheritedVars, name)
func (s *Scope) Get(name string) (*Assignment, bool) {
if a, ok := s.vars[name]; ok {
return a, true
if a, ok := s.inheritedVars[name]; ok {
return a, false
return nil, false
func (s *Scope) String() string {
vars := []string{}
for k := range s.vars {
vars = append(vars, k)
for k := range s.inheritedVars {
vars = append(vars, k)
ret := []string{}
for _, v := range vars {
if assignment, ok := s.vars[v]; ok {
ret = append(ret, assignment.String())
} else {
ret = append(ret, s.inheritedVars[v].String())
return strings.Join(ret, "\n")