blob: 931cfddb4e3d1cc5e14b9894afde219bdf1d3467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package proptools
import (
var validUnpackTestCases = []struct {
input string
output []interface{}
empty []interface{}
errs []error
input: `
m {
s: "abc",
blank: "",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
S *string
Blank *string
Unset *string
S: StringPtr("abc"),
Blank: StringPtr(""),
Unset: nil,
input: `
m {
s: "abc",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
S string
S: "abc",
input: `
m {
isGood: true,
output: []interface{}{
struct {
IsGood bool
IsGood: true,
input: `
m {
isGood: true,
isBad: false,
output: []interface{}{
struct {
IsGood *bool
IsBad *bool
IsUgly *bool
IsGood: BoolPtr(true),
IsBad: BoolPtr(false),
IsUgly: nil,
input: `
m {
stuff: ["asdf", "jkl;", "qwert",
"uiop", "bnm,"],
empty: []
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Stuff []string
Empty []string
Nil []string
NonString []struct{ S string } `blueprint:"mutated"`
Stuff: []string{"asdf", "jkl;", "qwert", "uiop", "bnm,"},
Empty: []string{},
Nil: nil,
NonString: nil,
input: `
m {
nested: {
s: "abc",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested struct {
S string
Nested: struct{ S string }{
S: "abc",
input: `
m {
nested: {
s: "def",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested interface{}
Nested: &struct{ S string }{
S: "def",
input: `
m {
nested: {
foo: "abc",
bar: false,
baz: ["def", "ghi"],
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested struct {
Foo string
Bar bool
Baz []string
Nested: struct{ Foo string }{
Foo: "abc",
Bar: false,
Baz: []string{"def", "ghi"},
input: `
m {
nested: {
foo: "abc",
bar: false,
baz: ["def", "ghi"],
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested struct {
Foo string `allowNested:"true"`
} `blueprint:"filter(allowNested:\"true\")"`
Bar bool
Baz []string
Nested: struct {
Foo string `allowNested:"true"`
Foo: "abc",
Bar: false,
Baz: []string{"def", "ghi"},
// Anonymous struct
input: `
m {
s: "abc",
nested: {
s: "def",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested struct {
EmbeddedStruct: EmbeddedStruct{
S: "abc",
Nested: struct {
EmbeddedStruct: EmbeddedStruct{
S: "def",
// Anonymous interface
input: `
m {
s: "abc",
nested: {
s: "def",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested struct {
EmbeddedInterface: &struct{ S string }{
S: "abc",
Nested: struct {
EmbeddedInterface: &struct{ S string }{
S: "def",
// Anonymous struct with name collision
input: `
m {
s: "abc",
nested: {
s: "def",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
S string
Nested struct {
S string
S: "abc",
EmbeddedStruct: EmbeddedStruct{
S: "abc",
Nested: struct {
S string
S: "def",
EmbeddedStruct: EmbeddedStruct{
S: "def",
// Anonymous interface with name collision
input: `
m {
s: "abc",
nested: {
s: "def",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
S string
Nested struct {
S string
S: "abc",
EmbeddedInterface: &struct{ S string }{
S: "abc",
Nested: struct {
S string
S: "def",
EmbeddedInterface: &struct{ S string }{
S: "def",
// Variables
input: `
list = ["abc"]
string = "def"
list_with_variable = [string]
m {
s: string,
list: list,
list2: list_with_variable,
output: []interface{}{
struct {
S string
List []string
List2 []string
S: "def",
List: []string{"abc"},
List2: []string{"def"},
// Multiple property structs
input: `
m {
nested: {
s: "abc",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested struct {
S string
Nested: struct{ S string }{
S: "abc",
struct {
Nested struct {
S string
Nested: struct{ S string }{
S: "abc",
struct {
// Nil pointer to struct
input: `
m {
nested: {
s: "abc",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested *struct {
S string
Nested: &struct{ S string }{
S: "abc",
empty: []interface{}{
&struct {
Nested *struct {
S string
// Interface containing nil pointer to struct
input: `
m {
nested: {
s: "abc",
output: []interface{}{
struct {
Nested interface{}
Nested: &EmbeddedStruct{
S: "abc",
empty: []interface{}{
&struct {
Nested interface{}
Nested: (*EmbeddedStruct)(nil),
// Factory set properties
input: `
m {
string: "abc",
string_ptr: "abc",
bool: false,
bool_ptr: false,
list: ["a", "b", "c"],
output: []interface{}{
struct {
String string
String_ptr *string
Bool bool
Bool_ptr *bool
List []string
String: "012abc",
String_ptr: StringPtr("abc"),
Bool: true,
Bool_ptr: BoolPtr(false),
List: []string{"0", "1", "2", "a", "b", "c"},
empty: []interface{}{
&struct {
String string
String_ptr *string
Bool bool
Bool_ptr *bool
List []string
String: "012",
String_ptr: StringPtr("012"),
Bool: true,
Bool_ptr: BoolPtr(true),
List: []string{"0", "1", "2"},
func TestUnpackProperties(t *testing.T) {
for _, testCase := range validUnpackTestCases {
r := bytes.NewBufferString(testCase.input)
file, errs := parser.ParseAndEval("", r, parser.NewScope(nil))
if len(errs) != 0 {
t.Errorf("test case: %s", testCase.input)
t.Errorf("unexpected parse errors:")
for _, err := range errs {
t.Errorf(" %s", err)
for _, def := range file.Defs {
module, ok := def.(*parser.Module)
if !ok {
var output []interface{}
if len(testCase.empty) > 0 {
output = testCase.empty
} else {
for _, p := range testCase.output {
output = append(output, CloneEmptyProperties(reflect.ValueOf(p)).Interface())
_, errs = UnpackProperties(module.Properties, output...)
if len(errs) != 0 && len(testCase.errs) == 0 {
t.Errorf("test case: %s", testCase.input)
t.Errorf("unexpected unpack errors:")
for _, err := range errs {
t.Errorf(" %s", err)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(errs, testCase.errs) {
t.Errorf("test case: %s", testCase.input)
t.Errorf("incorrect errors:")
t.Errorf(" expected: %+v", testCase.errs)
t.Errorf(" got: %+v", errs)
if len(output) != len(testCase.output) {
t.Fatalf("incorrect number of property structs, expected %d got %d",
len(testCase.output), len(output))
for i := range output {
got := reflect.ValueOf(output[i]).Elem().Interface()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, testCase.output[i]) {
t.Errorf("test case: %s", testCase.input)
t.Errorf("incorrect output:")
t.Errorf(" expected: %+v", testCase.output[i])
t.Errorf(" got: %+v", got)
func mkpos(offset, line, column int) scanner.Position {
return scanner.Position{
Offset: offset,
Line: line,
Column: column,