blob: 031d965a7cf59d8bf59f8f72c592775e3adefa7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package proptools
import (
// ConfigurableOptional is the same as ShallowOptional, but we use this separate
// name to reserve the ability to switch to an alternative implementation later.
type ConfigurableOptional[T any] struct {
shallowOptional optional.ShallowOptional[T]
// IsPresent returns true if the optional contains a value
func (o *ConfigurableOptional[T]) IsPresent() bool {
return o.shallowOptional.IsPresent()
// IsEmpty returns true if the optional does not have a value
func (o *ConfigurableOptional[T]) IsEmpty() bool {
return o.shallowOptional.IsEmpty()
// Get() returns the value inside the optional. It panics if IsEmpty() returns true
func (o *ConfigurableOptional[T]) Get() T {
return o.shallowOptional.Get()
// GetOrDefault() returns the value inside the optional if IsPresent() returns true,
// or the provided value otherwise.
func (o *ConfigurableOptional[T]) GetOrDefault(other T) T {
return o.shallowOptional.GetOrDefault(other)
type ConfigurableElements interface {
string | bool | []string
type ConfigurableEvaluator interface {
EvaluateConfiguration(condition ConfigurableCondition, property string) ConfigurableValue
PropertyErrorf(property, fmt string, args ...interface{})
// configurableMarker is just so that reflection can check type of the first field of
// the struct to determine if it is a configurable struct.
type configurableMarker bool
var configurableMarkerType reflect.Type = reflect.TypeOf((*configurableMarker)(nil)).Elem()
// ConfigurableCondition represents a condition that is being selected on, like
// arch(), os(), soong_config_variable("namespace", "variable"), or other variables.
// It's represented generically as a function name + arguments in blueprint, soong
// interprets the function name and args into specific variable values.
// ConfigurableCondition is treated as an immutable object so that it may be shared
// between different configurable properties.
type ConfigurableCondition struct {
functionName string
args []string
func NewConfigurableCondition(functionName string, args []string) ConfigurableCondition {
return ConfigurableCondition{
functionName: functionName,
args: slices.Clone(args),
func (c ConfigurableCondition) FunctionName() string {
return c.functionName
func (c ConfigurableCondition) NumArgs() int {
return len(c.args)
func (c ConfigurableCondition) Arg(i int) string {
return c.args[i]
func (c *ConfigurableCondition) String() string {
var sb strings.Builder
for i, arg := range c.args {
if i < len(c.args)-1 {
sb.WriteString(", ")
return sb.String()
type configurableValueType int
const (
configurableValueTypeString configurableValueType = iota
func (v *configurableValueType) patternType() configurablePatternType {
switch *v {
case configurableValueTypeString:
return configurablePatternTypeString
case configurableValueTypeBool:
return configurablePatternTypeBool
func (v *configurableValueType) String() string {
switch *v {
case configurableValueTypeString:
return "string"
case configurableValueTypeBool:
return "bool"
case configurableValueTypeUndefined:
return "undefined"
// ConfigurableValue represents the value of a certain condition being selected on.
// This type mostly exists to act as a sum type between string, bool, and undefined.
type ConfigurableValue struct {
typ configurableValueType
stringValue string
boolValue bool
func (c *ConfigurableValue) String() string {
switch c.typ {
case configurableValueTypeString:
return strconv.Quote(c.stringValue)
case configurableValueTypeBool:
if c.boolValue {
return "true"
} else {
return "false"
case configurableValueTypeUndefined:
return "undefined"
func ConfigurableValueString(s string) ConfigurableValue {
return ConfigurableValue{
typ: configurableValueTypeString,
stringValue: s,
func ConfigurableValueBool(b bool) ConfigurableValue {
return ConfigurableValue{
typ: configurableValueTypeBool,
boolValue: b,
func ConfigurableValueUndefined() ConfigurableValue {
return ConfigurableValue{
typ: configurableValueTypeUndefined,
type configurablePatternType int
const (
configurablePatternTypeString configurablePatternType = iota
func (v *configurablePatternType) String() string {
switch *v {
case configurablePatternTypeString:
return "string"
case configurablePatternTypeBool:
return "bool"
case configurablePatternTypeDefault:
return "default"
// ConfigurablePattern represents a concrete value for a ConfigurableCase.
// Currently this just means the value of whatever variable is being looked
// up with the ConfigurableCase, but in the future it may be expanded to
// match multiple values (e.g. ranges of integers like 3..7).
// ConfigurablePattern can represent different types of values, like
// strings vs bools.
// ConfigurablePattern must be immutable so it can be shared between
// different configurable properties.
type ConfigurablePattern struct {
typ configurablePatternType
stringValue string
boolValue bool
func NewStringConfigurablePattern(s string) ConfigurablePattern {
return ConfigurablePattern{
typ: configurablePatternTypeString,
stringValue: s,
func NewBoolConfigurablePattern(b bool) ConfigurablePattern {
return ConfigurablePattern{
typ: configurablePatternTypeBool,
boolValue: b,
func NewDefaultConfigurablePattern() ConfigurablePattern {
return ConfigurablePattern{
typ: configurablePatternTypeDefault,
func (p *ConfigurablePattern) matchesValue(v ConfigurableValue) bool {
if p.typ == configurablePatternTypeDefault {
return true
if v.typ == configurableValueTypeUndefined {
return false
if p.typ != v.typ.patternType() {
return false
switch p.typ {
case configurablePatternTypeString:
return p.stringValue == v.stringValue
case configurablePatternTypeBool:
return p.boolValue == v.boolValue
func (p *ConfigurablePattern) matchesValueType(v ConfigurableValue) bool {
if p.typ == configurablePatternTypeDefault {
return true
if v.typ == configurableValueTypeUndefined {
return true
return p.typ == v.typ.patternType()
// ConfigurableCase represents a set of ConfigurablePatterns
// (exactly 1 pattern per ConfigurableCase), and a value to use
// if all of the patterns are matched.
// ConfigurableCase must be immutable so it can be shared between
// different configurable properties.
type ConfigurableCase[T ConfigurableElements] struct {
patterns []ConfigurablePattern
value *T
type configurableCaseReflection interface {
initialize(patterns []ConfigurablePattern, value interface{})
var _ configurableCaseReflection = &ConfigurableCase[string]{}
func NewConfigurableCase[T ConfigurableElements](patterns []ConfigurablePattern, value *T) ConfigurableCase[T] {
// Clone the values so they can't be modified from soong
patterns = slices.Clone(patterns)
return ConfigurableCase[T]{
patterns: patterns,
value: copyConfiguredValue(value),
func (c *ConfigurableCase[T]) initialize(patterns []ConfigurablePattern, value interface{}) {
c.patterns = patterns
c.value = value.(*T)
// for the given T, return the reflect.type of configurableCase[T]
func configurableCaseType(configuredType reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
// I don't think it's possible to do this generically with go's
// current reflection apis unfortunately
switch configuredType.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return reflect.TypeOf(ConfigurableCase[string]{})
case reflect.Bool:
return reflect.TypeOf(ConfigurableCase[bool]{})
case reflect.Slice:
switch configuredType.Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return reflect.TypeOf(ConfigurableCase[[]string]{})
// for the given T, return the reflect.type of Configurable[T]
func configurableType(configuredType reflect.Type) (reflect.Type, error) {
// I don't think it's possible to do this generically with go's
// current reflection apis unfortunately
switch configuredType.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return reflect.TypeOf(Configurable[string]{}), nil
case reflect.Bool:
return reflect.TypeOf(Configurable[bool]{}), nil
case reflect.Slice:
switch configuredType.Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return reflect.TypeOf(Configurable[[]string]{}), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("configurable structs can only contain strings, bools, or string slices, found %s", configuredType.String())
// Configurable can wrap the type of a blueprint property,
// in order to allow select statements to be used in bp files
// for that property. For example, for the property struct:
// my_props {
// Property_a: string,
// Property_b: Configurable[string],
// }
// property_b can then use select statements:
// my_module {
// property_a: "foo"
// property_b: select(soong_config_variable("my_namespace", "my_variable"), {
// "value_1": "bar",
// "value_2": "baz",
// default: "qux",
// })
// }
// The configurable property holds all the branches of the select
// statement in the bp file. To extract the final value, you must
// call Evaluate() on the configurable property.
// All configurable properties support being unset, so there is
// no need to use a pointer type like Configurable[*string].
type Configurable[T ConfigurableElements] struct {
marker configurableMarker
propertyName string
inner *configurableInner[T]
type configurableInner[T ConfigurableElements] struct {
single singleConfigurable[T]
replace bool
next *configurableInner[T]
// singleConfigurable must be immutable so it can be reused
// between multiple configurables
type singleConfigurable[T ConfigurableElements] struct {
conditions []ConfigurableCondition
cases []ConfigurableCase[T]
// Ignore the warning about the unused marker variable, it's used via reflection
var _ configurableMarker = Configurable[string]{}.marker
func NewConfigurable[T ConfigurableElements](conditions []ConfigurableCondition, cases []ConfigurableCase[T]) Configurable[T] {
for _, c := range cases {
if len(c.patterns) != len(conditions) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("All configurables cases must have as many patterns as the configurable has conditions. Expected: %d, found: %d", len(conditions), len(c.patterns)))
// Clone the slices so they can't be modified from soong
conditions = slices.Clone(conditions)
cases = slices.Clone(cases)
return Configurable[T]{
inner: &configurableInner[T]{
single: singleConfigurable[T]{
conditions: conditions,
cases: cases,
// Get returns the final value for the configurable property.
// A configurable property may be unset, in which case Get will return nil.
func (c *Configurable[T]) Get(evaluator ConfigurableEvaluator) ConfigurableOptional[T] {
result := c.inner.evaluate(c.propertyName, evaluator)
return configuredValuePtrToOptional(result)
// GetOrDefault is the same as Get, but will return the provided default value if the property was unset.
func (c *Configurable[T]) GetOrDefault(evaluator ConfigurableEvaluator, defaultValue T) T {
result := c.inner.evaluate(c.propertyName, evaluator)
if result != nil {
// Copy the result so that it can't be changed from soong
return copyAndDereferenceConfiguredValue(result)
return defaultValue
func (c *configurableInner[T]) evaluate(propertyName string, evaluator ConfigurableEvaluator) *T {
if c == nil {
return nil
if == nil {
return c.single.evaluateNonTransitive(propertyName, evaluator)
if c.replace {
return replaceConfiguredValues(
c.single.evaluateNonTransitive(propertyName, evaluator),, evaluator),
} else {
return appendConfiguredValues(
c.single.evaluateNonTransitive(propertyName, evaluator),, evaluator),
func (c *singleConfigurable[T]) evaluateNonTransitive(propertyName string, evaluator ConfigurableEvaluator) *T {
for i, case_ := range c.cases {
if len(c.conditions) != len(case_.patterns) {
evaluator.PropertyErrorf(propertyName, "Expected each case to have as many patterns as conditions. conditions: %d, len(cases[%d].patterns): %d", len(c.conditions), i, len(case_.patterns))
return nil
if len(c.conditions) == 0 {
if len(c.cases) == 0 {
return nil
} else if len(c.cases) == 1 {
return c.cases[0].value
} else {
evaluator.PropertyErrorf(propertyName, "Expected 0 or 1 branches in an unconfigured select, found %d", len(c.cases))
return nil
values := make([]ConfigurableValue, len(c.conditions))
for i, condition := range c.conditions {
values[i] = evaluator.EvaluateConfiguration(condition, propertyName)
foundMatch := false
nonMatchingIndex := 0
var result *T
for _, case_ := range c.cases {
allMatch := true
for i, pat := range case_.patterns {
if !pat.matchesValueType(values[i]) {
evaluator.PropertyErrorf(propertyName, "Expected all branches of a select on condition %s to have type %s, found %s", c.conditions[i].String(), values[i].typ.String(), pat.typ.String())
return nil
if !pat.matchesValue(values[i]) {
allMatch = false
nonMatchingIndex = i
if allMatch && !foundMatch {
result = case_.value
foundMatch = true
if foundMatch {
return result
evaluator.PropertyErrorf(propertyName, "%s had value %s, which was not handled by the select statement", c.conditions[nonMatchingIndex].String(), values[nonMatchingIndex].String())
return nil
func appendConfiguredValues[T ConfigurableElements](a, b *T) *T {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return nil
switch any(a).(type) {
case *[]string:
var a2 []string
var b2 []string
if a != nil {
a2 = *any(a).(*[]string)
if b != nil {
b2 = *any(b).(*[]string)
result := make([]string, len(a2)+len(b2))
idx := 0
for i := 0; i < len(a2); i++ {
result[idx] = a2[i]
idx += 1
for i := 0; i < len(b2); i++ {
result[idx] = b2[i]
idx += 1
return any(&result).(*T)
case *string:
a := String(any(a).(*string))
b := String(any(b).(*string))
result := a + b
return any(&result).(*T)
case *bool:
// Addition of bools will OR them together. This is inherited behavior
// from how proptools.ExtendBasicType works with non-configurable bools.
result := false
if a != nil {
result = result || *any(a).(*bool)
if b != nil {
result = result || *any(b).(*bool)
return any(&result).(*T)
panic("Should be unreachable")
func replaceConfiguredValues[T ConfigurableElements](a, b *T) *T {
if b != nil {
return b
return a
// configurableReflection is an interface that exposes some methods that are
// helpful when working with reflect.Values of Configurable objects, used by
// the property unpacking code. You can't call unexported methods from reflection,
// (at least without unsafe pointer trickery) so this is the next best thing.
type configurableReflection interface {
setAppend(append any, replace bool, prepend bool)
configuredType() reflect.Type
clone() any
isEmpty() bool
printfInto(value string) error
// Same as configurableReflection, but since initialize needs to take a pointer
// to a Configurable, it was broken out into a separate interface.
type configurablePtrReflection interface {
initialize(propertyName string, conditions []ConfigurableCondition, cases any)
var _ configurableReflection = Configurable[string]{}
var _ configurablePtrReflection = &Configurable[string]{}
func (c *Configurable[T]) initialize(propertyName string, conditions []ConfigurableCondition, cases any) {
c.propertyName = propertyName
c.inner = &configurableInner[T]{
single: singleConfigurable[T]{
conditions: conditions,
cases: cases.([]ConfigurableCase[T]),
func (c Configurable[T]) setAppend(append any, replace bool, prepend bool) {
a := append.(Configurable[T])
if a.inner.isEmpty() {
c.inner.setAppend(a.inner, replace, prepend)
if c.inner == {
panic("pointer loop")
func (c *configurableInner[T]) setAppend(append *configurableInner[T], replace bool, prepend bool) {
if c.isEmpty() {
*c = *append.clone()
} else if prepend {
if replace && c.alwaysHasValue() {
// The current value would always override the prepended value, so don't do anything
// We're going to replace the head node with the one from append, so allocate
// a new one here.
old := &configurableInner[T]{
single: c.single,
replace: c.replace,
*c = *append.clone()
curr := c
for != nil {
curr =
} = old
curr.replace = replace
} else {
// If we're replacing with something that always has a value set,
// we can optimize the code by replacing our entire append chain here.
if replace && append.alwaysHasValue() {
*c = *append.clone()
} else {
curr := c
for != nil {
curr =
} = append.clone()
curr.replace = replace
func (c Configurable[T]) printfInto(value string) error {
return c.inner.printfInto(value)
func (c *configurableInner[T]) printfInto(value string) error {
for c != nil {
if err := c.single.printfInto(value); err != nil {
return err
c =
return nil
func (c *singleConfigurable[T]) printfInto(value string) error {
for _, c := range c.cases {
if c.value == nil {
switch v := any(c.value).(type) {
case *string:
if err := printfIntoString(v, value); err != nil {
return err
case *[]string:
for i := range *v {
if err := printfIntoString(&((*v)[i]), value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func printfIntoString(s *string, configValue string) error {
count := strings.Count(*s, "%")
if count == 0 {
return nil
if count > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("list/value variable properties only support a single '%%'")
if !strings.Contains(*s, "%s") {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported %% in value variable property")
*s = fmt.Sprintf(*s, configValue)
return nil
func (c Configurable[T]) clone() any {
return Configurable[T]{
propertyName: c.propertyName,
inner: c.inner.clone(),
func (c *configurableInner[T]) clone() *configurableInner[T] {
if c == nil {
return nil
return &configurableInner[T]{
// We don't need to clone the singleConfigurable because
// it's supposed to be immutable
single: c.single,
replace: c.replace,
func (c *configurableInner[T]) isEmpty() bool {
if c == nil {
return true
if !c.single.isEmpty() {
return false
func (c Configurable[T]) isEmpty() bool {
return c.inner.isEmpty()
func (c *singleConfigurable[T]) isEmpty() bool {
if c == nil {
return true
if len(c.cases) > 1 {
return false
if len(c.cases) == 1 && c.cases[0].value != nil {
return false
return true
func (c *configurableInner[T]) alwaysHasValue() bool {
for curr := c; curr != nil; curr = {
if curr.single.alwaysHasValue() {
return true
return false
func (c *singleConfigurable[T]) alwaysHasValue() bool {
if len(c.cases) == 0 {
return false
for _, c := range c.cases {
if c.value == nil {
return false
return true
func (c Configurable[T]) configuredType() reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf((*T)(nil)).Elem()
func copyConfiguredValue[T ConfigurableElements](t *T) *T {
if t == nil {
return nil
switch t2 := any(*t).(type) {
case []string:
result := any(slices.Clone(t2)).(T)
return &result
x := *t
return &x
func configuredValuePtrToOptional[T ConfigurableElements](t *T) ConfigurableOptional[T] {
if t == nil {
return ConfigurableOptional[T]{optional.NewShallowOptional(t)}
switch t2 := any(*t).(type) {
case []string:
result := any(slices.Clone(t2)).(T)
return ConfigurableOptional[T]{optional.NewShallowOptional(&result)}
return ConfigurableOptional[T]{optional.NewShallowOptional(t)}
func copyAndDereferenceConfiguredValue[T ConfigurableElements](t *T) T {
switch t2 := any(*t).(type) {
case []string:
return any(slices.Clone(t2)).(T)
return *t
// PrintfIntoConfigurable replaces %s occurrences in strings in Configurable properties
// with the provided string value. It's intention is to support soong config value variables
// on Configurable properties.
func PrintfIntoConfigurable(c any, value string) error {
return c.(configurableReflection).printfInto(value)