blob: 5c6a7bb7993150391663b589e32584e41c44acb1 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
load(":cc_library_static.bzl", "cc_library_static")
load(":generate_toc.bzl", "shared_library_toc", _CcTocInfo = "CcTocInfo")
load(":stl.bzl", "stl_info_from_attr")
load(":stripped_cc_common.bzl", "CcUnstrippedInfo", "stripped_shared_library")
load(":versioned_cc_common.bzl", "versioned_shared_library")
load("//build/bazel/rules/abi:abi_dump.bzl", "AbiDiffInfo", "abi_dump")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_cpp_toolchain")
CcTocInfo = _CcTocInfo
def cc_library_shared(
suffix = "",
# Common arguments between shared_root and the shared library
features = [],
dynamic_deps = [],
implementation_dynamic_deps = [],
linkopts = [],
target_compatible_with = [],
# Ultimately _static arguments for shared_root production
srcs = [],
srcs_c = [],
srcs_as = [],
copts = [],
cppflags = [],
conlyflags = [],
asflags = [],
hdrs = [],
implementation_deps = [],
deps = [],
whole_archive_deps = [],
implementation_whole_archive_deps = [],
system_dynamic_deps = None,
runtime_deps = [],
export_includes = [],
export_absolute_includes = [],
export_system_includes = [],
local_includes = [],
absolute_includes = [],
rtti = False,
use_libcrt = True, # FIXME: Unused below?
stl = "",
cpp_std = "",
c_std = "",
link_crt = True,
additional_linker_inputs = None,
# Purely _shared arguments
strip = {},
# TODO(b/202299295): Handle data attribute.
data = [],
use_version_lib = False,
stubs_symbol_file = None,
inject_bssl_hash = False,
sdk_version = "",
min_sdk_version = "",
abi_checker_enabled = None,
abi_checker_symbol_file = None,
abi_checker_exclude_symbol_versions = [],
abi_checker_exclude_symbol_tags = [],
abi_checker_check_all_apis = False,
abi_checker_diff_flags = [],
native_coverage = True,
tags = [],
fdo_profile = None,
tidy = None,
tidy_checks = None,
tidy_checks_as_errors = None,
tidy_flags = None,
tidy_disabled_srcs = None,
tidy_timeout_srcs = None,
"Bazel macro to correspond with the cc_library_shared Soong module."
# There exist modules named 'libtest_missing_symbol' and
# 'libtest_missing_symbol_root'. Ensure that that the target suffixes are
# sufficiently unique.
shared_root_name = name + "__internal_root"
unstripped_name = name + "_unstripped"
stripped_name = name + "_stripped"
toc_name = name + "_toc"
if system_dynamic_deps == None:
system_dynamic_deps = system_dynamic_deps_defaults
# Force crtbegin and crtend linking unless explicitly disabled (i.e. bionic
# libraries do this)
if link_crt == False:
features = disable_crt_link(features)
if min_sdk_version:
features = features + parse_sdk_version(min_sdk_version) + ["-sdk_version_default"]
if fdo_profile != None:
# FIXME(b/261609769): This is a temporary workaround to add link flags
# that requires the path to fdo profile.
# This workaround is error-prone because it assumes all the fdo_profile
# targets are created in a specific way (e.g. fdo_profile target named foo
# uses an afdo profile file named foo.afdo in the same folder).
fdo_profile_path = fdo_profile + ".afdo"
linkopts = linkopts + [
"-fprofile-sample-use=$(location {})".format(fdo_profile_path),
if additional_linker_inputs != None:
additional_linker_inputs = additional_linker_inputs + [fdo_profile_path]
additional_linker_inputs = [fdo_profile_path]
stl_info = stl_info_from_attr(stl, True)
linkopts = linkopts + stl_info.linkopts
copts = copts + stl_info.cppflags
extra_archive_deps = []
if not native_coverage:
features = features + ["-coverage"]
features = features + select({
"//build/bazel/rules/cc:android_coverage_lib_flag": ["android_coverage_lib"],
"//conditions:default": [],
# TODO(b/233660582): deal with the cases where the default lib shouldn't be used
extra_archive_deps = select({
"//build/bazel/rules/cc:android_coverage_lib_flag": ["//system/extras/toolchain-extras:libprofile-clang-extras"],
"//conditions:default": [],
# The static library at the root of the shared library.
# This may be distinct from the static version of the library if e.g.
# the static-variant srcs are different than the shared-variant srcs.
name = shared_root_name,
hdrs = hdrs,
srcs = srcs,
srcs_c = srcs_c,
srcs_as = srcs_as,
copts = copts,
cppflags = cppflags,
conlyflags = conlyflags,
asflags = asflags,
export_includes = export_includes,
export_absolute_includes = export_absolute_includes,
export_system_includes = export_system_includes,
local_includes = local_includes,
absolute_includes = absolute_includes,
rtti = rtti,
stl = "none",
cpp_std = cpp_std,
c_std = c_std,
dynamic_deps = dynamic_deps,
implementation_deps = implementation_deps + stl_info.static_deps,
implementation_dynamic_deps = implementation_dynamic_deps + stl_info.shared_deps,
implementation_whole_archive_deps = implementation_whole_archive_deps,
system_dynamic_deps = system_dynamic_deps,
deps = deps + whole_archive_deps,
features = features,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
tags = ["manual"],
native_coverage = native_coverage,
tidy = tidy,
tidy_checks = tidy_checks,
tidy_checks_as_errors = tidy_checks_as_errors,
tidy_flags = tidy_flags,
tidy_disabled_srcs = tidy_disabled_srcs,
tidy_timeout_srcs = tidy_timeout_srcs,
sanitizer_deps_name = name + "_sanitizer_deps"
name = sanitizer_deps_name,
dep = shared_root_name,
tags = ["manual"],
# implementation_deps and deps are to be linked into the shared library via
# --no-whole-archive. In order to do so, they need to be dependencies of
# a "root" of the cc_shared_library, but may not be roots themselves.
# Below we define stub roots (which themselves have no srcs) in order to facilitate
# this.
imp_deps_stub = name + "_implementation_deps"
deps_stub = name + "_deps"
name = imp_deps_stub,
deps = (
implementation_deps +
implementation_whole_archive_deps +
stl_info.static_deps +
implementation_dynamic_deps +
system_dynamic_deps +
stl_info.shared_deps +
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
tags = ["manual"],
name = deps_stub,
deps = deps + dynamic_deps,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
tags = ["manual"],
shared_dynamic_deps = add_lists_defaulting_to_none(
soname = name + suffix + ".so"
soname_flag = "-Wl,-soname," + soname
name = unstripped_name,
user_link_flags = linkopts + [soname_flag],
# b/184806113: Note this is a workaround so users don't have to
# declare all transitive static deps used by this target. It'd be great
# if a shared library could declare a transitive exported static dep
# instead of needing to declare each target transitively.
static_deps = ["//:__subpackages__"] + [shared_root_name, imp_deps_stub, deps_stub],
dynamic_deps = shared_dynamic_deps,
additional_linker_inputs = additional_linker_inputs,
roots = [shared_root_name, imp_deps_stub, deps_stub] + whole_archive_deps + extra_archive_deps,
features = features,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
tags = ["manual"],
hashed_name = name + "_hashed"
name = hashed_name,
src = unstripped_name,
inject_bssl_hash = inject_bssl_hash,
tags = ["manual"],
versioned_name = name + "_versioned"
name = versioned_name,
src = hashed_name,
stamp_build_number = use_version_lib,
tags = ["manual"],
name = stripped_name,
src = versioned_name,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
tags = ["manual"],
name = toc_name,
src = stripped_name,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
tags = ["manual"],
# The logic here is based on the shouldCreateSourceAbiDumpForLibrary() in sabi.go
# abi_root is used to control if abi_dump aspects should be run on the static
# deps because there is no way to control the aspects directly from the rule.
abi_root = shared_root_name
# explicitly disabled
if abi_checker_enabled == False:
abi_root = None
elif abi_checker_enabled == True or stubs_symbol_file:
# The logic comes from here:
if not abi_checker_symbol_file and stubs_symbol_file:
abi_checker_symbol_file = stubs_symbol_file
abi_root = None
abi_checker_explicitly_disabled = abi_checker_enabled == False
abi_dump_name = name + "_abi_dump"
name = abi_dump_name,
shared = stripped_name,
root = abi_root,
soname = soname,
has_stubs = stubs_symbol_file != None,
enabled = abi_checker_enabled,
explicitly_disabled = abi_checker_explicitly_disabled,
symbol_file = abi_checker_symbol_file,
exclude_symbol_versions = abi_checker_exclude_symbol_versions,
exclude_symbol_tags = abi_checker_exclude_symbol_tags,
check_all_apis = abi_checker_check_all_apis,
diff_flags = abi_checker_diff_flags,
tags = ["manual"],
name = name,
shared = stripped_name,
shared_debuginfo = unstripped_name,
deps = [shared_root_name],
androidmk_static_deps = deps + stl_info.static_deps,
androidmk_whole_archive_deps = whole_archive_deps,
androidmk_dynamic_deps = dynamic_deps + stl_info.shared_deps,
features = features,
table_of_contents = toc_name,
output_file = soname,
target_compatible_with = target_compatible_with,
has_stubs = stubs_symbol_file != None,
runtime_deps = runtime_deps,
abi_dump = abi_dump_name,
fdo_profile = fdo_profile,
tags = tags,
def _create_dynamic_library_linker_input_for_file(ctx, shared_info, output):
cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
feature_configuration = cc_common.configure_features(
ctx = ctx,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
new_library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
dynamic_library = output,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
new_linker_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = shared_info.linker_input.owner,
libraries = depset([new_library_to_link]),
return new_linker_input
def _correct_cc_shared_library_linking(ctx, shared_info, new_output, static_root):
# we may have done some post-processing of the shared library
# replace the linker_input that has not been post-processed with the
# library that has been post-processed
new_linker_input = _create_dynamic_library_linker_input_for_file(ctx, shared_info, new_output)
# only export the static internal root, we include other libraries as roots
# that should be linked as alwayslink; however, if they remain as exports,
# they will be linked dynamically, not statically when they should be
static_root_label = str(static_root.label)
if static_root_label not in shared_info.exports:
fail("Expected %s in exports %s" % (static_root_label, shared_info.exports))
exports = [static_root_label]
return CcSharedLibraryInfo(
dynamic_deps = shared_info.dynamic_deps,
exports = exports,
link_once_static_libs = shared_info.link_once_static_libs,
linker_input = new_linker_input,
preloaded_deps = shared_info.preloaded_deps,
CcStubLibrariesInfo = provider(
fields = {
"has_stubs": "If the shared library has stubs",
# A provider to propagate shared library output artifacts, primarily useful
# for root level querying in Soong-Bazel mixed builds.
# Ideally, it would be preferable to reuse the existing native
# CcSharedLibraryInfo provider, but that provider requires that shared library
# artifacts are wrapped in a linker input. Artifacts retrievable from this linker
# input are symlinks to the original artifacts, which is problematic when
# other dependencies expect a real file.
CcSharedLibraryOutputInfo = provider(
fields = {
"output_file": "A single .so file, produced by this target.",
def _cc_library_shared_proxy_impl(ctx):
# Using a "deps" label_list instead of a single mandatory label attribute
# is a hack to support aspect propagation of graph_aspect of the native
# cc_shared_library. The aspect will only be applied and propagated along
# a label_list attribute named "deps".
if len(ctx.attr.deps) != 1:
fail("Exactly one 'deps' must be specified for cc_library_shared_proxy")
root_files = ctx.attr.deps[0][DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
shared_files = ctx.attr.shared[0][DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
shared_debuginfo = ctx.attr.shared_debuginfo[0][DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
if len(shared_files) != 1 or len(shared_debuginfo) != 1:
fail("Expected only one shared library file and one debuginfo file for it")
shared_lib = shared_files[0]
abi_diff_files = ctx.attr.abi_dump[AbiDiffInfo].diff_files.to_list()
# Copy the output instead of symlinking. This is because this output
# can be directly installed into a system image; this installation treats
# symlinks differently from real files (symlinks will be preserved relative
# to the image root).
# We need to add the abi dump files to the inputs of this copy action even
# though they are not used, otherwise not all the abi dump files will be
# created. For example, for b build
# packages/modules/adb/pairing_connection:libadb_pairing_server, only
# will be created,
# and will not be. The reason is that
# even though libadb_pairing server depends on libadb_pairing_auth and
# libadb_pairing_connection, the abi dump files are not explicitly used
# by libadb_pairing_server, so bazel won't bother generating them.
inputs = depset(direct = [shared_lib] + abi_diff_files),
outputs = [ctx.outputs.output_file],
command = "cp -f %s %s" % (shared_lib.path, ctx.outputs.output_file.path),
mnemonic = "CopyFile",
progress_message = "Copying files",
use_default_shell_env = True,
files = root_files + [ctx.outputs.output_file, ctx.files.table_of_contents[0]] + abi_diff_files
return [
files = depset(direct = files),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [ctx.outputs.output_file]),
_correct_cc_shared_library_linking(ctx, ctx.attr.shared[0][CcSharedLibraryInfo], ctx.outputs.output_file, ctx.attr.deps[0]),
# The _only_ linker_input is the statically linked root itself. We need to propagate this
# as cc_shared_library identifies which libraries can be linked dynamically based on the
# linker_inputs of the roots
CcStubLibrariesInfo(has_stubs = ctx.attr.has_stubs),
CcSharedLibraryOutputInfo(output_file = ctx.outputs.output_file),
CcUnstrippedInfo(unstripped = shared_debuginfo[0]),
static_deps = ctx.attr.androidmk_static_deps,
whole_archive_deps = ctx.attr.androidmk_whole_archive_deps,
dynamic_deps = ctx.attr.androidmk_dynamic_deps,
_cc_library_shared_proxy = rule(
implementation = _cc_library_shared_proxy_impl,
# Incoming transition to override outgoing transition from rdep
cfg = fdo_profile_transition,
attrs = {
FDO_PROFILE_ATTR: attr.label(),
"shared": attr.label(mandatory = True, providers = [CcSharedLibraryInfo], cfg = fdo_profile_transition),
"shared_debuginfo": attr.label(mandatory = True, cfg = fdo_profile_transition),
# "deps" should be a single element: the root target of the shared library.
# See _cc_library_shared_proxy_impl comment for explanation.
"deps": attr.label_list(mandatory = True, providers = [CcInfo], cfg = fdo_profile_transition),
"output_file": attr.output(mandatory = True),
"table_of_contents": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
# TODO(b/217908237): reenable allow_single_file
# allow_single_file = True,
providers = [CcTocInfo],
cfg = fdo_profile_transition,
"has_stubs": attr.bool(default = False),
# fdo_profile does not get propagated to runtime_deps.
# Hence, fdo_profile_transition does not need to get attached here
"runtime_deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [CcInfo],
doc = "Deps that should be installed along with this target. Read by the apex cc aspect.",
"abi_dump": attr.label(providers = [AbiDiffInfo]),
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
"androidmk_static_deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [CcInfo],
doc = "All the whole archive deps of the lib. This is used to propagate" +
" information to AndroidMk about LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES.",
"androidmk_whole_archive_deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [CcInfo],
doc = "All the whole archive deps of the lib. This is used to propagate" +
" information to AndroidMk about LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES.",
"androidmk_dynamic_deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [CcInfo],
doc = "All the dynamic deps of the lib. This is used to propagate" +
" information to AndroidMk about LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES.",
provides = [CcAndroidMkInfo],
fragments = ["cpp"],
toolchains = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type"],
def _bssl_hash_injection_impl(ctx):
if len(ctx.files.src) != 1:
fail("Expected only one shared library file")
hashed_file = ctx.files.src[0]
if ctx.attr.inject_bssl_hash:
hashed_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("lib" + + ".so")
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add_all(["-in-object", ctx.files.src[0]])
args.add_all(["-o", hashed_file])
inputs = ctx.files.src,
outputs = [hashed_file],
executable = ctx.executable._bssl_inject_hash,
arguments = [args],
tools = [ctx.executable._bssl_inject_hash],
mnemonic = "BsslInjectHash",
return [
DefaultInfo(files = depset([hashed_file])),
_bssl_hash_injection = rule(
implementation = _bssl_hash_injection_impl,
attrs = {
"src": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
# TODO(b/217908237): reenable allow_single_file
# allow_single_file = True,
providers = [CcSharedLibraryInfo],
"inject_bssl_hash": attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = "Whether inject BSSL hash",
"_bssl_inject_hash": attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
doc = "The BSSL hash injection tool.",
executable = True,
default = "//prebuilts/build-tools:linux-x86/bin/bssl_inject_hash",
allow_single_file = True,