Merge "Add output_root_input_dirs to main BUILD file"
diff --git a/bazel.BUILD b/bazel.BUILD
index 7741622..077e585 100644
--- a/bazel.BUILD
+++ b/bazel.BUILD
@@ -19,34 +19,28 @@
     # TODO(b/171012031): Stop hardcoding "out/".
     output_root = "out",
+    # These files are created externally of the Ninja action graph, for
+    # example, when Kati parses the product configuration Make files to
+    # create soong/soong.variables.
+    #
+    # Since these aren't created by actions in the ninja_graph .ninja
+    # inputs, Bazel will fail with missing inputs while executing
+    # ninja_build. output_root_inputs allowlists these files for Bazel to
+    # symlink them into the execution root, treating them as source files
+    # in the output directory (toplevel_output_directories).
     output_root_inputs = [
-	# These files are created externally of the Ninja action graph, for
-	# example, when Kati parses the product configuration Make files to
-	# create soong/soong.variables.
-	#
-	# Since these aren't created by actions in the ninja_graph .ninja
-	# inputs, Bazel will fail with missing inputs while executing
-	# ninja_build. output_root_inputs allowlists these files for Bazel to
-	# symlink them into the execution root, treating them as source files
-	# in the output directory (toplevel_output_directories).
-	"soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build",
-        "soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_env",
-        "soong/.bootstrap/bin/loadplugins",
-        "soong/.minibootstrap/bpglob",
-        "soong/build_number.txt",
-        "soong/soong.variables",
-        "soong/dexpreopt.config",
-        ".module_paths/",
-        ".module_paths/Android.bp.list",
-        ".module_paths/",
-        ".module_paths/",
-        ".module_paths/files.db",
-        ".module_paths/OWNERS.list",
-        ".module_paths/TEST_MAPPING.list",
-        "soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestmain",
-        "soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner",
+        "soong/build_number.txt",
+        "soong/dexpreopt.config",
+        "soong/soong.variables",
+    ],
+    output_root_input_dirs = [
+        "bazel/output/execroot/sourceroot",
+        "bazel/output/execroot/bazel_tools",
+        ".module_paths",
+        "soong/.bootstrap",
+        "soong/.minibootstrap",