blob: 131e643be44261c8a1467566a4a7e21626193665 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for the validate() function."""
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "analysistest")
load(":schema_validation.bzl", "validate")
def _string_comparison_test_impl(ctx):
env = analysistest.begin(ctx)
if ctx.attr.actual != ctx.attr.expected:, "expected '%s' but got '%s'" % (ctx.attr.expected, ctx.attr.actual))
return analysistest.end(env)
_string_comparison_raw_test = analysistest.make(
attrs = {
"actual": attr.string(),
"expected": attr.string(),
def _string_comparison_test(*, name, actual, expected):
name = name,
actual = actual,
expected = expected,
# target_under_test is required but unused
target_under_test = "//build/bazel/utils:always_on_config_setting",
def _test_string_success():
test_name = "test_string_success"
data = "hello, world"
schema = {"type": "string"}
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _choices_success():
test_name = "choices_success"
data = "bar"
schema = {
"type": "string",
"choices": [
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _choices_failure():
test_name = "choices_failure"
data = "qux"
schema = {
"type": "string",
"choices": [
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = 'Expected one of ["foo", "bar", "baz"], got qux',
actual = message,
return test_name
def _value_success():
test_name = "value_success"
data = "bar"
schema = {
"type": "string",
"value": "bar",
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _value_failure():
test_name = "value_failure"
data = "qux"
schema = {
"type": "string",
"value": "bar",
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected bar, got qux",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _length_success():
test_name = "length_success"
data = {
"a": "foo",
"b": "foo",
"c": "foo",
"d": "foo",
"e": "foo",
"f": "foo",
schema = {
"type": "dict",
"required_keys": {
"a": {
"type": "string",
"length": 3,
"b": {
"type": "string",
"length": "<4",
"c": {
"type": "string",
"length": "<=4",
"d": {
"type": "string",
"length": ">2",
"e": {
"type": "string",
"length": ">=2",
"f": {
"type": "string",
"length": "=3",
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _length_failure_1():
test_name = "length_failure_1"
data = "qux"
schema = {
"type": "string",
"length": 4,
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected length 4, got 3",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _length_failure_2():
test_name = "length_failure_2"
data = "qux"
schema = {
"type": "string",
"length": ">3",
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected length >3, got 3",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _test_type_failure():
test_name = "test_type_failure"
data = 5
schema = {"type": "string"}
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected string, got int",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _test_or_success():
test_name = "test_or_success"
data = "hello, world"
schema = {"or": [
{"type": "int"},
{"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _test_or_failure():
test_name = "test_or_failure"
data = 3.5
schema = {"or": [
{"type": "int"},
{"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "did not match any schemas in 'or' list, errors:\n Expected int, got float\n Expected string, got float",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _list_of_strings_success():
test_name = "list_of_strings_success"
data = ["a", "b"]
schema = {
"type": "list",
"of": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _list_of_strings_failure():
test_name = "list_of_strings_failure"
data = ["a", 5, "b"]
schema = {
"type": "list",
"of": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected string, got int",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _tuple_of_strings_success():
test_name = "tuple_of_strings_success"
data = ("a", "b")
schema = {
"type": "tuple",
"of": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _tuple_of_strings_failure():
test_name = "tuple_of_strings_failure"
data = ("a", 5, "b")
schema = {
"type": "tuple",
"of": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected string, got int",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _unique_list_of_strings_success():
test_name = "unique_list_of_strings_success"
data = ["a", "b"]
schema = {
"type": "list",
"of": {"type": "string"},
"unique": True,
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _unique_list_of_strings_failure():
test_name = "unique_list_of_strings_failure"
data = ["a", "b", "a"]
schema = {
"type": "list",
"of": {"type": "string"},
"unique": True,
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "Expected all elements to be unique, but saw 'a' twice",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _dict_success():
test_name = "dict_success"
data = {
"foo": 5,
"bar": "baz",
"qux": 3.5,
schema = {
"type": "dict",
"required_keys": {
"foo": {"type": "int"},
"bar": {"type": "string"},
"optional_keys": {
"qux": {"type": "float"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _dict_missing_required_key():
test_name = "dict_missing_required_key"
data = {
"foo": 5,
schema = {
"type": "dict",
"required_keys": {
"foo": {"type": "int"},
"bar": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "required key 'bar' not found",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _dict_extra_keys():
test_name = "dict_extra_keys"
data = {
"foo": 5,
"bar": "hello",
"baz": 3.5,
schema = {
"type": "dict",
"required_keys": {
"foo": {"type": "int"},
"optional_keys": {
"bar": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = 'keys ["baz"] not allowed, valid keys: ["foo", "bar"]',
actual = message,
return test_name
def _dict_generic_keys_success():
test_name = "dict_generic_keys_success"
data = {
"foo": 5,
"bar": "hello",
schema = {
"type": "dict",
"keys": {"type": "string"},
"values": {
"or": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "int"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _dict_generic_keys_failure():
test_name = "dict_generic_keys_failure"
data = {
"foo": 5,
"bar": "hello",
"baz": 3.5,
schema = {
"type": "dict",
"keys": {"type": "string"},
"values": {
"or": [
{"type": "string"},
{"type": "int"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "did not match any schemas in 'or' list, errors:\n Expected string, got float\n Expected int, got float",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _struct_success():
test_name = "struct_success"
data = struct(
foo = 5,
bar = "baz",
qux = 3.5,
schema = {
"type": "struct",
"required_fields": {
"foo": {"type": "int"},
"bar": {"type": "string"},
"optional_fields": {
"qux": {"type": "float"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _struct_missing_required_field():
test_name = "struct_missing_required_field"
data = struct(
foo = 5,
schema = {
"type": "struct",
"required_fields": {
"foo": {"type": "int"},
"bar": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = "required field 'bar' not found",
actual = message,
return test_name
def _struct_extra_fields():
test_name = "struct_extra_fields"
data = struct(
foo = 5,
bar = "baz",
baz = 3.5,
schema = {
"type": "struct",
"required_fields": {
"foo": {"type": "int"},
"optional_fields": {
"bar": {"type": "string"},
message = validate(data, schema, fail_on_error = False)
name = test_name,
expected = 'fields ["baz"] not allowed, valid keys: ["foo", "bar"]',
actual = message,
return test_name
def schema_validation_test_suite(name):
name = name,
tests = [