blob: 1e24fcbc2e965c4b5845e4811fc38f9223d375b2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -eux
# Verifies that bp2build-generated BUILD files result in successful Bazel
# builds.
# This verification script is designed to be used for continuous integration
# tests, though may also be used for manual developer verification.
# Setup
# Set the test output directories.
AOSP_ROOT="$(dirname $0)/../../.."
OUT_DIR=$(realpath ${OUT_DIR:-${AOSP_ROOT}/out})
if [[ -z ${DIST_DIR+x} ]]; then
echo "DIST_DIR not set. Using ${OUT_DIR}/dist. This should only be used for manual developer testing."
# Before you add flags to this list, cosnider adding it to the "ci" bazelrc
# config instead of this list so that flags are not duplicated between scripts
# and bazelrc, and bazelrc is the Bazel-native way of organizing flags.
source "$(dirname $0)/"
# Build and test targets for device target platform.
# Iterate over various products supported in the platform build.
for arch in arm arm64 x86 x86_64; do
# Re-run product config and bp2build for every TARGET_PRODUCT.
"${AOSP_ROOT}/build/soong/soong_ui.bash" --make-mode BP2BUILD_VERBOSE=1 TARGET_PRODUCT=${product} --skip-soong-tests bp2build dist
# Remove the ninja_build output marker file to communicate to buildbot that this is not a regular Ninja build, and its
# output should not be parsed as such.
rm -f out/ninja_build
# Dist the entire workspace of generated BUILD files, rooted from
# out/soong/bp2build. This is done early so it's available even if
# builds/tests fail. Currently the generated BUILD files can be different
# between products due to Soong plugins and non-deterministic codegeneration.
tar --mtime='1970-01-01' -czf "${DIST_DIR}/bp2build_generated_workspace_${product}.tar.gz" -C out/soong/bp2build .
# Unique output bases per product to help with incremental builds across
# invocations of this script.
# e.g. the second invocation of this script for aosp_x86 would use the output_base
# of aosp_x86 from the first invocation.
# Use a loop to prevent unnecessarily switching --platforms because that drops
# the Bazel analysis cache.
# 1. Build every target in $BUILD_TARGETS
tools/bazel ${STARTUP_FLAGS[@]} build ${FLAGS} --config=android -k -- ${BUILD_TARGETS}
# 2. Test every target that is compatible with an android target platform (e.g. analysis_tests, sh_tests, diff_tests).
tools/bazel ${STARTUP_FLAGS[@]} test ${FLAGS} --build_tests_only --config=android -k -- ${TEST_TARGETS}
# 3. Dist mainline modules.
tools/bazel ${STARTUP_FLAGS[@]} run //build/bazel/ci/dist:mainline_modules ${FLAGS} --config=android -- --dist_dir="${DIST_DIR}/mainline_modules_${arch}"
# Host-only builds and tests
# We can safely build and test all targets on the host linux config, and rely on
# incompatible target skipping for tests that cannot run on the host.
tools/bazel --max_idle_secs=5 test ${FLAGS} --build_tests_only=false -k \
# bp2build-progress
function get_soong_names_from_queryview() {
names=$( tools/bazel query --config=ci --config=queryview --output=xml "${@}" \
| awk -F'"' '$2 ~ /soong_module_name/ { print $4 }' \
| sort -u )
echo "${names[@]}"
# Generate bp2build progress reports and graphs for these modules into the dist
# dir so that they can be downloaded from the CI artifact list.
NetworkStackNext # not updatable but will be
build-tools # host sdk # not updatable but will be
platform-tools # host sdk
# Query for some module types of interest so that we don't have to hardcode the
# lists
"${AOSP_ROOT}/build/soong/soong_ui.bash" --make-mode BP2BUILD_VERBOSE=1 --skip-soong-tests queryview
rm -f out/ninja_build
# Only apexes/apps that specify updatable=1 are mainline modules, the other are
# "just" apexes/apps. Often this is not specified in the process of becoming a
# mainline module as enables a number of validations.
# Ignore defaults and test rules.
APEX_QUERY='attr(updatable, 1, //...) - kind("_defaults rule", //...) - kind("apex_test_ rule", //...)'
APEX_VNDK_QUERY="kind(\"apex_vndk rule\", //...)"
BP2BUILD_PROGRESS_MODULES+=( $(get_soong_names_from_queryview "${APEX_QUERY}"" + ""${APEX_VNDK_QUERY}" ) )
mkdir -p "${bp2build_progress_output_dir}"
for m in "${BP2BUILD_PROGRESS_MODULES[@]}"; do
report_args="$report_args -m ""${m}"
if [[ "${m}" =~ (media.swcodec|neuralnetworks)$ ]]; then
tools/bazel run ${FLAGS} --config=linux_x86_64 "${bp2build_progress_script}" -- graph -m "${m}" > "${bp2build_progress_output_dir}/${m}"
tools/bazel run ${FLAGS} --config=linux_x86_64 "${bp2build_progress_script}" -- \
report ${report_args} \
--proto-file=$( realpath "${bp2build_progress_output_dir}" )"/bp2build-progress.pb" \
> "${bp2build_progress_output_dir}/progress_report.txt"