blob: eb33d29ea4d367031dac315f35c398714dde721d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "BuildSettingInfo")
load("@soong_injection//apex_toolchain:constants.bzl", "apex_available_baseline")
load("//build/bazel/rules:common.bzl", "get_dep_targets", "strip_bp2build_label_suffix")
load("//build/bazel/rules:prebuilt_file.bzl", "PrebuiltFileInfo")
load("//build/bazel/rules/apex:cc.bzl", "CC_ATTR_ASPECTS")
load("//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_library_static.bzl", "CcStaticLibraryInfo")
load("//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_stub_library.bzl", "CcStubLibrarySharedInfo")
ApexAvailableInfo = provider(
"ApexAvailableInfo collects APEX availability metadata.",
fields = {
"apex_available_names": "names of APEXs that this target is available to",
"platform_available": "whether this target is available for the platform",
"transitive_invalid_targets": "list of targets that had an invalid apex_available attribute",
"transitive_unvalidated_targets": "list of targets that were skipped in the apex_available_validation function",
# Validates if a target is made available as a transitive dependency of an APEX. The return
# value is tri-state: True, False, string. Strings are used when a target is _not checked_
# and the string itself contains the reason.
def _validate_apex_available(target, ctx, *, apex_available_tags, apex_name, base_apex_name):
# testonly apexes aren't checked.
if ctx.attr.testonly:
return "testonly"
# Macro-internal manual targets aren't checked.
if "manual" in ctx.rule.attr.tags and "apex_available_checked_manual_for_testing" not in ctx.rule.attr.tags:
return "manual"
# prebuilt_file targets don't specify apex_available, and aren't checked.
if PrebuiltFileInfo in target:
return "prebuilt"
# stubs are APIs, and don't specify apex_available, and aren't checked.
if CcStubLibrarySharedInfo in target:
return "stubs"
if "//apex_available:anyapex" in apex_available_tags:
return "//apex_available:anyapex"
# Bp2build-generated cc_library_static target from stubs-providing lib
# doesn't have apex_available tag.
# If its shared variant is directly in the apex, skip validation
# Otherwise, it will be invalidated.
direct_deps = ctx.attr._direct_deps[BuildSettingInfo].value
if CcStaticLibraryInfo in target and str(target.label).removesuffix("_bp2build_cc_library_static") in direct_deps:
return "has shared variant directly included"
if base_apex_name in apex_available_tags or apex_name in apex_available_tags:
return True
target_name = strip_bp2build_label_suffix(
baselines = [
apex_available_baseline.get(base_apex_name, []),
apex_available_baseline.get(apex_name, []),
apex_available_baseline.get("//apex_available:anyapex", []),
if any([target_name in b for b in baselines]):
return True
return False
def _apex_available_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
apex_available_tags = [
for t in ctx.rule.attr.tags
if t.startswith("apex_available=")
platform_available = (
"//apex_available:platform" in apex_available_tags or
len(apex_available_tags) == 0
apex_name = ctx.attr._apex_name[BuildSettingInfo].value
dep_targets = get_dep_targets(
predicate = lambda target: ApexAvailableInfo in target,
transitive_unvalidated_targets = []
transitive_invalid_targets = []
for attr, attr_targets in dep_targets.items():
for t in attr_targets:
info = t[ApexAvailableInfo]
if attr in CC_ATTR_ASPECTS:
if attr not in _IGNORED_ATTRS:
if info.platform_available != None:
platform_available = platform_available and info.platform_available
if "manual" in ctx.rule.attr.tags and "apex_available_checked_manual_for_testing" not in ctx.rule.attr.tags:
platform_available = None
if CcStubLibrarySharedInfo in target:
# stub libraries libraries are always available to platform
platform_available = True
skipped_reason = _validate_apex_available(
apex_available_tags = apex_available_tags,
apex_name = apex_name,
base_apex_name = ctx.attr._base_apex_name[BuildSettingInfo].value,
return [
platform_available = platform_available,
apex_available_names = apex_available_tags,
transitive_unvalidated_targets = depset(
direct = [(ctx.label, skipped_reason)] if type(skipped_reason) == type("") else None,
transitive = transitive_unvalidated_targets,
transitive_invalid_targets = depset(
direct = [(target, tuple(apex_available_tags))] if skipped_reason == False else None,
transitive = transitive_invalid_targets,
apex_available_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _apex_available_aspect_impl,
provides = [ApexAvailableInfo],
attr_aspects = ["*"],
attrs = {
"testonly": attr.bool(default = False), # propagated from the apex
"_apex_name": attr.label(default = "//build/bazel/rules/apex:apex_name"),
"_base_apex_name": attr.label(default = "//build/bazel/rules/apex:base_apex_name"),
"_direct_deps": attr.label(default = "//build/bazel/rules/apex:apex_direct_deps"),