blob: a18fbfe099910e3dbde1df3edfdca8ae3996e05a [file] [log] [blame]
# Platforms and toolchains for AOSP.
# Set a default target platform for builds.
build --platforms //build/bazel/platforms:android_x86_64
# # Use toolchain resolution to find the cc toolchain.
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
# Ensure that the host_javabase always use @local_jdk, the checked-in JDK.
build --tool_java_runtime_version=local_jdk
# Lock down the PATH variable in actions to /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin.
build --experimental_strict_action_env
# Explicitly allow unresolved symlinks (it's an experimental Bazel feature)
build --experimental_allow_unresolved_symlinks
# Enable usage of cc_shared_library build APIs
build --experimental_cc_shared_library
# Disable middleman actions
build --noexperimental_enable_aggregating_middleman
# Disable local cpp toolchain detection, as it is explicitly declared in AOSP.
# Enable building targets in //external:__subpackages__.
common --experimental_sibling_repository_layout
common --experimental_disable_external_package
# Enable toplevel_output_directories and Ninja executor in Bazel
common --experimental_ninja_actions
# Increase refresh rate of command line UI for improved perceived responsiveness.
common --show_progress_rate_limit=0.05
# These are disabled when running under soong_ui (default = auto). Force enable them here.
common --color=yes
common --curses=yes
# Show the full set of flags for observability and debuggability.
common --announce_rc
# Run bazel query from the workspace, without cd'ing into out/soong/queryview
# Note that this hardcodes the output dir. It will not work if $OUT_DIR != out.
common:queryview --package_path=%workspace%/out/soong/queryview
# Run bazel query from the workspace, without cd'ing into out/soong/bp2build
# Note that this hardcodes the output dir. It will not work if $OUT_DIR != out.
common:bp2build --package_path=%workspace%/out/soong/bp2build
# Support a local user-specific bazelrc file.
try-import %workspace%/user.bazelrc
build --android_sdk=//prebuilts/sdk:android_sdk
build --experimental_enable_android_migration_apis
build --experimental_google_legacy_api
build --incompatible_java_common_parameters
build --android_databinding_use_v3_4_args
build --experimental_android_databinding_v2