blob: 93964f1c8a6672ea2f2e5e026efcfce755545bbd [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
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"""Bazel rules for exporting API contributions of CC libraries"""
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("//build/bazel/rules/cc:cc_constants.bzl", "constants")
"""A Bazel provider that encapsulates the headers presented to an API surface"""
CcApiHeaderInfo = provider(
fields = {
"name": "Name identifying the header files",
"root": "Directory containing the header files, relative to workspace root. This will become the -I parameter in consuming API domains. This defaults to the current Bazel package",
"headers": "The header (.h) files presented by the library to an API surface",
"system": "bool, This will determine whether the include path will be -I or -isystem",
"arch": "Target arch of devices that use these header files to compile. The default is empty, which means that it is arch-agnostic",
def _cc_api_header_impl(ctx):
"""Implementation for the cc_api_headers rule.
This rule does not have any build actions, but returns a `CcApiHeaderInfo` provider object"""
headers_filepath = [header.path for header in ctx.files.hdrs]
root = paths.dirname(ctx.build_file_path)
if ctx.attr.include_dir:
root = paths.join(root, ctx.attr.include_dir)
return [
name =,
root = root,
headers = headers_filepath,
system = ctx.attr.system,
arch = ctx.attr.arch,
"""A bazel rule that encapsulates the header contributions of a CC library to an API surface
This rule does not contain the API symbolfile (.map.txt). The API symbolfile is part of the cc_api_contribution rule
This layering is necessary since the symbols present in a single .map.txt file can be defined in different include directories
├── Android.bp
├── include <-- cc_api_headers
├── include_other <-- cc_api_headers
cc_api_headers = rule(
implementation = _cc_api_header_impl,
attrs = {
"include_dir": attr.string(
mandatory = False,
doc = "Directory containing the header files, relative to the Bazel package. This relative path will be joined with the Bazel package path to become the -I parameter in the consuming API domain",
"hdrs": attr.label_list(
mandatory = True,
allow_files = constants.hdr_dot_exts,
doc = "List of .h files presented to the API surface. Glob patterns are allowed",
"system": attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = "Boolean to indicate whether these are system headers",
"arch": attr.string(
mandatory = False,
values = ["arm", "arm64", "x86", "x86_64"],
doc = "Arch of the target device. The default is empty, which means that the headers are arch-agnostic",
"""A Bazel provider that encapsulates the contributions of a CC library to an API surface"""
CcApiContributionInfo = provider(
fields = {
"name": "Name of the cc library",
"api": "Path of map.txt describing the stable APIs of the library. Path is relative to workspace root",
"headers": "metadata of the header files of the cc library",
def _cc_api_contribution_impl(ctx):
"""Implemenation for the cc_api_contribution rule
This rule does not have any build actions, but returns a `CcApiContributionInfo` provider object"""
api_filepath = ctx.file.api.path
headers = [header[CcApiHeaderInfo] for header in ctx.attr.hdrs]
name = ctx.attr.library_name or
return [
name = name,
api = api_filepath,
headers = headers,
cc_api_contribution = rule(
implementation = _cc_api_contribution_impl,
attrs = {
"library_name": attr.string(
mandatory = False,
doc = "Name of the library. This can be different from `name` to prevent name collision with the implementation of the library in the same Bazel package. Defaults to",
"api": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
allow_single_file = [".map.txt"],
doc = ".map.txt file of the library",
"hdrs": attr.label_list(
mandatory = False,
providers = [CcApiHeaderInfo],
doc = "Header contributions of the cc library. This should return a `CcApiHeaderInfo` provider",