blob: 002afc518f32b4771adf51cfb28422786b539852 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -eux
# Verifies mixed builds succeeds when building "droid".
# This verification script is designed to be used for continuous integration
# tests, though may also be used for manual developer verification.
if [[ -z ${DIST_DIR+x} ]]; then
echo "DIST_DIR not set. Using out/dist. This should only be used for manual developer testing."
# Run a mixed build of "droid"
build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode USE_BAZEL_ANALYSIS=1 BAZEL_STARTUP_ARGS="--max_idle_secs=5" BAZEL_BUILD_ARGS="--color=no --curses=no --show_progress_rate_limit=5" TARGET_PRODUCT=aosp_arm64 TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug droid dist DIST_DIR=$DIST_DIR
# Verify there are artifacts under the out directory that originated from bazel.
echo "Verifying OUT_DIR contains bazel-out..."
if find out/ | grep bazel-out &>/dev/null; then
echo "bazel-out found."
echo "bazel-out not found. This may indicate that mixed builds are silently not running."
exit 1