blob: 1350936cf1d2f55609822d16f27340e7b19238b4 [file] [log] [blame]
# python3
# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Warning patterns from other tools."""
# pylint:disable=relative-beyond-top-level
from .cpp_warn_patterns import compile_patterns
# pylint:disable=g-importing-member
from .severity import Severity
def warn(name, severity, description, pattern_list):
return {
'category': name,
'severity': severity,
'description': name + ': ' + description,
'patterns': pattern_list
def aapt(description, pattern_list):
return warn('aapt', Severity.MEDIUM, description, pattern_list)
def misc(description, pattern_list):
return warn('logtags', Severity.LOW, description, pattern_list)
def asm(description, pattern_list):
return warn('asm', Severity.MEDIUM, description, pattern_list)
def kotlin(description, pattern_list):
return warn('Kotlin', Severity.MEDIUM, description, pattern_list)
def yacc(description, pattern_list):
return warn('yacc', Severity.MEDIUM, description, pattern_list)
warn_patterns = [
# pylint:disable=line-too-long,g-inconsistent-quotes
# aapt warnings
aapt('No comment for public symbol',
[r".*: warning: No comment for public symbol .+"]),
aapt('No default translation',
[r".*: warning: string '.+' has no default translation in .*"]),
aapt('Missing default or required localization',
[r".*: warning: \*\*\*\* string '.+' has no default or required localization for '.+' in .+"]),
aapt('String marked untranslatable, but translation exists',
[r".*: warning: string '.+' in .* marked untranslatable but exists in locale '??_??'"]),
aapt('empty span in string',
[r".*: warning: empty '.+' span found in text '.+"]),
# misc warnings
misc('Duplicate logtag',
[r".*: warning: tag \".+\" \(.+\) duplicated in .+"]),
misc('Typedef redefinition',
[r".*: warning: redefinition of typedef '.+' is a C11 feature"]),
misc('GNU old-style field designator',
[r".*: warning: use of GNU old-style field designator extension"]),
misc('Missing field initializers',
[r".*: warning: missing field '.+' initializer"]),
misc('Missing braces',
[r".*: warning: suggest braces around initialization of",
r".*: warning: too many braces around scalar initializer .+Wmany-braces-around-scalar-init",
r".*: warning: braces around scalar initializer"]),
misc('Comparison of integers of different signs',
[r".*: warning: comparison of integers of different signs.+sign-compare"]),
misc('Add braces to avoid dangling else',
[r".*: warning: add explicit braces to avoid dangling else"]),
misc('Initializer overrides prior initialization',
[r".*: warning: initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject"]),
misc('Assigning value to self',
[r".*: warning: explicitly assigning value of .+ to itself"]),
misc('GNU extension, variable sized type not at end',
[r".*: warning: field '.+' with variable sized type '.+' not at the end of a struct or class"]),
misc('Comparison of constant is always false/true',
[r".*: comparison of .+ is always .+Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare"]),
misc('Hides overloaded virtual function',
[r".*: '.+' hides overloaded virtual function"]),
misc('Incompatible pointer types',
[r".*: warning: incompatible .*pointer types .*-Wincompatible-.*pointer-types"]),
# Assembler warnings
asm('ASM value size does not match register size',
[r".*: warning: value size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifier"]),
asm('IT instruction is deprecated',
[r".*: warning: applying IT instruction .* is deprecated"]),
# NDK warnings
{'category': 'NDK', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
'description': 'NDK: Generate guard with empty availability, obsoleted',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: .* generate guard with empty availability: obsoleted ="]},
# Protoc warnings
{'category': 'Protoc', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
'description': 'Proto: Enum name collision after strip',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: Enum .* has the same name .* ignore case and strip"]},
{'category': 'Protoc', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
'description': 'Proto: Import not used',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: Import .*/.*\.proto but not used.$"]},
# Kotlin warnings
kotlin('never used parameter or variable',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: (parameter|variable) '.*' is never used$",
r".*\.kt:.*: warning: (parameter|variable) '.*' is never used, could be renamed to _$"]),
kotlin('initializer is redundant',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: .* initializer is redundant$"]),
kotlin('elvis operator always returns ...',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: elvis operator \(\?:\) always returns .+"]),
kotlin('shadowed name',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: name shadowed: .+"]),
kotlin('unchecked cast',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: unchecked cast: .* to .*$"]),
kotlin('unnecessary safe call on a non-null receiver',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: unnecessary safe call on a non-null receiver"]),
kotlin('Deprecated in Java',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: '.*' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java"]),
kotlin('Replacing Handler for Executor',
[r".*\.kt:.*: warning: .+ Replacing Handler for Executor in "]),
kotlin('library has Kotlin runtime',
[r".*: warning: library has Kotlin runtime bundled into it",
r".*: warning: some JAR files .* have the Kotlin Runtime library"]),
# Yacc warnings
yacc('deprecate directive',
[r".*\.yy?:.*: warning: deprecated directive: "]),
yacc('shift/reduce conflicts',
[r".*\.yy?: warning: .+ shift/reduce conflicts "]),
{'category': 'yacc', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
'description': 'yacc: fix-its can be applied',
'patterns': [r".*\.yy?: warning: fix-its can be applied."]},
# Rust warnings
{'category': 'Rust', 'severity': Severity.HIGH,
'description': 'Rust: Does not derive Copy',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ does not derive Copy"]},
{'category': 'Rust', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
'description': 'Rust: Deprecated range pattern',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ range patterns are deprecated"]},
{'category': 'Rust', 'severity': Severity.MEDIUM,
'description': 'Rust: Deprecated missing explicit \'dyn\'',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+ without an explicit `dyn` are deprecated"]},
# Broken/partial warning messages will be skipped.
{'category': 'Misc', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
'description': 'skip, ,',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: ,?$"]},
{'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.SKIP,
'description': 'skip, In file included from ...',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: In file included from .+,"]},
# catch-all for warnings this script doesn't know about yet
{'category': 'C/C++', 'severity': Severity.UNMATCHED,
'description': 'Unclassified/unrecognized warnings',
'patterns': [r".*: warning: .+"]},