blob: ef71eac49e15e52cf40b36b07176349a27951368 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package tools.asuite.tool_event_logger;
message ToolEvent {
// Occurs immediately upon execution of the tool.
message InvocationStarted {
string command_args = 1;
string cwd = 2;
string os = 3;
// Occurs when tool exits for any reason.
message InvocationStopped {
int32 exit_code = 2;
string exit_log = 3;
// ------------------------
// FIELDS FOR ToolEvent
// ------------------------
// Random string generated to identify the invocation.
string invocation_id = 1;
// Internal user name.
string user_name = 2;
// The root of Android source.
string source_root = 3;
// Name of the tool used.
string tool_tag = 6;
// Name of the host workstation.
string host_name = 7;
oneof event {
InvocationStarted invocation_started = 4;
InvocationStopped invocation_stopped = 5;