add flag to skip soong tests for b command

Sometimes it is very handy during testing to temporarily skip Soong
tests, but there is not easy method to allow this without changing the file and re-sourcing before/after enabling/disabling the
skip-tests flag.

Test: b build '...' --skip-soong-tests
Change-Id: I6dcad3ba0336cfd1c4d2c4357b852900792445c3
diff --git a/ b/
index 87e6e0a..7331d5e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1727,15 +1727,17 @@
 # Convenience entry point (like m) to use Bazel in AOSP.
 function b()
+    local skip_tests=$(echo "$@" | grep -ow -- "--skip-soong-tests")
+    local bazel_args=(${@/--skip-soong-tests/})
     # Generate BUILD, bzl files into the synthetic Bazel workspace (out/soong/workspace).
-    _trigger_build "all-modules" bp2build USE_BAZEL_ANALYSIS= || return 1
+    _trigger_build "all-modules" bp2build USE_BAZEL_ANALYSIS= "$skip_tests" || return 1
     # Then, run Bazel using the synthetic workspace as the --package_path.
-    if [[ -z "$@" ]]; then
+    if [[ -z "$bazel_args" ]]; then
         # If there are no args, show help.
         bazel help
         # Else, always run with the bp2build configuration, which sets Bazel's package path to the synthetic workspace.
-        bazel "$@" --config=bp2build
+        bazel $bazel_args --config=bp2build