Updates for new doclava customizations

Change-Id: I98f45e3fe92953968014b2d6589515ca39a5c920
diff --git a/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/components/left_nav.cs b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/components/left_nav.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6d0ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/components/left_nav.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?cs def:custom_left_nav() ?>
+  <?cs if:doc.hidenav != "true" ?>
+    <?cs if:doc.type == "source" ?>
+      <?cs call:source_nav() ?>
+    <?cs elif:doc.type == "porting" ?>
+      <?cs call:porting_nav() ?>
+    <?cs elif:doc.type == "compatibility" ?>
+      <?cs call:compatibility_nav() ?>
+    <?cs elif:doc.type == "community" ?>
+      <?cs call:community_nav() ?>
+    <?cs elif:doc.type == "about" ?>
+      <?cs call:about_nav() ?>
+    <?cs /if ?>
+  <?cs /if ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
diff --git a/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/components/masthead.cs b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/components/masthead.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab58d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/components/masthead.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+def:custom_masthead() ?>
+  <div id="header">
+      <div id="headerLeft">
+          <a href="<?cs var:toroot?>" tabindex="-1"><img
+              src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/open_source.png" alt="Android Open Source Project" /></a>
+          <ul class="<?cs if:home ?>home<?cs
+                      elif:doc.type == "source" ?>source<?cs
+                      elif:doc.type == "porting" ?>porting<?cs
+                      elif:doc.type == "compatibility" ?>compatibility<?cs
+                      elif:doc.type == "community" ?>community<?cs
+                      elif:doc.type == "about" ?>about<?cs /if ?>">
+              <li id="home-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>index.html"><span>Home</span></a></li>
+              <li id="source-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>source/index.html"
+                                  onClick="return loadLast('source')"><span>Source</span></a></li>
+              <li id="porting-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>porting/index.html"
+                                  onClick="return loadLast('porting')"><span>Porting</span></a></li>
+              <li id="compatibility-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>compatibility/index.html"
+                                  onClick="return loadLast('compatibility')"><span>Compatibility</span></a></li>
+              <li id="community-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>community/index.html"
+                                  onClick="return loadLast('community')"><span>Community</span></a></li>
+              <li id="about-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/index.html"
+                                  onClick="return loadLast('about')"><span>About</span></a></li>
+          </ul> 
+      </div>
+      <div id="headerRight">
+          <div id="headerLinks">
+            <!-- <img src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/icon_world.jpg" alt="" /> -->
+            <span class="text">
+              <!-- &nbsp;<a href="#">English</a> | -->
+              <a href="http://www.android.com">Android.com</a>
+            </span>
+          </div>
+      </div><!-- headerRight -->
+  </div><!-- header --><?cs 
+/def ?><?cs # custom_masthead ?>
diff --git a/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/customization.cs b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/customization.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d075bda..0000000
--- a/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/customization.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-<?cs # This file defines custom definitions for the masthead (logo, searchbox, tabs, etc) and 
-left nav (toc) that gets placed on all pages, for the open source site?>
-def:custom_masthead() ?>
-  <div id="header">
-      <div id="headerLeft">
-          <a href="<?cs var:toroot?>" tabindex="-1"><img
-              src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/open_source.png" alt="Android Open Source Project" /></a>
-          <ul class="<?cs if:home ?>home<?cs
-                      elif:doc.type == "source" ?>source<?cs
-                      elif:doc.type == "porting" ?>porting<?cs
-                      elif:doc.type == "compatibility" ?>compatibility<?cs
-                      elif:doc.type == "community" ?>community<?cs
-                      elif:doc.type == "about" ?>about<?cs /if ?>">
-              <li id="home-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>index.html"><span>Home</span></a></li>
-              <li id="source-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>source/index.html"
-                                  onClick="return loadLast('source')"><span>Source</span></a></li>
-              <li id="porting-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>porting/index.html"
-                                  onClick="return loadLast('porting')"><span>Porting</span></a></li>
-              <li id="compatibility-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>compatibility/index.html"
-                                  onClick="return loadLast('compatibility')"><span>Compatibility</span></a></li>
-              <li id="community-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>community/index.html"
-                                  onClick="return loadLast('community')"><span>Community</span></a></li>
-              <li id="about-link"><a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>about/index.html"
-                                  onClick="return loadLast('about')"><span>About</span></a></li>
-          </ul> 
-      </div>
-      <div id="headerRight">
-          <div id="headerLinks">
-            <!-- <img src="<?cs var:toroot ?>assets/images/icon_world.jpg" alt="" /> -->
-            <span class="text">
-              <!-- &nbsp;<a href="#">English</a> | -->
-              <a href="http://www.android.com">Android.com</a>
-            </span>
-          </div>
-      </div><!-- headerRight -->
-  </div><!-- header --><?cs 
-/def ?><?cs # custom_masthead ?>
-<?cs def:community_nav() ?>
-  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
-    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
-      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs 
-        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/community/community_toc.cs" ?>
-      </div>
-    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
-    <script>
-      addLoadEvent(function() {
-        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
-        });
-    </script>
-  </div>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:about_nav() ?>
-  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
-    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
-      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
-        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/about/about_toc.cs" ?>
-      </div>
-    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
-    <script>
-      addLoadEvent(function() {
-        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
-        });
-    </script>
-  </div>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:porting_nav() ?>
-  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
-    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
-      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
-        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/porting/porting_toc.cs" ?>
-      </div>
-    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
-    <script>
-      addLoadEvent(function() {
-        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
-        });
-    </script>
-  </div>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:source_nav() ?>
-  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
-    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
-      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
-        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/source/source_toc.cs" ?>
-      </div>
-    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
-    <script>
-      addLoadEvent(function() {
-        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
-        });
-    </script>
-  </div>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:compatibility_nav() ?>
-  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
-    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
-      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
-        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/compatibility/compatibility_toc.cs" ?>
-      </div>
-    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
-    <script>
-      addLoadEvent(function() {
-        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
-        });
-    </script>
-  </div>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:custom_left_nav() ?>
-  <?cs if:doc.hidenav != "true" ?>
-    <?cs if:doc.type == "source" ?>
-      <?cs call:source_nav() ?>
-    <?cs elif:doc.type == "porting" ?>
-      <?cs call:porting_nav() ?>
-    <?cs elif:doc.type == "compatibility" ?>
-      <?cs call:compatibility_nav() ?>
-    <?cs elif:doc.type == "community" ?>
-      <?cs call:community_nav() ?>
-    <?cs elif:doc.type == "about" ?>
-      <?cs call:about_nav() ?>
-    <?cs /if ?>
-  <?cs /if ?>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:custom_cc_copyright() ?>
-<?cs /def ?>
-<?cs def:custom_copyright() ?>
-<?cs /def ?>
-def:custom_footerlinks() ?>
-  <p>
-    <a href="http://www.android.com/terms.html">Site Terms of Service</a> -
-    <a href="http://www.android.com/privacy.html">Privacy Policy</a>
-  </p><?cs 
-/def ?>
-<?cs # appears on the right side of the blue bar at the bottom off every page ?>
-<?cs def:custom_buildinfo() ?>
-<?cs /def ?>
diff --git a/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/customizations.cs b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/customizations.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd7cac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/droiddoc/templates-pdk/customizations.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<?cs # This file defines custom definitions for the masthead (logo, searchbox, tabs, etc) and 
+left nav (toc) that gets placed on all pages, for the open source site. See also the components/
+directory. ?>
+<?cs def:community_nav() ?>
+  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
+    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
+      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs 
+        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/community/community_toc.cs" ?>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
+    <script>
+      addLoadEvent(function() {
+        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
+        });
+    </script>
+  </div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:about_nav() ?>
+  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
+    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
+      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
+        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/about/about_toc.cs" ?>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
+    <script>
+      addLoadEvent(function() {
+        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
+        });
+    </script>
+  </div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:porting_nav() ?>
+  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
+    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
+      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
+        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/porting/porting_toc.cs" ?>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
+    <script>
+      addLoadEvent(function() {
+        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
+        });
+    </script>
+  </div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:source_nav() ?>
+  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
+    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
+      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
+        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/source/source_toc.cs" ?>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
+    <script>
+      addLoadEvent(function() {
+        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
+        });
+    </script>
+  </div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:compatibility_nav() ?>
+  <div class="g-section g-tpl-240" id="body-content">
+    <div class="g-unit g-first side-nav-resizable" id="side-nav">
+      <div id="devdoc-nav"><?cs
+        include:"../../../../development/pdk/docs/compatibility/compatibility_toc.cs" ?>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- end side-nav -->
+    <script>
+      addLoadEvent(function() {
+        scrollIntoView("devdoc-nav");
+        });
+    </script>
+  </div>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:custom_cc_copyright() ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+<?cs def:custom_copyright() ?>
+<?cs /def ?>
+def:custom_footerlinks() ?>
+  <p>
+    <a href="http://www.android.com/terms.html">Site Terms of Service</a> -
+    <a href="http://www.android.com/privacy.html">Privacy Policy</a>
+  </p><?cs 
+/def ?>
+<?cs # appears on the right side of the blue bar at the bottom off every page ?>
+<?cs def:custom_buildinfo() ?>
+<?cs /def ?>