Reland "Calculate the runtime fingerprint prefixes from build prop"

This reverts commit b21e48b499850bfb5ac9e6e155ed96e8e724c5c0.

In practice, some partners use the 'import' statement to override
the device fingerprint at runtime. The runtime fingerprint will
later add to the metadata of OTA package, so that the OTA server
can deliver the package to corresponding devices correctly.

This CL supports parsing a subset of import statement that the init
process recognizes. And we loose the restriction based on how the
dynamic fingerprint is used in practice. Right now, we only searches
for the override of brand, name and device. And the placeholder
format should be ${placeholder}, with its value supplied by the
script caller.

As part of the implementation, we generate all the possible
combinations of the input boot variables. And recalculate the
fingerprint for each of the combination. Though we load the
build.prop multiple times, the logic is easier to follow. Also,
it's more convenient to enhance the logic if we only want to
allow some of the boot variables combination later.

Bug: 152167826
Change-Id: I4a9fa35c7ac037ff1cf4f9a4bdff602beac3894b
Test: unittests pass
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index 71ae21f..7805e30 100644
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -738,18 +738,22 @@
     partition: name of the partition.
     props_allow_override: a list of build properties to search for the
         alternative values during runtime.
-    build_props: a dictionary of build properties for the given partition.
-    prop_overrides: a dict of list. And each list holds the overridden values
-        for props_allow_override.
+    build_props: a dict of build properties for the given partition.
+    prop_overrides: a set of props that are overridden by import.
+    placeholder_values: A dict of runtime variables' values to replace the
+        placeholders in the build.prop file. We expect exactly one value for
+        each of the variables.
-  def __init__(self, input_file, name):
+  def __init__(self, input_file, name, placeholder_values=None):
     self.input_file = input_file
     self.partition = name
     self.props_allow_override = [props.format(name) for props in [
-        'ro.product.{}.name', 'ro.product.{}.device']]
+        'ro.product.{}.brand', 'ro.product.{}.name', 'ro.product.{}.device']]
     self.build_props = {}
-    self.prop_overrides = {}
+    self.prop_overrides = set()
+    self.placeholder_values = {}
+    if placeholder_values:
+      self.placeholder_values = copy.deepcopy(placeholder_values)
   def FromDictionary(name, build_props):
@@ -760,9 +764,8 @@
     return props
-  def FromInputFile(input_file, name):
+  def FromInputFile(input_file, name, placeholder_values=None):
     """Loads the build.prop file and builds the attributes."""
     data = ''
     for prop_file in ['{}/etc/build.prop'.format(name.upper()),
@@ -772,10 +775,62 @@
       except KeyError:
         logger.warning('Failed to read %s', prop_file)
-    props = PartitionBuildProps(input_file, name)
-    props.build_props = LoadDictionaryFromLines(data.split('\n'))
+    props = PartitionBuildProps(input_file, name, placeholder_values)
+    props._LoadBuildProp(data)
     return props
+  def _LoadBuildProp(self, data):
+    for line in data.split('\n'):
+      line = line.strip()
+      if not line or line.startswith("#"):
+        continue
+      if line.startswith("import"):
+        overrides = self._ImportParser(line)
+        duplicates = self.prop_overrides.intersection(overrides.keys())
+        if duplicates:
+          raise ValueError('prop {} is overridden multiple times'.format(
+              ','.join(duplicates)))
+        self.prop_overrides = self.prop_overrides.union(overrides.keys())
+        self.build_props.update(overrides)
+      elif "=" in line:
+        name, value = line.split("=", 1)
+        if name in self.prop_overrides:
+          raise ValueError('prop {} is set again after overridden by import '
+                           'statement'.format(name))
+        self.build_props[name] = value
+  def _ImportParser(self, line):
+    """Parses the build prop in a given import statement."""
+    tokens = line.split()
+    if len(tokens) != 2 or tokens[0] != 'import':
+      raise ValueError('Unrecognized import statement {}'.format(line))
+    import_path = tokens[1]
+    if not re.match(r'^/{}/.*\.prop$'.format(self.partition), import_path):
+      raise ValueError('Unrecognized import path {}'.format(line))
+    # We only recognize a subset of import statement that the init process
+    # supports. And we can loose the restriction based on how the dynamic
+    # fingerprint is used in practice. The placeholder format should be
+    # ${placeholder}, and its value should be provided by the caller through
+    # the placeholder_values.
+    for prop, value in self.placeholder_values.items():
+      prop_place_holder = '${{{}}}'.format(prop)
+      if prop_place_holder in import_path:
+        import_path = import_path.replace(prop_place_holder, value)
+    if '$' in import_path:
+'Unresolved place holder in import path %s', import_path)
+      return {}
+    import_path = import_path.replace('/{}'.format(self.partition),
+                                      self.partition.upper())
+'Parsing build props override from %s', import_path)
+    lines = ReadFromInputFile(self.input_file, import_path).split('\n')
+    d = LoadDictionaryFromLines(lines)
+    return {key: val for key, val in d.items()
+            if key in self.props_allow_override}
   def GetProp(self, prop):
     return self.build_props.get(prop)
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index 92a46a2..47ad3d8 100755
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import collections
+import copy
+import itertools
 import logging
 import multiprocessing
 import os.path
@@ -229,6 +231,7 @@
 OPTIONS.no_signing = False
 OPTIONS.block_based = True
 OPTIONS.updater_binary = None
+OPTIONS.oem_dicts = None
 OPTIONS.oem_source = None
 OPTIONS.oem_no_mount = False
 OPTIONS.full_radio = False
@@ -247,6 +250,7 @@
 OPTIONS.skip_compatibility_check = False
 OPTIONS.output_metadata_path = None
 OPTIONS.disable_fec_computation = False
+OPTIONS.boot_variable_values = None
 METADATA_NAME = 'META-INF/com/android/metadata'
@@ -1959,6 +1963,36 @@
+def CalculateRuntimeFingerprints():
+  """Returns a set of runtime fingerprints based on the boot variables."""
+  build_info = common.BuildInfo(OPTIONS.info_dict, OPTIONS.oem_dicts)
+  fingerprints = {build_info.fingerprint}
+  if not OPTIONS.boot_variable_values:
+    return fingerprints
+  # Calculate all possible combinations of the values for the boot variables.
+  keys = OPTIONS.boot_variable_values.keys()
+  value_list = OPTIONS.boot_variable_values.values()
+  combinations = [dict(zip(keys, values))
+                  for values in itertools.product(*value_list)]
+  for placeholder_values in combinations:
+    # Reload the info_dict as some build properties may change their values
+    # based on the value of ro.boot* properties.
+    info_dict = copy.deepcopy(OPTIONS.info_dict)
+    for partition in common.PARTITIONS_WITH_CARE_MAP:
+      partition_prop_key = "{}.build.prop".format(partition)
+      old_props = info_dict[partition_prop_key]
+      info_dict[partition_prop_key] = common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(
+          old_props.input_file, partition, placeholder_values)
+    info_dict["build.prop"] = info_dict[""]
+    build_info = common.BuildInfo(info_dict, OPTIONS.oem_dicts)
+    fingerprints.add(build_info.fingerprint)
+  return fingerprints
 def main(argv):
   def option_handler(o, a):
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index c0c2d3f..787e675 100644
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@
 class PartitionBuildPropsTest(test_utils.ReleaseToolsTestCase):
   def setUp(self):
-    self.build_prop = [
+    self.odm_build_prop = [
@@ -1918,13 +1918,81 @@
   def test_parseBuildProps_noImportStatement(self):
     build_prop = [
-      '',
-      ''
-      'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
-      'ro.product.odm.device=coral',
+        '',
+        ''
+        'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coral',
     input_file = self._BuildZipFile({
-      'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
+    })
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': ['std', 'pro']
+      }
+      partition_props = common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(
+          input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
+    self.assertEqual({
+        '': '1578430045',
+        '':
+        'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+        'ro.product.odm.device': 'coral',
+    }, partition_props.build_props)
+    self.assertEqual(set(), partition_props.prop_overrides)
+  def test_parseBuildProps_singleImportStatement(self):
+    build_std_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coral',
+        '',
+    ]
+    build_pro_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coralpro',
+        '',
+    ]
+    input_file = self._BuildZipFile({
+        'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(self.odm_build_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_std.prop': '\n'.join(build_std_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_pro.prop': '\n'.join(build_pro_prop),
+    })
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': 'std'
+      }
+      partition_props = common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(
+          input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
+    self.assertEqual({
+      '': '1578430045',
+      '':
+      'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+      'ro.product.odm.device': 'coral',
+      '': 'product1',
+    }, partition_props.build_props)
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': 'pro'
+      }
+      partition_props = common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(
+          input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
+    self.assertEqual({
+        '': '1578430045',
+        '':
+        'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+        'ro.product.odm.device': 'coralpro',
+        '': 'product2',
+    }, partition_props.build_props)
+  def test_parseBuildProps_noPlaceHolders(self):
+    build_prop = copy.copy(self.odm_build_prop)
+    input_file = self._BuildZipFile({
+        'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
     with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
@@ -1932,10 +2000,136 @@
           input_zip, 'odm')
-      '': '1578430045',
-      '':
-      'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
-      'ro.product.odm.device': 'coral',
+        '': '1578430045',
+        '':
+        'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+        'ro.product.odm.device': 'coral',
     }, partition_props.build_props)
-    self.assertEqual({}, partition_props.prop_overrides)
+    self.assertEqual(set(), partition_props.prop_overrides)
+  def test_parseBuildProps_multipleImportStatements(self):
+    build_prop = copy.deepcopy(self.odm_build_prop)
+    build_prop.append(
+        'import /odm/etc/build_${ro.boot.product.product_name}.prop')
+    build_std_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coral',
+    ]
+    build_pro_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coralpro',
+    ]
+    product1_prop = [
+        '',
+        'ro.product.not_care=not_care',
+    ]
+    product2_prop = [
+        '',
+        'ro.product.not_care=not_care',
+    ]
+    input_file = self._BuildZipFile({
+        'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_std.prop': '\n'.join(build_std_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_pro.prop': '\n'.join(build_pro_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_product1.prop': '\n'.join(product1_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_product2.prop': '\n'.join(product2_prop),
+    })
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': 'std',
+          'ro.boot.product.product_name': 'product1',
+          'ro.boot.product.not_care': 'not_care',
+      }
+      partition_props = common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(
+          input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
+    self.assertEqual({
+        '': '1578430045',
+        '':
+        'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+        'ro.product.odm.device': 'coral',
+        '': 'product1'
+    }, partition_props.build_props)
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': 'pro',
+          'ro.boot.product.product_name': 'product2',
+          'ro.boot.product.not_care': 'not_care',
+      }
+      partition_props = common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile(
+          input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
+    self.assertEqual({
+        '': '1578430045',
+        '':
+        'google/coral/coral:10/RP1A.200325.001/6337676:user/dev-keys',
+        'ro.product.odm.device': 'coralpro',
+        '': 'product2'
+    }, partition_props.build_props)
+  def test_parseBuildProps_defineAfterOverride(self):
+    build_prop = copy.deepcopy(self.odm_build_prop)
+    build_prop.append('ro.product.odm.device=coral')
+    build_std_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coral',
+    ]
+    build_pro_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coralpro',
+    ]
+    input_file = self._BuildZipFile({
+        'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_std.prop': '\n'.join(build_std_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_pro.prop': '\n'.join(build_pro_prop),
+    })
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': 'std',
+      }
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile,
+                        input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
+  def test_parseBuildProps_duplicateOverride(self):
+    build_prop = copy.deepcopy(self.odm_build_prop)
+    build_prop.append(
+        'import /odm/etc/build_${ro.boot.product.product_name}.prop')
+    build_std_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coral',
+        '',
+    ]
+    build_pro_prop = [
+        'ro.product.odm.device=coralpro',
+    ]
+    product1_prop = [
+        '',
+    ]
+    product2_prop = [
+        '',
+    ]
+    input_file = self._BuildZipFile({
+        'ODM/etc/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_std.prop': '\n'.join(build_std_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_pro.prop': '\n'.join(build_pro_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_product1.prop': '\n'.join(product1_prop),
+        'ODM/etc/build_product2.prop': '\n'.join(product2_prop),
+    })
+    with zipfile.ZipFile(input_file, 'r') as input_zip:
+      placeholder_values = {
+          'ro.boot.product.device_name': 'std',
+          'ro.boot.product.product_name': 'product1',
+      }
+      self.assertRaises(ValueError, common.PartitionBuildProps.FromInputFile,
+                        input_zip, 'odm', placeholder_values)
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index e007863..4077d06 100644
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
     GetPackageMetadata, GetTargetFilesZipForSecondaryImages,
     GetTargetFilesZipWithoutPostinstallConfig, NonAbOtaPropertyFiles,
     Payload, PayloadSigner, POSTINSTALL_CONFIG, PropertyFiles,
-    StreamingPropertyFiles, WriteFingerprintAssertion)
+    StreamingPropertyFiles, WriteFingerprintAssertion,
+    CalculateRuntimeFingerprints)
 def construct_target_files(secondary=False):
@@ -1318,3 +1319,125 @@
         self.assertEqual(zipfile.ZIP_STORED, entry_info.compress_type)
+class RuntimeFingerprintTest(test_utils.ReleaseToolsTestCase):
+  MISC_INFO = [
+      'recovery_api_version=3',
+      'fstab_version=2',
+      'recovery_as_boot=true',
+  ]
+      '',
+      '',
+      '',
+      '',
+      '',
+  ]
+      'ro.product.vendor.brand=vendor-product-brand',
+      '',
+      'ro.product.vendor.device=vendor-product-device'
+  ]
+  def setUp(self):
+    common.OPTIONS.oem_dicts = None
+    self.test_dir = common.MakeTempDir()
+    self.writeFiles({'META/misc_info.txt': '\n'.join(self.MISC_INFO)})
+  def writeFiles(self, contents_dict):
+    for path, content in contents_dict.items():
+      abs_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, path)
+      dir_name = os.path.dirname(abs_path)
+      if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
+        os.makedirs(dir_name)
+      with open(abs_path, 'w') as f:
+        f.write(content)
+  @staticmethod
+  def constructFingerprint(prefix):
+    return '{}:version-release/build-id/version-incremental:' \
+           'build-type/build-tags'.format(prefix)
+  def test_CalculatePossibleFingerprints_no_dynamic_fingerprint(self):
+    build_prop = copy.deepcopy(self.BUILD_PROP)
+    build_prop.extend([
+        'ro.product.brand=product-brand',
+        '',
+        'ro.product.device=product-device',
+    ])
+    self.writeFiles({
+        'SYSTEM/build.prop': '\n'.join(build_prop),
+        'VENDOR/build.prop': '\n'.join(self.VENDOR_BUILD_PROP),
+    })
+    common.OPTIONS.info_dict = common.LoadInfoDict(self.test_dir)
+    self.assertEqual({
+        self.constructFingerprint('product-brand/product-name/product-device')
+    }, CalculateRuntimeFingerprints())
+  def test_CalculatePossibleFingerprints_single_override(self):
+    vendor_build_prop = copy.deepcopy(self.VENDOR_BUILD_PROP)
+    vendor_build_prop.extend([
+        'import /vendor/etc/build_${ro.boot.sku_name}.prop',
+    ])
+    self.writeFiles({
+        'SYSTEM/build.prop': '\n'.join(self.BUILD_PROP),
+        'VENDOR/build.prop': '\n'.join(vendor_build_prop),
+        'VENDOR/etc/build_std.prop':
+        '',
+        'VENDOR/etc/build_pro.prop':
+        '',
+    })
+    common.OPTIONS.info_dict = common.LoadInfoDict(self.test_dir)
+    common.OPTIONS.boot_variable_values = {
+        'ro.boot.sku_name': ['std', 'pro']
+    }
+    self.assertEqual({
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-name/vendor-product-device'),
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-std/vendor-product-device'),
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-pro/vendor-product-device'),
+    }, CalculateRuntimeFingerprints())
+  def test_CalculatePossibleFingerprints_multiple_overrides(self):
+    vendor_build_prop = copy.deepcopy(self.VENDOR_BUILD_PROP)
+    vendor_build_prop.extend([
+        'import /vendor/etc/build_${ro.boot.sku_name}.prop',
+        'import /vendor/etc/build_${ro.boot.device_name}.prop',
+    ])
+    self.writeFiles({
+        'SYSTEM/build.prop': '\n'.join(self.BUILD_PROP),
+        'VENDOR/build.prop': '\n'.join(vendor_build_prop),
+        'VENDOR/etc/build_std.prop':
+        '',
+        'VENDOR/etc/build_product1.prop':
+        'ro.product.vendor.device=vendor-device-product1',
+        'VENDOR/etc/build_pro.prop':
+        '',
+        'VENDOR/etc/build_product2.prop':
+        'ro.product.vendor.device=vendor-device-product2',
+    })
+    common.OPTIONS.info_dict = common.LoadInfoDict(self.test_dir)
+    common.OPTIONS.boot_variable_values = {
+        'ro.boot.sku_name': ['std', 'pro'],
+        'ro.boot.device_name': ['product1', 'product2'],
+    }
+    self.assertEqual({
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-name/vendor-product-device'),
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-std/vendor-device-product1'),
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-pro/vendor-device-product1'),
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-std/vendor-device-product2'),
+        self.constructFingerprint(
+            'vendor-product-brand/vendor-product-pro/vendor-device-product2'),
+    }, CalculateRuntimeFingerprints())