notice files in system_other becomes included in system's one

system_other is relevant partition to system over vendor.
so move notice files from system_other from vendor to system

Bug: 159189171
Test: m nothing && check ninja dependency
Change-Id: Ib69bd3faae03f174671d5db8366a59b7d28a9d9d
diff --git a/core/Makefile b/core/Makefile
index cbdf8e1..5e03308 100644
--- a/core/Makefile
+++ b/core/Makefile
@@ -1479,6 +1479,8 @@
 # testcases are not relevant to the system image.
 license_modules := $(filter-out $(TARGET_OUT_TESTCASES)/%,$(license_modules))
 license_modules_system := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT)/%,$(license_modules))
+# system_other is relevant to system partition.
+license_modules_system += $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_SYSTEM_OTHER)/%,$(license_modules))
 license_modules_vendor := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_VENDOR)/%,$(license_modules))
 license_modules_product := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_PRODUCT)/%,$(license_modules))
 license_modules_system_ext := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_SYSTEM_EXT)/%,$(license_modules))