Do not use block_verify on target-files where feature is missing.

This will only be used when the block file format is at least
version 3.  For V1/V2 (L, L MR1) block versions, fall back to
the old range_sha1 check.

Bug: 19357591
Change-Id: I7cb178b70d48ec3c98cdb88ed1c94cf7797a01d0
(cherry picked from commit cad78c12fbb44b6030bcc80823c010e65b9c3f37)
diff --git a/tools/releasetools/ b/tools/releasetools/
index 14975d5..4241b2b 100644
--- a/tools/releasetools/
+++ b/tools/releasetools/
@@ -1030,14 +1030,14 @@
     self.partition = partition
     self.check_first_block = check_first_block
-    version = 1
+    self.version = 1
     if OPTIONS.info_dict:
-      version = max(
+      self.version = max(
           int(i) for i in
           OPTIONS.info_dict.get("blockimgdiff_versions", "1").split(","))
     b = blockimgdiff.BlockImageDiff(tgt, src, threads=OPTIONS.worker_threads,
-                                    version=version)
+                                    version=self.version)
     tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self.path = os.path.join(tmpdir, partition)
@@ -1060,10 +1060,15 @@
     if not self.src:
       script.Print("Image %s will be patched unconditionally." % (partition,))
-      script.AppendExtra(('if block_image_verify("%s", '
-                          'package_extract_file("%s.transfer.list"), '
-                          '"", "%s.patch.dat") then') %
-                         (self.device, partition, partition, partition))
+      if self.version >= 3:
+        script.AppendExtra(('if block_image_verify("%s", '
+                            'package_extract_file("%s.transfer.list"), '
+                            '"", "%s.patch.dat") then') %
+                           (self.device, partition, partition, partition))
+      else:
+        script.AppendExtra('if range_sha1("%s", "%s") == "%s" then' %
+                            (self.device, self.src.care_map.to_string_raw(),
+                            self.src.TotalSha1()))
       script.Print("Verified %s image..." % (partition,))