Add -static to static link command, for clang.

Clang driver needs -static flag, not -Bstatic,
to produce statically linked modules.
However, -static is not added if LDFLAGS contains -shared,
which is used in bionic/linker to create a shared object with static libraries.

BUG: 18008984

Change-Id: I75c3e24973ee77170285ec4c8e7aacc345722685
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index 0278150..98fb7d1 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -1425,11 +1425,16 @@
 ## Commands for linking a static executable. In practice,
 ## we only use this on arm, so the other platforms don't
 ## have transform-o-to-static-executable defined.
+## Clang driver needs -static to create static executable.
+## However, bionic/linker uses -shared to overwrite.
+## Linker for x86 targets does not allow coexistance of -static and -shared,
+## so we add -static only if -shared is not used.
 define transform-o-to-static-executable-inner
 $(hide) $(PRIVATE_CXX) \
 	-nostdlib -Bstatic \
+	$(if $(filter $(PRIVATE_LDFLAGS),-shared),,-static) \
 	-Wl,--gc-sections \
 	-o $@ \