delete no-longer-used custom sdkpage template.
depends on

Change-Id: Idd8f039294fe8c2c6dddf6d8a00a196222154d58
diff --git a/tools/droiddoc/templates-sdk-dev/sdkpage.cs b/tools/droiddoc/templates-sdk-dev/sdkpage.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1785fa0..0000000
--- a/tools/droiddoc/templates-sdk-dev/sdkpage.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-<?cs include:"doctype.cs" ?>
-<?cs include:"macros.cs" ?>
-<?cs include:"../../../../frameworks/base/docs/html/sdk/sdk_vars.cs" ?>
-<html<?cs if:devsite ?> devsite<?cs /if ?>>
-<?cs if:sdk.redirect ?>
-  <head>
-    <title>Redirecting...</title>
-    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=<?cs var:toroot ?>sdk/<?cs
-      if:sdk.redirect.path ?><?cs var:sdk.redirect.path ?><?cs
-      else ?>index.html<?cs /if ?>">
-  </head>
-<?cs else ?>
-  <?cs include:"head_tag.cs" ?>
-<?cs /if ?>
-<body class="gc-documentation
-  <?cs if:(guide||develop||training||reference||tools||sdk) ?>develop<?cs
-  elif:design ?>design<?cs
-  elif:distribute ?>distribute<?cs
-  /if ?>" itemscope itemtype="">
-  <a name="top"></a>
-<?cs include:"header.cs" ?>
-<div <?cs if:fullpage
-?><?cs else
-?>class="col-13" id="doc-col"<?cs /if ?> >
-<?cs if:sdk.redirect ?>
-<div class="g-unit">
-  <div id="jd-content">
-    <p>Redirecting to
-    <a href="<?cs var:toroot ?>sdk/<?cs
-      if:sdk.redirect.path ?><?cs var:sdk.redirect.path ?><?cs
-      else ?>index.html<?cs /if ?>"><?cs
-      if:sdk.redirect.path ?><?cs var:sdk.redirect.path ?><?cs
-      else ?>Download the SDK<?cs /if ?>
-    </a> ...</p>
-<?cs else ?>
-<?cs # else, if NOT redirect ...
-# The following is for SDK/NDK pages
-<?cs if:(header.hide||devsite)?><?cs else ?>
-<h1 itemprop="name"><?cs var:page.title ?></h1>
-<?cs /if ?>
-  <div id="jd-content" itemprop="description">
-<?cs if:sdk.not_latest_version ?>
-  <div class="special">
-    <p><strong>This is NOT the current Android SDK release.</strong></p>
-    <p><a href="/sdk/index.html">Download the current Android SDK</a></p>
-  </div>
-<?cs /if ?>
-<?cs if:ndk ?>
-<?cs #
-# the following is for the NDK
-# (nested in if/else redirect)
-  <table class="download" id="download-table">
-    <tr>
-      <th>Platform</th>
-      <th>Package</th>
-      <th style="white-space:nowrap">Size (Bytes)</th>
-      <th>SHA1 Checksum</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Windows 32-bit</td>
-    <td>
-  <a onClick="return onDownload(this)" data-modal-toggle="ndk_tos"
-     href="<?cs var:ndk.win32_download ?>"><?cs var:ndk.win32_download ?></a>
-    </td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.win32_bytes ?></td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.win32_checksum ?></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Windows 64-bit</td>
-    <td>
-  <a onClick="return onDownload(this)" data-modal-toggle="ndk_tos"
-     href="<?cs var:ndk.win64_download ?>"><?cs var:ndk.win64_download ?></a>
-    </td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.win64_bytes ?></td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.win64_checksum ?></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Mac OS X 64-bit</td>
-    <td>
-  <a onClick="return onDownload(this)" data-modal-toggle="ndk_tos"
-     href="<?cs var:ndk.mac64_download ?>"><?cs var:ndk.mac64_download ?></a>
-    </td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.mac64_bytes ?></td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.mac64_checksum ?></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>Linux 64-bit (x86)</td>
-    <td>
-  <a onClick="return onDownload(this)" data-modal-toggle="ndk_tos"
-     href="<?cs var:ndk.linux64_download ?>"><?cs var:ndk.linux64_download ?></a>
-    </td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.linux64_bytes ?></td>
-    <td><?cs var:ndk.linux64_checksum ?></td>
-  </tr>
-  </table>
-  <?cs ########  HERE IS THE JD DOC CONTENT ######### ?>
-  <?cs call:tag_list(root.descr) ?>
-<?cs ########  The NDK version of the download script ######### ?>
-  function onDownload(link) {
-    $("#downloadForRealz").html("Download " + $(link).text());
-    $("#downloadForRealz").attr('href',$(link).attr('href'));
-    return false;
-  }
-  function onAgreeChecked() {
-    if ($("input#agree").is(":checked")) {
-      $("a#downloadForRealz").removeClass('disabled');
-    } else {
-      $("a#downloadForRealz").addClass('disabled');
-    }
-  }
-  function onDownloadForRealz(link) {
-    if ($("input#agree").is(':checked')) {
-      $("div.sdk-terms").slideUp();
-      $("h2#tos-header").text('Now downloading...');
-      $(".sdk-terms-intro").text('Your download is in progress.');
-      $("#sdk-terms-form").fadeOut('slow', function() {
-        setTimeout(function() {
-          // close the dialog
-          $('#ndk_tos').trigger('modal-close');
-          // reload to refresh the tos or optionally forward the user
-           location.reload();
-        }, 3000);
-      });
-      ga('send', 'event', 'SDK', 'NDK tools', $("#downloadForRealz").html());
-      return true;
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  $(window).hashchange( function(){
-    if (location.hash == "") {
-      location.reload();
-    }
-  });
-  <?cs else ?>
-<?cs # end if NDK ...
-# the following is for the SDK
-# (nested in if/else redirect and if/else NDK)
-  <?cs if:android.whichdoc == "online" ?>
-<?cs ########  HERE IS THE JD DOC CONTENT FOR ONLINE ######### ?>
-<?cs call:tag_list(root.descr) ?>
-<?cs #######  TODO: Remove this whole file from processing. ######## ?>
-<?cs ########  The Android Studio version of the download script ######### ?>
-  var os;
-  var bundlename;
-  var $toolslink;
-  if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mobile")!=-1) {
-    // Do nothing for any "mobile" user agent
-  } else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win")!=-1) {
-    os = "Windows";
-    bundlename = '#win-bundle';
-    $toolslink = $('#win-tools');
-  } else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) {
-    os = "Mac";
-    bundlename = '#mac-bundle';
-    $toolslink = $('#mac-tools');
-  } else if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Linux")!=-1 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android")==-1) {
-    os = "Linux";
-    bundlename = '#linux-bundle';
-    $toolslink = $('#linux-tools');
-  }
-  if (os != undefined) {
-    $('#not-supported').hide();
-    /* set up primary Android Studio download button */
-    idname = bundlename + "-size";
-    sizeMB = $(idname).text().split(' MB')[0];
-    $('.download-bundle-button > .small').html(" for " + os + " <em>(" + sizeMB + " MB)</em>");
-    $('.download-bundle-button').click(function() { onDownload(this,true,true);}).attr('href', bundlename);
-  }
-  function onDownload(link, button, bundle) {
-    /* set text for download button */
-    if (button) {
-      $("#downloadForRealz").html($(link).text());
-    } else {
-      $("#downloadForRealz").html("Download " + $(link).text());
-    }
-    $("#downloadForRealz").attr('bundle', bundle);
-    if (bundle && !button) {
-      $("a#downloadForRealz").attr("name", "#" + $(link).attr('id'));
-    } else {
-      $("h2#tos-header").text('Download the Android SDK Tools');
-      $("a#downloadForRealz").attr("name", $(link).attr('href'));
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  function onAgreeChecked() {
-    /* verify that the TOS is agreed */
-    if ($("input#agree").is(":checked")) {
-      /* if downloading the bundle */
-      if ($("#downloadForRealz").attr('bundle')) {
-        /* construct the name of the link we want */
-        linkId = $("a#downloadForRealz").attr("name");
-        /* set the real url for download */
-        $("a#downloadForRealz").attr("href", $(linkId).attr("href"));
-      } else {
-        $("a#downloadForRealz").attr("href", $("a#downloadForRealz").attr("name"));
-      }
-      /* reveal the download button */
-      $("a#downloadForRealz").removeClass('disabled');
-    } else {
-      $("a#downloadForRealz").addClass('disabled');
-    }
-  }
-  function onDownloadForRealz(link) {
-    if ($("input#agree").is(':checked')) {
-      $("div.sdk-terms").slideUp();
-      if ($("#downloadForRealz").attr('bundle') == 'true') {
-        $("h2#tos-header").text('Now downloading Android Studio!');
-        $(".sdk-terms-intro").text('Redirecting to the install instructions...');
-        $("#sdk-terms-form").slideUp(function() {
-          setTimeout(function() {
-            window.location = "/sdk/installing/index.html";
-          }, 2000);
-        });
-      } else {
-        $("h2#tos-header").text('Now downloading the Android SDK Tools!');
-        $(".sdk-terms-intro").html("<p>Because you've chosen to download " +
-          "only the Android SDK tools (and not Android Studio), there are no " +
-          "setup procedures to follow.</p><p>For information about how to " +
-          "keep your SDK tools up to date, refer to the " +
-          "<a href='/tools/help/sdk-manager.html'>SDK Manager</a> guide.</p>");
-        $("#sdk-terms-form").slideUp();
-      }
-      ga('send', 'event', 'SDK', 'IDE and Tools', $("#downloadForRealz").html());
-      return true;
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  $(window).hashchange( function(){
-    if (location.hash == "") {
-      location.reload();
-    }
-  });
-  <?cs else ?> <?cs # end if online ?>
-    <?cs if:sdk.preview ?><?cs # it's preview offline docs ?>
-      <p>Welcome developers! We are pleased to provide you with a preview SDK for the upcoming
-    Android 3.0 release, to give you a head-start on developing applications for it.
-    </p>
-      <p>See the <a
-    href="<?cs var:toroot ?>sdk/preview/start.html">Getting Started</a> document for more information
-    about how to set up the preview SDK and get started.</p>
-    <style type="text/css">
-    .non-preview { display:none; }
-    </style>
-    <?cs else ?><?cs # it's normal offline docs ?>
-      <?cs ########  HERE IS THE JD DOC CONTENT FOR OFFLINE ######### ?>
-      <?cs call:tag_list(root.descr) ?>
-      <style type="text/css">
-        body .offline { display:block; }
-        body .online { display:none; }
-      </style>
-      <script>
-        $('.reqs').show();
-      </script>
-    <?cs /if ?>
-  <?cs /if ?> <?cs # end if/else online ?>
-<?cs /if ?> <?cs # end if/else NDK ?>
-<?cs /if ?> <?cs # end if/else redirect ?>
-</div><!-- end jd-content -->
-<?cs if:!sdk.redirect && !devsite ?>
-<?cs include:"footer.cs" ?>
-<?cs /if ?>
-</div><!-- end g-unit -->
-<?cs include:"trailer.cs" ?>
-<?cs if:!devsite ?>
-<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<script src="/jd_lists_unified.js?v=17" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<script src="/jd_extras.js?v=17" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<script src="/jd_collections.js?v=17" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<script src="/jd_tag_helpers.js?v=17" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<?cs /if ?><!--end !devsite -->
-<!-- Start of Tag -->
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var axel = Math.random() + "";
-var a = axel * 10000000000000;
-document.write('<iframe src=";src=2507573;type=other026;cat=googl348;ord=' + a + '?" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" style="display:none"></iframe>');
-<iframe src=";src=2507573;type=other026;cat=googl348;ord=1?" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" style="display:none"></iframe>
-<!-- End of Tag -->