Make dump-many-vars work for large variables

When printing a large variable like PRODUCT_PACKAGES,
dump-many-vars could fail because the command line is
too long. This is seen as a E2BIG error on the execve
in kati.

To solve this, split the printing up by word in the

Change-Id: I49db726d7a4769a2f02028194d79934ed5655adf
Fixes: 172287533
Test: lunch bonito-userdebug; get_build_var PRODUCT_PACKAGES
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index b2ee8fd..6b5c030 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -24,9 +24,14 @@
 # Input variables:
 #   DUMP_MANY_VARS: the list of variable names.
 #   DUMP_VAR_PREFIX: an optional prefix of the variable name added to the output.
+# The value is printed in parts because large variables like PRODUCT_PACKAGES
+# can exceed the maximum linux command line size
 .PHONY: dump-many-vars
 dump-many-vars :
 	@$(foreach v, $(DUMP_MANY_VARS),\
-	  printf "%s='%s'\n" '$(DUMP_VAR_PREFIX)$(v)' '$($(v))';)
+	  printf "%s='%s" '$(DUMP_VAR_PREFIX)$(v)' '$(firstword $($(v)))'; \
+	  $(foreach part, $(wordlist 2, $(words $($(v))), $($(v))),\
+	    printf " %s" '$(part)'$(newline))\
+	  printf "'\n";)