blob: a839798c8a476876968e6c435069460a55d9252d [file] [log] [blame]
*** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
*** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
*** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants,
*** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
*** contains no copyrightable information.
#ifndef _ASM_X86_BYTEORDER_H
#define _ASM_X86_BYTEORDER_H
#include <asm/types.h>
#include <linux/compiler.h>
#ifdef __GNUC__
#ifdef __i386__
static __inline__ __attribute_const__ __u32 ___arch__swab32(__u32 x)
__asm__("xchgb %b0,%h0\n\t"
"rorl $16,%0\n\t"
"xchgb %b0,%h0"
:"=q" (x)
: "0" (x));
return x;
static __inline__ __attribute_const__ __u64 ___arch__swab64(__u64 val)
union {
struct { __u32 a,b; } s;
__u64 u;
} v;
v.u = val;
v.s.a = ___arch__swab32(v.s.a);
v.s.b = ___arch__swab32(v.s.b);
__asm__("xchgl %0,%1" : "=r" (v.s.a), "=r" (v.s.b) : "0" (v.s.a), "1" (v.s.b));
return v.u;
static __inline__ __attribute_const__ __u64 ___arch__swab64(__u64 x)
__asm__("bswapq %0" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
return x;
static __inline__ __attribute_const__ __u32 ___arch__swab32(__u32 x)
__asm__("bswapl %0" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
return x;
#define __arch__swab64(x) ___arch__swab64(x)
#define __arch__swab32(x) ___arch__swab32(x)
#define __BYTEORDER_HAS_U64__
#include <linux/byteorder/little_endian.h>