blob: 3603dc2c10b2d6b920320992464ad2551f9958c6 [file] [log] [blame]
*** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
*** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
*** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants,
*** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
*** contains no copyrightable information.
#ifndef __OV5650_H__
#define __OV5650_H__
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#define OV5650_IOCTL_SET_MODE _IOW('o', 1, struct ov5650_mode)
#define OV5650_IOCTL_SET_FRAME_LENGTH _IOW('o', 2, __u32)
#define OV5650_IOCTL_SET_COARSE_TIME _IOW('o', 3, __u32)
#define OV5650_IOCTL_SET_GAIN _IOW('o', 4, __u16)
#define OV5650_IOCTL_GET_STATUS _IOR('o', 5, __u8)
#define OV5650_IOCTL_GET_OTP _IOR('o', 6, struct ov5650_otp_data)
#define OV5650_IOCTL_TEST_PATTERN _IOW('o', 7, enum ov5650_test_pattern)
enum ov5650_test_pattern {
struct ov5650_otp_data {
__u8 sensor_serial_num[6];
__u8 part_num[8];
__u8 lens_id[1];
__u8 manufacture_id[2];
__u8 factory_id[2];
__u8 manufacture_date[9];
__u8 manufacture_line[2];
__u32 module_serial_num;
__u8 focuser_liftoff[2];
__u8 focuser_macro[2];
__u8 reserved1[12];
__u8 shutter_cal[16];
__u8 reserved2[183];
__u16 crc;
__u8 reserved3[3];
__u8 auto_load[2];
} __attribute__ ((packed));
struct ov5650_mode {
int xres;
int yres;
__u32 frame_length;
__u32 coarse_time;
__u16 gain;