blob: 7fb228083661a508349326818c3812bee0e2760c [file] [log] [blame]
.align 4
.type __bionic_call_ctors, @function
* The CTORS_LIST is marked by -1 (start) and 0 (end).
* We mark the end of the .ctors section with the __CTOR_END__ section so
* that we can just iterate backwards from it until we hit -1 and execute
* all the function pointers. This seems to be the way to do it for SVR4
* derived systems.
pushl %esi
mov $__CTOR_END__, %esi
/* now grab the next function pointer and check if its -1. If not,
* call it, otherwise we're done. We use %esi since it's callee saved.
subl $4, %esi
mov (%esi), %eax
cmp $0xffffffff, %eax
je 1f
call *%eax
jmp 0b
/* we're done */
popl %esi
.section .init
.align 4
call __bionic_call_ctors
.section .ctors, "aw", @progbits
.align 4
.type __CTOR_END__, @object
.long 0
.section .init_array, "aw"
.long 0
.section .fini_array, "aw"
.long 0