blob: d879feff0d7b3fe59fba86b096ee47c4b1a5a953 [file] [log] [blame]
# This function is to be called when the shared library
# is unloaded through dlclose()
lea __dso_handle, %eax
call __cxa_finalize
/* we put the _init() function here in case the user files for the shared
* libs want to drop things into .init section.
* We then will call our ctors from crtend_so.o */
.section .init
.align 4
.type _init, @function
.globl _init
.section .init_array, "aw"
.align 4
.type __INIT_ARRAY__, @object
.globl __INIT_ARRAY__
.long -1
.section .fini_array, "aw"
.align 4
.type __FINI_ARRAY__, @object
.globl __FINI_ARRAY__
.long -1
.long _on_dlclose
.section .ctors, "aw"
.align 4
.type __CTOR_LIST__, @object
.globl __CTOR_LIST__
.long -1
#include "__dso_handle.S"