Track whether a thread is currently vforked.

Our various fd debugging facilities get extremely confused by a vforked
process closing file descriptors in preparation to exec: fdsan can
abort, and fdtrack will delete backtraces for any file descriptors that
get closed. Keep track of whether we're in a vforked child in order to
be able to detect this.

Bug: http://b/153926671
Test: 32/64-bit bionic-unit-tests on blueline, x86_64 emulator
Change-Id: I8a082fd06bfdfef0e2a88dbce350b6f667f7df9f
(cherry picked from commit 230328374018c7ca4e82a47ff4eb91dd2f79a5c3)
diff --git a/libc/arch-arm/bionic/vfork.S b/libc/arch-arm/bionic/vfork.S
index 6855db7..a964be5 100644
--- a/libc/arch-arm/bionic/vfork.S
+++ b/libc/arch-arm/bionic/vfork.S
@@ -31,17 +31,27 @@
-    // __get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID]->cached_pid_ = 0
+    // r3 = &__get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID]
     mrc     p15, 0, r3, c13, c0, 3
     ldr     r3, [r3, #(TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 4)]
-    mov     r0, #0
+    // Set cached_pid_ to 0, vforked_ to 1, and stash the previous value.
+    mov     r0, #0x80000000
+    ldr     r1, [r3, #12]
     str     r0, [r3, #12]
     mov     ip, r7
     ldr     r7, =__NR_vfork
     swi     #0
     mov     r7, ip
+    teq     r0, #0
+    bxeq    lr
+    // rc != 0: reset cached_pid_ and vforked_.
+    str     r1, [r3, #12]
     cmn     r0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)
     bxls    lr
     neg     r0, r0
     b       __set_errno_internal
diff --git a/libc/arch-arm64/bionic/vfork.S b/libc/arch-arm64/bionic/vfork.S
index a76e9ca..5cfb8b0 100644
--- a/libc/arch-arm64/bionic/vfork.S
+++ b/libc/arch-arm64/bionic/vfork.S
@@ -36,10 +36,14 @@
-    // __get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID]->cached_pid_ = 0
-    mrs     x0, tpidr_el0
-    ldr     x0, [x0, #(TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 8)]
-    str     wzr, [x0, #20]
+    // x9 = __get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID]
+    mrs     x9, tpidr_el0
+    ldr     x9, [x9, #(TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 8)]
+    // Set cached_pid_ to 0, vforked_ to 1, and stash the previous value.
+    mov     w0, #0x80000000
+    ldr     w10, [x9, #20]
+    str     w0, [x9, #20]
     mov     x0, #(CLONE_VM | CLONE_VFORK | SIGCHLD)
     mov     x1, xzr
@@ -50,6 +54,10 @@
     mov     x8, __NR_clone
     svc     #0
+    cbz     x0, .L_exit
+    // rc != 0: reset cached_pid_ and vforked_.
+    str     w10, [x9, #20]
     cmn     x0, #(MAX_ERRNO + 1)
     cneg    x0, x0, hi
     b.hi    __set_errno_internal
diff --git a/libc/arch-x86/bionic/vfork.S b/libc/arch-x86/bionic/vfork.S
index 663169c..231a36e 100644
--- a/libc/arch-x86/bionic/vfork.S
+++ b/libc/arch-x86/bionic/vfork.S
@@ -37,13 +37,25 @@
   .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
   .cfi_rel_offset ecx, 0
-  // __get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID]->cached_pid_ = 0
+  // Set cached_pid_ to 0, vforked_ to 1, and stash the previous value.
   movl    %gs:0, %eax
   movl    (TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 4)(%eax), %eax
-  movl    $0, 12(%eax)
+  movl    12(%eax), %edx
+  movl    $0x80000000, 12(%eax)
   movl    $__NR_vfork, %eax
   int     $0x80
+  test    %eax, %eax
+  jz      1f
+  // rc != 0: restore the previous cached_pid_/vforked_ values.
+  pushl   %ecx
+  movl    %gs:0, %ecx
+  movl    (TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 4)(%ecx), %ecx
+  movl    %edx, 12(%ecx)
+  popl    %ecx
   cmpl    $-MAX_ERRNO, %eax
   jb      1f
   negl    %eax
diff --git a/libc/arch-x86_64/bionic/vfork.S b/libc/arch-x86_64/bionic/vfork.S
index 86c5db2..8cfcc36 100644
--- a/libc/arch-x86_64/bionic/vfork.S
+++ b/libc/arch-x86_64/bionic/vfork.S
@@ -35,14 +35,22 @@
   popq    %rdi  // Grab the return address.
-  // __get_tls()[TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID]->cached_pid_ = 0
-  mov    %fs:0, %rax
-  mov    (TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 8)(%rax), %rax
-  movl   $0, 20(%rax)
+  // Set cached_pid_ to 0, vforked_ to 1, and stash the previous value.
+  mov     %fs:0, %r8
+  mov     (TLS_SLOT_THREAD_ID * 8)(%r8), %r8
+  movl    20(%r8), %r9d
+  movl    $0x80000000, 20(%r8)
   movl    $__NR_vfork, %eax
   pushq   %rdi  // Restore the return address.
+  test    %eax, %eax
+  jz      1f
+  // rc != 0: restore the previous cached_pid_/vforked_ values.
+  movl    %r9d, 20(%r8)
   cmpq    $-MAX_ERRNO, %rax
   jb      1f
   negl    %eax
diff --git a/libc/bionic/pthread_internal.h b/libc/bionic/pthread_internal.h
index ab8b955..1f055f5 100644
--- a/libc/bionic/pthread_internal.h
+++ b/libc/bionic/pthread_internal.h
@@ -70,9 +70,12 @@
   pid_t tid;
-  pid_t cached_pid_;
+  uint32_t cached_pid_ : 31;
+  uint32_t vforked_ : 1;
+  bool is_vforked() { return vforked_; }
   pid_t invalidate_cached_pid() {
     pid_t old_value;
diff --git a/tests/unistd_test.cpp b/tests/unistd_test.cpp
index f3b08c3..6b28561 100644
--- a/tests/unistd_test.cpp
+++ b/tests/unistd_test.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
 #include "private/get_cpu_count_from_string.h"
+#if defined(__BIONIC__)
+#include "bionic/pthread_internal.h"
 #if defined(NOFORTIFY)
 #define UNISTD_TEST unistd_nofortify
 #define UNISTD_DEATHTEST unistd_nofortify_DeathTest
@@ -431,6 +435,45 @@
+#if defined(__BIONIC__)
+  pthread_internal_t* self = __get_thread();
+  pid_t cached_pid;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(self->get_cached_pid(&cached_pid));
+  ASSERT_EQ(syscall(__NR_getpid), cached_pid);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(self->is_vforked());
+  pid_t rc = vfork();
+  ASSERT_NE(-1, rc);
+  if (rc == 0) {
+    if (self->get_cached_pid(&cached_pid)) {
+      const char* error = "__get_thread()->cached_pid_ set after vfork\n";
+      write(STDERR_FILENO, error, strlen(error));
+      _exit(1);
+    }
+    if (!self->is_vforked()) {
+      const char* error = "__get_thread()->vforked_ not set after vfork\n";
+      write(STDERR_FILENO, error, strlen(error));
+      _exit(1);
+    }
+    _exit(0);
+  } else {
+    ASSERT_TRUE(self->get_cached_pid(&cached_pid));
+    ASSERT_EQ(syscall(__NR_getpid), cached_pid);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(self->is_vforked());
+    int status;
+    pid_t wait_result = waitpid(rc, &status, 0);
+    ASSERT_EQ(wait_result, rc);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, WEXITSTATUS(status));
+  }
 static void AssertGetPidCorrect() {
   // The loop is just to make manual testing/debugging with strace easier.
   pid_t getpid_syscall_result = syscall(__NR_getpid);