Keep the symbol table in the shared libc.

In order to allow the unwinder code to have meaningful names for
libc functions, leave the symbol table. This results in the
getting to be about ~130K larger on all arm platforms and about ~70K
larger on mips/x86 platforms.

Bug: 12958251
Change-Id: I6b3a97e4824142faf5de46aeabf7c1dfb98a8cc6
diff --git a/libc/ b/libc/
index 8cb85b7..3faa47f 100644
--- a/libc/
+++ b/libc/
@@ -771,6 +771,10 @@
 LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES := $(libc_common_additional_dependencies)
+# Leave the symbols in the shared library so that stack unwinders can produce
+# meaningful name resolution.
+LOCAL_STRIP_MODULE := keep_symbols
 # WARNING: The only library should depend on is!  If you add other libraries,
 # make sure to add -Wl,--exclude-libs=libgcc.a to the LOCAL_LDFLAGS for those libraries.  This
 # ensures that symbols that are pulled into those new libraries from libgcc.a are not declared