Fixed a GC bug caused by improper AppImage string fixup.

Previously, AppImage string references were being updated without
properly updating GC metadata.  This patch collects and records the
information necessary to properly patch the references without breaking
the GC.

Bug: 117846779
Bug: 117426394
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Test: art/test/testrunner/ -b --host
Change-Id: I2faac626f7cccf080e7520b87dd117b58c8d64a3
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/ b/dex2oat/linker/
index ddc9f43..60a4a32 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
   // Used to store information that will later be used to calculate image
   // offsets to string references in the AppImage.
-  std::vector<RefInfoPair> string_ref_info;
+  std::vector<HeapReferencePointerInfo> string_ref_info;
   if (ClassLinker::kAppImageMayContainStrings && compile_app_image_) {
     // Count the number of string fields so we can allocate the appropriate
     // amount of space in the image section.
@@ -273,36 +273,31 @@
     TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("AppImage:CalculateImageOffsets", timings);
     ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
-    size_t managed_string_refs = 0,
-           native_string_refs  = 0;
+    size_t managed_string_refs = 0;
+    size_t native_string_refs = 0;
      * Iterate over the string reference info and calculate image offsets.
-     * The first element of the pair is the object the reference belongs to
-     * and the second element is the offset to the field.  If the offset has
-     * a native ref tag 1) the object is a DexCache and 2) the offset needs
-     * to be calculated using the relocation information for the DexCache's
-     * strings array.
+     * The first element of the pair is either the object the reference belongs
+     * to or the beginning of the native reference array it is located in.  In
+     * the first case the second element is the offset of the field relative to
+     * the object's base address.  In the second case, it is the index of the
+     * StringDexCacheType object in the array.
-    for (const RefInfoPair& ref_info : string_ref_info) {
-      uint32_t image_offset;
+    for (const HeapReferencePointerInfo& ref_info : string_ref_info) {
+      uint32_t base_offset;
-      if (HasNativeRefTag(ref_info.second)) {
+      if (HasDexCacheNativeRefTag(ref_info.first)) {
-        // Only DexCaches can contain native references to Java strings.
-        ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache(ref_info.first->AsDexCache());
-        // No need to set or clear native ref tags.  The existing tag will be
-        // carried forward.
-        image_offset = native_object_relocations_[dex_cache->GetStrings()].offset +
-                       ref_info.second;
+        auto* obj_ptr = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(ClearDexCacheNativeRefTag(
+            ref_info.first));
+        base_offset = SetDexCacheNativeRefTag(GetImageOffset(obj_ptr));
       } else {
-        image_offset = GetImageOffset(ref_info.first) + ref_info.second;
+        base_offset = GetImageOffset(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(ref_info.first));
-      string_reference_offsets_.push_back(image_offset);
+      string_reference_offsets_.emplace_back(base_offset, ref_info.second);
@@ -316,18 +311,16 @@
   // This needs to happen after CalculateNewObjectOffsets since it relies on intern_table_bytes_ and
   // bin size sums being calculated.
   TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("AllocMemory", timings);
-  if (!AllocMemory()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
+  return AllocMemory();
 class ImageWriter::CollectStringReferenceVisitor {
   explicit CollectStringReferenceVisitor(const ImageWriter& image_writer)
-      : dex_cache_string_ref_counter_(0),
-        image_writer_(image_writer) {}
+      : image_writer_(image_writer),
+        curr_obj_(nullptr),
+        string_ref_info_(0),
+        dex_cache_string_ref_counter_(0) {}
   // Used to prevent repeated null checks in the code that calls the visitor.
@@ -353,7 +346,7 @@
-  // Collects info for Java fields that reference Java Strings.
+  // Collects info for managed fields that reference managed Strings.
   void operator() (ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj,
                    MemberOffset member_offset,
@@ -364,7 +357,8 @@
     if (image_writer_.IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_obj)) {
-      string_ref_info_.emplace_back(obj.Ptr(), member_offset.Uint32Value());
+      string_ref_info_.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(obj.Ptr()),
+                                    member_offset.Uint32Value());
@@ -375,84 +369,104 @@
     operator()(ref, mirror::Reference::ReferentOffset(), /* is_static */ false);
+  void AddStringRefInfo(uint32_t first, uint32_t second) {
+    string_ref_info_.emplace_back(first, second);
+  }
+  std::vector<HeapReferencePointerInfo>&& MoveRefInfo() {
+    return std::move(string_ref_info_);
+  }
   // Used by the wrapper function to obtain a native reference count.
-  size_t GetDexCacheStringRefCounter() const {
+  size_t GetDexCacheStringRefCount() const {
     return dex_cache_string_ref_counter_;
-  // Resets the native reference count.
-  void ResetDexCacheStringRefCounter() {
+  void SetObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj) {
+    curr_obj_ = obj;
     dex_cache_string_ref_counter_ = 0;
-  ObjPtr<mirror::Object> curr_obj_;
-  mutable std::vector<RefInfoPair> string_ref_info_;
-  mutable size_t dex_cache_string_ref_counter_;
   const ImageWriter& image_writer_;
+  ObjPtr<mirror::Object> curr_obj_;
+  mutable std::vector<HeapReferencePointerInfo> string_ref_info_;
+  mutable size_t dex_cache_string_ref_counter_;
-std::vector<ImageWriter::RefInfoPair> ImageWriter::CollectStringReferenceInfo() const
+std::vector<ImageWriter::HeapReferencePointerInfo> ImageWriter::CollectStringReferenceInfo() const
     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
   CollectStringReferenceVisitor visitor(*this);
+  /*
+   * References to managed strings can occur either in the managed heap or in
+   * native memory regions.  Information about managed references is collected
+   * by the CollectStringReferenceVisitor and directly added to the internal
+   * info vector.
+   *
+   * Native references to managed strings can only occur through DexCache
+   * objects.  This is verified by VerifyNativeGCRootInvariants().  Due to the
+   * fact that these native references are encapsulated in std::atomic objects
+   * the VisitReferences() function can't pass the visiting object the address
+   * of the reference.  Instead, the VisitReferences() function loads the
+   * reference into a temporary variable and passes that address to the
+   * visitor.  As a consequence of this we can't uniquely identify the location
+   * of the string reference in the visitor.
+   *
+   * Due to these limitations, the visitor will only count the number of
+   * managed strings reachable through the native references of a DexCache
+   * object.  If there are any such strings, this function will then iterate
+   * over the native references, test the string for membership in the
+   * AppImage, and add the tagged DexCache pointer and string array offset to
+   * the info vector if necessary.
+   */
   heap->VisitObjects([this, &visitor](ObjPtr<mirror::Object> object)
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     if (!IsInBootImage(object.Ptr())) {
-      // Many native GC roots are wrapped in std::atomics.  Due to the
-      // semantics of atomic objects we can't actually visit the addresses of
-      // the native GC roots.  Instead the visiting functions will pass the
-      // visitor the address of a temporary copy of the native GC root and, if
-      // it is changed, copy it back into the original location.
-      //
-      // This analysis requires the actual address of the native GC root so
-      // we will only count them in the visitor and then collect them manually
-      // afterwards.  This count will then be used to verify that we collected
-      // all native GC roots.
-      visitor.curr_obj_ = object;
+      visitor.SetObject(object);
       if (object->IsDexCache()) {
-        object->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRoots */ true,
-                                                        kVerifyNone,
-                                                        kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
+        object->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRoots= */ true,
+                                kVerifyNone,
+                                kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
-        ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = object->AsDexCache();
-        size_t new_native_ref_counter = 0;
+        if (visitor.GetDexCacheStringRefCount() > 0) {
+          size_t string_info_collected = 0;
-        for (size_t string_index = 0; string_index < dex_cache->NumStrings(); ++string_index) {
-          mirror::StringDexCachePair dc_pair = dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index].load();
-          mirror::Object* referred_obj = dc_pair.object.AddressWithoutBarrier()->AsMirrorPtr();
+          ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache = object->AsDexCache();
+          DCHECK_LE(visitor.GetDexCacheStringRefCount(), dex_cache->NumStrings());
-          if (IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_obj)) {
-            ++new_native_ref_counter;
+          for (uint32_t index = 0; index < dex_cache->NumStrings(); ++index) {
+            // GetResolvedString() can't be used here due to the circular
+            // nature of the cache and the collision detection this requires.
+            ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string =
+                dex_cache->GetStrings()[index].load().object.Read();
-            uint32_t string_vector_offset =
-                (string_index * sizeof(mirror::StringDexCachePair)) +
-                offsetof(mirror::StringDexCachePair, object);
-            visitor.string_ref_info_.emplace_back(object.Ptr(),
-                                                  SetNativeRefTag(string_vector_offset));
+            if (IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_string)) {
+              ++string_info_collected;
+              visitor.AddStringRefInfo(
+                  SetDexCacheNativeRefTag(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(object.Ptr())), index);
+            }
+          DCHECK_EQ(string_info_collected, visitor.GetDexCacheStringRefCount());
-        CHECK_EQ(visitor.GetDexCacheStringRefCounter(), new_native_ref_counter);
       } else {
-        object->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRoots */ false,
-                                                        kVerifyNone,
-                                                        kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
+        object->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRoots= */ false,
+                                kVerifyNone,
+                                kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
-      visitor.ResetDexCacheStringRefCounter();
-  return std::move(visitor.string_ref_info_);
+  return visitor.MoveRefInfo();
 class ImageWriter::NativeGCRootInvariantVisitor {
   explicit NativeGCRootInvariantVisitor(const ImageWriter& image_writer) :
+    curr_obj_(nullptr), class_violation_(false), class_loader_violation_(false),
     image_writer_(image_writer) {}
@@ -469,12 +483,12 @@
     ObjPtr<mirror::Object> referred_obj = root->AsMirrorPtr();
     if (curr_obj_->IsClass()) {
-      class_violation = class_violation ||
-                        image_writer_.IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_obj);
+      class_violation_ = class_violation_ ||
+                         image_writer_.IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_obj);
     } else if (curr_obj_->IsClassLoader()) {
-      class_loader_violation = class_loader_violation ||
-                               image_writer_.IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_obj);
+      class_loader_violation_ = class_loader_violation_ ||
+                                image_writer_.IsValidAppImageStringReference(referred_obj);
     } else if (!curr_obj_->IsDexCache()) {
       LOG(FATAL) << "Dex2Oat:AppImage | " <<
@@ -495,12 +509,12 @@
   // Returns true iff the only reachable native string references are through DexCache objects.
   bool InvariantsHold() const {
-    return !(class_violation || class_loader_violation);
+    return !(class_violation_ || class_loader_violation_);
   ObjPtr<mirror::Object> curr_obj_;
-  mutable bool class_violation        = false,
-               class_loader_violation = false;
+  mutable bool class_violation_;
+  mutable bool class_loader_violation_;
   const ImageWriter& image_writer_;
@@ -516,9 +530,9 @@
     visitor.curr_obj_ = object;
     if (!IsInBootImage(object.Ptr())) {
-      object->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRefernces */ true,
-                                                          kVerifyNone,
-                                                          kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
+      object->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeReferences= */ true,
+                              kVerifyNone,
+                              kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
@@ -529,12 +543,12 @@
    * Build the error string
-  if (UNLIKELY(visitor.class_violation)) {
+  if (UNLIKELY(visitor.class_violation_)) {
     error_str << "Class";
     error = true;
-  if (UNLIKELY(visitor.class_loader_violation)) {
+  if (UNLIKELY(visitor.class_loader_violation_)) {
     if (error) {
       error_str << ", ";
@@ -543,8 +557,8 @@
   CHECK(visitor.InvariantsHold()) <<
-    "Native GC root invariant failure. String refs reachable through the following objects: " <<
-    error_str.str();
+    "Native GC root invariant failure. String ref invariants don't hold for the following " <<
+    "object types: " << error_str.str();
 void ImageWriter::CopyMetadata() {
@@ -554,7 +568,7 @@
   const ImageInfo& image_info = image_infos_.back();
   std::vector<ImageSection> image_sections = image_info.CreateImageSections().second;
-  uint32_t* sfo_section_base = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(
+  auto* sfo_section_base = reinterpret_cast<AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo*>(
       image_info.image_.Begin() +
@@ -2315,9 +2329,15 @@
   // Round up to the alignment of the offsets we are going to store.
   cur_pos = RoundUp(class_table_section.End(), sizeof(uint32_t));
+  // The size of string_reference_offsets_ can't be used here because it hasn't
+  // been filled with AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo objects yet.  The
+  // num_string_references_ value is calculated separately, before we can
+  // compute the actual offsets.
   const ImageSection& string_reference_offsets =
       sections[ImageHeader::kSectionStringReferenceOffsets] =
-          ImageSection(cur_pos, sizeof(uint32_t) * num_string_references_);
+          ImageSection(cur_pos,
+                       sizeof(typename decltype(string_reference_offsets_)::value_type) *
+                           num_string_references_);
   // Return the number of bytes described by these sections, and the sections
   // themselves.
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h b/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h
index 7bdaebe..9bde027 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/image_writer.h
@@ -581,19 +581,27 @@
-   * A pair containing the information necessary to calculate the position of a
-   * managed object's field or native reference inside an AppImage.
+   * This type holds the information necessary for calculating
+   * AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo values after the object relocations have been
+   * computed.
-   * The first element of this pair is a raw mirror::Object pointer because its
-   * usage will cross a suspend point and ObjPtr would produce a false positive.
+   * The first element will always be a pointer to a managed object.  If the
+   * pointer has been tagged (testable with HasDexCacheNativeRefTag) it
+   * indicates that the referenced object is a DexCache object that requires
+   * special handling during loading and the second element has no meaningful
+   * value.  If the pointer isn't tagged then the second element is an
+   * object-relative offset to a field containing a string reference.
-   * The second element is an offset either into the object or into the string
-   * array of a DexCache object.
+   * Note that it is possible for an untagged DexCache pointer to occur in the
+   * first position if it has a managed reference that needs to be updated.
    * TODO (chriswailes): Add a note indicating the source line where we ensure
    * that no moving garbage collection will occur.
+   *
+   * TODO (chriswailes): Replace with std::variant once ART is building with
+   * C++17
-  typedef std::pair<mirror::Object*, uint32_t> RefInfoPair;
+  typedef std::pair<uintptr_t, uint32_t> HeapReferencePointerInfo;
    * Collects the info necessary for calculating image offsets to string field
@@ -613,23 +621,18 @@
    * references that will be included in the AppImage.  This allows use to both
    * allocate enough memory for soring the offsets and correctly calculate the
    * offsets of various objects into the image.  Once the image offset
-   * calculations are done for Java objects the reference object/offset pairs
+   * calculations are done for managed objects the reference object/offset pairs
    * are translated to image offsets.  The CopyMetadata function then copies
    * these offsets into the image.
-   *
-   * A vector containing pairs of object pointers and offsets.  The offsets are
-   * tagged to indicate if the offset is for a field of a mirror object or a
-   * native reference.  If the offset is tagged as a native reference it must
-   * have come from a DexCache's string array.
-  std::vector<RefInfoPair> CollectStringReferenceInfo() const
+  std::vector<HeapReferencePointerInfo> CollectStringReferenceInfo() const
    * Ensures that assumptions about native GC roots and AppImages hold.
    * This function verifies the following condition(s):
-   *   - Native references to Java strings are only reachable through DexCache
+   *   - Native references to managed strings are only reachable through DexCache
    *     objects
   void VerifyNativeGCRootInvariants() const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -772,7 +775,7 @@
   mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>* boot_image_live_objects_;
   // Offsets into the image that indicate where string references are recorded.
-  std::vector<uint32_t> string_reference_offsets_;
+  std::vector<AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo> string_reference_offsets_;
   // Which mode the image is stored as, see image.h
   const ImageHeader::StorageMode image_storage_mode_;
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index c18abab..ae812b8 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -1178,28 +1178,33 @@
  * A class used to ensure that all strings in an AppImage have been properly
- * interned.
+ * interned, and is only ever run in debug mode.
 class VerifyStringInterningVisitor {
   explicit VerifyStringInterningVisitor(const gc::space::ImageSpace& space) :
-      uninterned_string_found_(false),
       intern_table_(*Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable()) {}
   void TestObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> referred_obj) const
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     if (referred_obj != nullptr &&
         space_.HasAddress(referred_obj.Ptr()) &&
         referred_obj->IsString()) {
       ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_str = referred_obj->AsString();
-      uninterned_string_found_ = uninterned_string_found_ ||
-        (intern_table_.LookupStrong(Thread::Current(), referred_str) != referred_str);
+      if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+        // Saved to temporary variables to aid in debugging.
+        ObjPtr<mirror::String> strong_lookup_result =
+            intern_table_.LookupStrong(Thread::Current(), referred_str);
+        ObjPtr<mirror::String> weak_lookup_result =
+            intern_table_.LookupWeak(Thread::Current(), referred_str);
+        DCHECK((strong_lookup_result == referred_str) || (weak_lookup_result == referred_str));
+      }
   void VisitRootIfNonNull(
       mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
@@ -1208,14 +1213,12 @@
   void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   // Visit Class Fields
   void operator()(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj,
                   MemberOffset offset,
                   bool is_static ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
@@ -1237,7 +1240,6 @@
     operator()(ref, mirror::Reference::ReferentOffset(), false);
-  mutable bool uninterned_string_found_;
   const gc::space::ImageSpace& space_;
   InternTable& intern_table_;
@@ -1247,13 +1249,14 @@
  * properly interned.  To be considered properly interned a reference must
  * point to the same version of the string that the intern table does.
-bool VerifyStringInterning(gc::space::ImageSpace& space) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+void VerifyStringInterning(gc::space::ImageSpace& space) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
   const gc::accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* bitmap = space.GetMarkBitmap();
   const ImageHeader& image_header = space.GetImageHeader();
   const uint8_t* target_base = space.GetMemMap()->Begin();
   const ImageSection& objects_section = image_header.GetObjectsSection();
-  uintptr_t objects_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.Offset());
-  uintptr_t objects_end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.End());
+  auto objects_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.Offset());
+  auto objects_end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.End());
   VerifyStringInterningVisitor visitor(space);
@@ -1262,21 +1265,19 @@
     REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     if (space.HasAddress(obj)) {
       if (obj->IsDexCache()) {
-        obj->VisitReferences</*kVisitNativeRoots=*/ true,
-                                                    kVerifyNone,
-                                                    kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
+        obj->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRoots= */ true,
+                             kVerifyNone,
+                             kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
       } else {
         // Don't visit native roots for non-dex-cache as they can't contain
         // native references to strings.  This is verified during compilation
         // by ImageWriter::VerifyNativeGCRootInvariants.
-        obj->VisitReferences</*kVisitNativeRoots=*/ false,
-                                                    kVerifyNone,
-                                                    kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
+        obj->VisitReferences</* kVisitNativeRoots= */ false,
+                             kVerifyNone,
+                             kWithoutReadBarrier>(visitor, visitor);
-  return !visitor.uninterned_string_found_;
 // new_class_set is the set of classes that were read from the class table section in the image.
@@ -1293,7 +1294,7 @@
-  static void AddImageInternTable(gc::space::ImageSpace* space)
+  static void HandleAppImageStrings(gc::space::ImageSpace* space)
   static void UpdateInternStrings(
@@ -1377,8 +1378,11 @@
   if (ClassLinker::kAppImageMayContainStrings) {
-    AddImageInternTable(space);
-    DCHECK(VerifyStringInterning(*space));
+    HandleAppImageStrings(space);
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      VerifyStringInterning(*space);
+    }
   if (kVerifyArtMethodDeclaringClasses) {
@@ -1393,51 +1397,76 @@
     gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
     const SafeMap<mirror::String*, mirror::String*>& intern_remap) {
   const uint8_t* target_base = space->Begin();
-  const ImageSection& sro_section = space->GetImageHeader().GetImageStringReferenceOffsetsSection();
-  const size_t num_string_offsets = sro_section.Size() / sizeof(uint32_t);
+  const ImageSection& sro_section =
+      space->GetImageHeader().GetImageStringReferenceOffsetsSection();
+  const size_t num_string_offsets = sro_section.Size() / sizeof(AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo);
       << "ClassLinker:AppImage:InternStrings:imageStringReferenceOffsetCount = "
       << num_string_offsets;
-  const uint32_t* sro_base =
-      reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(target_base + sro_section.Offset());
+  const auto* sro_base =
+      reinterpret_cast<const AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo*>(target_base + sro_section.Offset());
   for (size_t offset_index = 0; offset_index < num_string_offsets; ++offset_index) {
-    if (HasNativeRefTag(sro_base[offset_index])) {
-      void* raw_field_addr = space->Begin() + ClearNativeRefTag(sro_base[offset_index]);
-      mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* objref_addr =
-          reinterpret_cast<mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>*>(raw_field_addr);
-      mirror::String* referred_string = objref_addr->AsMirrorPtr()->AsString();
+    uint32_t base_offset = sro_base[offset_index].first;
+    if (HasDexCacheNativeRefTag(base_offset)) {
+      base_offset = ClearDexCacheNativeRefTag(base_offset);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset,  2);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache =
+          reinterpret_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
+      uint32_t string_index = sro_base[offset_index].second;
+      mirror::StringDexCachePair source = dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index].load();
+      ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string = source.object.Read();
       DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
-      auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string);
+      auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string.Ptr());
       if (it != intern_remap.end()) {
-        objref_addr->Assign(it->second);
+        // This doesn't use SetResolvedString to maintain consistency with how
+        // we load the string.  The index from the source string must be
+        // re-used due to the circular nature of the cache.  Because we are not
+        // using a helper function we need to mark the GC card manually.
+        WriteBarrier::ForEveryFieldWrite(dex_cache);
+        dex_cache->GetStrings()[string_index].store(
+            mirror::StringDexCachePair(it->second, source.index));
-    } else {
-      void* raw_field_addr = space->Begin() + sro_base[offset_index];
-      mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>* objref_addr =
-          reinterpret_cast<mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>*>(raw_field_addr);
-      mirror::String* referred_string = objref_addr->AsMirrorPtr()->AsString();
-      DCHECK(referred_string !=  nullptr);
-      auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string);
+    } else {
+      uint32_t raw_member_offset = sro_base[offset_index].second;
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(base_offset,  2);
+      DCHECK_ALIGNED(raw_member_offset, 2);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj_ptr =
+          reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(space->Begin() + base_offset);
+      MemberOffset member_offset(raw_member_offset);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::String> referred_string =
+          obj_ptr->GetFieldObject<mirror::String,
+                                  kVerifyNone,
+                                  kWithoutReadBarrier,
+                                  /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(member_offset);
+      DCHECK(referred_string != nullptr);
+      auto it = intern_remap.find(referred_string.Ptr());
       if (it != intern_remap.end()) {
-        objref_addr->Assign<false>(it->second);
+        obj_ptr->SetFieldObject</* kTransactionActive= */ false,
+                                /* kCheckTransaction= */ false,
+                                kVerifyNone,
+                                /* kIsVolatile= */ false>(member_offset, it->second);
-void AppImageLoadingHelper::AddImageInternTable(gc::space::ImageSpace* space) {
+void AppImageLoadingHelper::HandleAppImageStrings(gc::space::ImageSpace* space) {
   // Iterate over the string reference offsets stored in the image and intern
   // the strings they point to.
   ScopedTrace timing("AppImage:InternString");
   Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
-  Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
-  InternTable* const intern_table = runtime->GetInternTable();
+  InternTable* const intern_table = Runtime::Current()->GetInternTable();
   // Add the intern table, removing any conflicts. For conflicts, store the new address in a map
   // for faster lookup.
@@ -1445,7 +1474,7 @@
   SafeMap<mirror::String*, mirror::String*> intern_remap;
   intern_table->AddImageStringsToTable(space, [&](InternTable::UnorderedSet& interns)
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-    VLOG(image) << "AppImage:StringsInInternTable = " << interns.size();
+    VLOG(image) << "AppImage:stringsInInternTableSize = " << interns.size();
     for (auto it = interns.begin(); it != interns.end(); ) {
       ObjPtr<mirror::String> string = it->Read();
       ObjPtr<mirror::String> existing = intern_table->LookupWeak(self, string);
@@ -1461,7 +1490,7 @@
-  VLOG(image) << "AppImage:ConflictingInternStrings = " << intern_remap.size();
+  VLOG(image) << "AppImage:conflictingInternStrings = " << intern_remap.size();
   // For debug builds, always run the code below to get coverage.
   if (kIsDebugBuild || !intern_remap.empty()) {
diff --git a/runtime/image.h b/runtime/image.h
index bd903da..0dec5f7 100644
--- a/runtime/image.h
+++ b/runtime/image.h
@@ -442,11 +442,27 @@
- * Tags the last bit.  Used by AppImage logic to differentiate between managed
- * and native references.
+ * This type holds the information necessary to fix up AppImage string
+ * references.
+ *
+ * The first element of the pair is an offset into the image space.  If the
+ * offset is tagged (testable using HasDexCacheNativeRefTag) it indicates the location
+ * of a DexCache object that has one or more native references to managed
+ * strings that need to be fixed up.  In this case the second element has no
+ * meaningful value.
+ *
+ * If the first element isn't tagged then it indicates the location of a
+ * managed object with a field that needs fixing up.  In this case the second
+ * element of the pair is an object-relative offset to the field in question.
+ */
+typedef std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> AppImageReferenceOffsetInfo;
+ * Tags the last bit.  Used by AppImage logic to differentiate between pointers
+ * to managed objects and pointers to native reference arrays.
 template<typename T>
-T SetNativeRefTag(T val) {
+T SetDexCacheNativeRefTag(T val) {
   static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Expected integral type.");
   return val | 1u;
@@ -454,10 +470,11 @@
  * Retrieves the value of the last bit.  Used by AppImage logic to
- * differentiate between managed and native references.
+ * differentiate between pointers to managed objects and pointers to native
+ * reference arrays.
 template<typename T>
-bool HasNativeRefTag(T val) {
+bool HasDexCacheNativeRefTag(T val) {
   static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Expected integral type.");
   return (val & 1u) == 1u;
@@ -465,10 +482,11 @@
  * Sets the last bit of the value to 0.  Used by AppImage logic to
- * differentiate between managed and native references.
+ * differentiate between pointers to managed objects and pointers to native
+ * reference arrays.
 template<typename T>
-T ClearNativeRefTag(T val) {
+T ClearDexCacheNativeRefTag(T val) {
   static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "Expected integral type.");
   return val & ~1u;