blob: 7cc584d99235d9d6403cea070628fbbd2fc3fd13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dexfuzz.executors;
import dexfuzz.ExecutionResult;
import dexfuzz.Log;
import dexfuzz.Options;
import dexfuzz.StreamConsumer;
import dexfuzz.listeners.BaseListener;
import java.util.Map;
* Base class containing the common methods for executing a particular backend of ART.
public abstract class Executor {
private String androidHostOut;
private String androidProductOut;
private StreamConsumer outputConsumer;
private StreamConsumer errorConsumer;
protected ExecutionResult executionResult;
protected String executeClass;
// Set by subclasses.
protected String name;
protected int timeout;
protected BaseListener listener;
protected String testLocation;
protected Architecture architecture;
protected Device device;
protected Executor(String name, int timeout, BaseListener listener, Architecture architecture,
Device device) {
executeClass = Options.executeClass;
if (Options.shortTimeouts) {
this.timeout = 2;
} else {
this.timeout = timeout;
} = name;
this.listener = listener;
this.architecture = architecture;
this.device = device;
this.testLocation = Options.executeDirectory;
Map<String, String> envVars = System.getenv();
androidProductOut = checkForEnvVar(envVars, "ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT");
androidHostOut = checkForEnvVar(envVars, "ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
outputConsumer = new StreamConsumer();
errorConsumer = new StreamConsumer();
if (!device.isLocal()) {
// Check for ADB.
try {
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();
pb.command("adb", "devices");
Process process = pb.start();
int exitValue = process.waitFor();
if (exitValue != 0) {
Log.errorAndQuit("Problem executing ADB - is it in your $PATH?");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.errorAndQuit("IOException when executing ADB, is it working?");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.errorAndQuit("InterruptedException when executing ADB, is it working?");
// Check we can run something on ADB.
ExecutionResult result = executeOnDevice("true", true);
if (result.getFlattenedAll().contains("device not found")) {
Log.errorAndQuit("Couldn't connect to specified ADB device: " + device.getName());
private String checkForEnvVar(Map<String, String> envVars, String key) {
if (!envVars.containsKey(key)) {
Log.errorAndQuit("Cannot run a fuzzed program if $" + key + " is not set!");
return envVars.get(key);
private ExecutionResult executeCommand(String command, boolean captureOutput) {
ExecutionResult result = new ExecutionResult();"Executing: " + command);
try {
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command.split(" "));
processBuilder.environment().put("ANDROID_ROOT", androidHostOut);
Process process = processBuilder.start();
if (captureOutput) {
// Give the streams to the StreamConsumers.
// Wait until the process is done - the StreamConsumers will keep the
// buffers drained, so this shouldn't block indefinitely.
// Get the return value as well.
result.returnValue = process.waitFor();"Return value: " + result.returnValue);
if (captureOutput) {
// Tell the StreamConsumers to stop consuming, and wait for them to finish
// so we know we have all of the output.
result.output = outputConsumer.getOutput();
result.error = errorConsumer.getOutput();
// Always explicitly indicate the return code in the text output now.
// NB: adb shell doesn't actually return exit codes currently, but this will
// be useful if/when it does.
result.output.add("RETURN CODE: " + result.returnValue);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.errorAndQuit("ExecutionResult.execute() caught an IOException");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.errorAndQuit("ExecutionResult.execute() caught an InterruptedException");
return result;
* Called by subclass Executors in their execute() implementations.
protected ExecutionResult executeOnDevice(String command, boolean captureOutput) {
String timeoutString = "timeout " + timeout + " ";
return executeCommand(timeoutString + device.getExecutionShellPrefix() + command,
private ExecutionResult pushToDevice(String command) {
return executeCommand(device.getExecutionPushPrefix() + command, false);
* Call this to make sure the StreamConsumer threads are stopped.
public void shutdown() {
* Called by the Fuzzer after each execution has finished, to clear the results.
public void reset() {
executionResult = null;
* Called by the Fuzzer to verify the mutated program using the host-side dex2oat.
public boolean verifyOnHost(String programName) {
StringBuilder commandBuilder = new StringBuilder();
commandBuilder.append("dex2oat ");
// This assumes that the Architecture enum's name, when reduced to lower-case,
// matches what dex2oat would expect.
commandBuilder.append(" --instruction-set-features=default ");
// Select the correct boot image.
if (device.noBootImageAvailable()) {
commandBuilder.append("/data/art-test/ ");
} else {
commandBuilder.append("/system/framework/ ");
commandBuilder.append("--oat-file=output.oat ");
commandBuilder.append("--android-root=").append(androidHostOut).append(" ");
commandBuilder.append("--runtime-arg -classpath ");
commandBuilder.append("--runtime-arg ").append(programName).append(" ");
commandBuilder.append("--dex-file=").append(programName).append(" ");
commandBuilder.append("--compiler-filter=interpret-only --runtime-arg -Xnorelocate ");
ExecutionResult verificationResult = executeCommand(commandBuilder.toString(), true);
boolean success = true;
if (verificationResult.isSigabort()) {
success = false;
if (success) {
// Search for a keyword that indicates verification was not successful.
// TODO: Determine if dex2oat crashed?
for (String line : verificationResult.error) {
if (line.contains("Verification error")
|| line.contains("Failure to verify dex file")) {
success = false;
if (Options.dumpVerify) {
// Strip out the start of the log lines.
listener.handleDumpVerify(line.replaceFirst(".*(cc|h):\\d+] ", ""));
if (!success) {
executeCommand("rm output.oat", false);
return success;
* Called by the Fuzzer to upload the program to the target device.
* TODO: Check if we're executing on a local device, and don't do this?
public void uploadToTarget(String programName) {
pushToDevice(programName + " " + testLocation);
* Executor subclasses need to override this, to construct their arguments for dalvikvm
* invocation correctly.
public abstract void execute(String programName);
* Executor subclasses need to override this, to delete their generated OAT file correctly.
public abstract void deleteGeneratedOatFile(String programName);
* Executor subclasses need to override this, to report if they need a cleaned code cache.
public abstract boolean needsCleanCodeCache();
* Fuzzer.checkForArchitectureSplit() will use this determine the architecture of the Executor.
public Architecture getArchitecture() {
return architecture;
* Used in each subclass of Executor's deleteGeneratedOatFile() method, to know what to delete.
protected String getOatFileName(String programName) {
// Converts e.g. /data/art-test/file.dex to data@art-test@file.dex
return (testLocation.replace("/", "@").substring(1) + "@" + programName);
* Used by the Fuzzer to get result of execution.
public ExecutionResult getResult() {
return executionResult;
* Because dex2oat can accept a program with soft errors on the host, and then fail after
* performing hard verification on the target, we need to check if the Executor detected
* a target verification failure, before doing anything else with the resulting output.
* Used by the Fuzzer.
public boolean verifyOnTarget() {
// TODO: Remove this once host-verification can be forced to always fail?
if (executionResult.getFlattenedOutput().contains("VerifyError")) {
return false;
return true;
public String getName() {
return name;