blob: 7fda6eae60ce772c124a398fdde47cebc6f587dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "macros.h"
#include "mark_stack.h"
#include "heap_bitmap.h"
#include "offsets.h"
namespace art {
class Class;
class Heap;
class Object;
class MarkSweep {
MarkSweep(MarkStack* mark_stack);
// Initializes internal structures.
void Init();
// Marks the root set at the start of a garbage collection.
void MarkRoots();
// Marks the roots in the image space on dirty cards
void ScanDirtyImageRoots();
bool IsMarkStackEmpty() const {
return mark_stack_->IsEmpty();
// Builds a mark stack and recursively mark until it empties.
void RecursiveMark();
// Remarks the root set after completing the concurrent mark.
void ReMarkRoots();
void ProcessReferences(bool clear_soft_references) {
ProcessReferences(&soft_reference_list_, clear_soft_references,
// Sweeps unmarked objects to complete the garbage collection.
void Sweep();
Object* GetClearedReferences() {
return cleared_reference_list_;
// Returns true if the object has its bit set in the mark bitmap.
bool IsMarked(const Object* object) const {
return mark_bitmap_->Test(object);
static bool IsMarked(const Object* object, void* arg) {
return reinterpret_cast<MarkSweep*>(arg)->IsMarked(object);
static void MarkObjectVisitor(const Object* root, void* arg);
static void ScanImageRootVisitor(Object* root, void* arg);
// Marks an object.
void MarkObject(const Object* obj);
// Yuck.
void MarkObject0(const Object* obj, bool check_finger);
static void ScanBitmapCallback(Object* obj, void* finger, void* arg);
static void CheckBitmapCallback(Object* obj, void* finger, void* arg);
static void SweepCallback(size_t num_ptrs, Object** ptrs, void* arg);
void CheckReference(const Object* obj, const Object* ref, MemberOffset offset, bool is_static);
// Blackens an object.
void ScanObject(const Object* obj);
void CheckObject(const Object* obj);
// Grays references in instance fields.
void ScanInstanceFields(const Object* obj);
void CheckInstanceFields(const Object* obj);
// Blackens a class object.
void ScanClass(const Object* obj);
void CheckClass(const Object* obj);
// Grays references in static fields.
void ScanStaticFields(const Class* klass);
void CheckStaticFields(const Class* klass);
// Used by ScanInstanceFields and ScanStaticFields
void ScanFields(const Object* obj, uint32_t ref_offsets, bool is_static);
void CheckFields(const Object* obj, uint32_t ref_offsets, bool is_static);
// Grays references in an array.
void ScanArray(const Object* obj);
void CheckArray(const Object* obj);
void ScanOther(const Object* obj);
void CheckOther(const Object* obj);
// Blackens objects grayed during a garbage collection.
void ScanDirtyObjects();
// Schedules an unmarked object for reference processing.
void DelayReferenceReferent(Object* reference);
// Recursively blackens objects on the mark stack.
void ProcessMarkStack();
void EnqueueFinalizerReferences(Object** ref);
void PreserveSomeSoftReferences(Object** ref);
void ClearWhiteReferences(Object** list);
void ProcessReferences(Object** soft_references, bool clear_soft_references,
Object** weak_references,
Object** finalizer_references,
Object** phantom_references);
void SweepSystemWeaks();
void SweepJniWeakGlobals();
MarkStack* mark_stack_;
Heap* heap_;
HeapBitmap* mark_bitmap_;
HeapBitmap* live_bitmap_;
Object* finger_;
Object* condemned_;
Object* soft_reference_list_;
Object* weak_reference_list_;
Object* finalizer_reference_list_;
Object* phantom_reference_list_;
Object* cleared_reference_list_;
size_t class_count_;
size_t array_count_;
size_t other_count_;
friend class InternTableEntryIsUnmarked;
} // namespace art