blob: 68e01a049ac75a44241010b06881f6c7d35b4d38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Base64;
public class Main {
// import java.util.function.Consumer;
// class Transform {
// private void Start(Consumer<String> reporter) {
// reporter.accept("Hello - private - Transformed");
// }
// private void Finish(Consumer<String> reporter) {
// reporter.accept("Goodbye - private - Transformed");
// }
// public void sayHi(Runnable r, Consumer<String> reporter) {
// reporter.accept("pre Start private method call - Transformed");
// Start(reporter);
// reporter.accept("post Start private method call - Transformed");
// reporter.accept("pre Finish private method call - Transformed");
// Finish(reporter);
// reporter.accept("post Finish private method call - Transformed");
// }
// }
private static final byte[] CLASS_BYTES = Base64.getDecoder().decode(
"dmEvdXRpbC9mdW5jdGlvbi9Db25zdW1lcjspVgEACVNpZ25hdHVyZQEANChMamF2YS91dGlsL2Z1" +
"bmN0aW9uL0NvbnN1bWVyPExqYXZhL2xhbmcvU3RyaW5nOz47KVYBAAZGaW5pc2gBAAVzYXlIaQEA" +
"NChMamF2YS9sYW5nL1J1bm5hYmxlO0xqYXZhL3V0aWwvZnVuY3Rpb24vQ29uc3VtZXI7KVYBAEgo" +
"TGphdmEvbGFuZy9SdW5uYWJsZTtMamF2YS91dGlsL2Z1bmN0aW9uL0NvbnN1bWVyPExqYXZhL2xh" +
"bmcvU3RyaW5nOz47KVYBAApTb3VyY2VGaWxlAQAOVHJhbnNmb3JtLmphdmEMAA4ADwEAHUhlbGxv" +
"IC0gcHJpdmF0ZSAtIFRyYW5zZm9ybWVkBwArDAAsAC0BAB9Hb29kYnllIC0gcHJpdmF0ZSAtIFRy" +
"YW5zZm9ybWVkAQArcHJlIFN0YXJ0IHByaXZhdGUgbWV0aG9kIGNhbGwgLSBUcmFuc2Zvcm1lZAwA" +
"b3N0IEZpbmlzaCBwcml2YXRlIG1ldGhvZCBjYWxsIC0gVHJhbnNmb3JtZWQBAAlUcmFuc2Zvcm0B" +
"ABBqYXZhL2xhbmcvT2JqZWN0AQAbamF2YS91dGlsL2Z1bmN0aW9uL0NvbnN1bWVyAQAGYWNjZXB0" +
private static final byte[] DEX_BYTES = Base64.getDecoder().decode(
"cmFuc2Zvcm1lZAAdSGVsbG8gLSBwcml2YXRlIC0gVHJhbnNmb3JtZWQAC0xUcmFuc2Zvcm07AB1M" +
"ZGFsdmlrL2Fubm90YXRpb24vU2lnbmF0dXJlOwASTGphdmEvbGFuZy9PYmplY3Q7ABRMamF2YS9s" +
"YW5nL1J1bm5hYmxlOwASTGphdmEvbGFuZy9TdHJpbmc7ABxMamF2YS91dGlsL2Z1bmN0aW9uL0Nv" +
"bnN1bWVyAB1MamF2YS91dGlsL2Z1bmN0aW9uL0NvbnN1bWVyOwAFU3RhcnQADlRyYW5zZm9ybS5q" +
"cHJpdmF0ZSBtZXRob2QgY2FsbCAtIFRyYW5zZm9ybWVkACxwb3N0IFN0YXJ0IHByaXZhdGUgbWV0" +
"aG9kIGNhbGwgLSBUcmFuc2Zvcm1lZAAscHJlIEZpbmlzaCBwcml2YXRlIG1ldGhvZCBjYWxsIC0g" +
// A class that we can use to keep track of the output of this test.
private static class TestWatcher implements Consumer<String> {
private StringBuilder sb;
public TestWatcher() {
sb = new StringBuilder();
public void accept(String s) {
public String getOutput() {
return sb.toString();
public void clear() {
sb = new StringBuilder();
public static void main(String[] args) {
doTest(new Transform(), new TestWatcher());
// TODO Workaround to (1) inability to ensure that current_method is not put into a register by
// the JIT and/or (2) inability to deoptimize frames near runtime functions.
// TODO Fix one/both of these issues.
public static void doCall(Runnable r) {;
private static boolean interpreting = true;
private static boolean retry = false;
public static void doTest(Transform t, TestWatcher w) {
// Get the methods that need to be optimized.
Method say_hi_method;
Method do_call_method;
try {
say_hi_method = Transform.class.getDeclaredMethod(
"sayHi", Runnable.class, Consumer.class);
do_call_method = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("doCall", Runnable.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Unable to find methods!");
// Makes sure the stack is the way we want it for the test and does the redefinition. It will
// set the retry boolean to true if we need to go around again due to a bad stack.
Runnable do_redefinition = () -> {
if (Main.isInterpretedFunction(say_hi_method, true) ||
Main.isInterpretedFunction(do_call_method, false)) {
// Try again. We are not running the right jitted methods/cannot redefine them now.
retry = true;
} else {
// Actually do the redefinition. The stack looks good.
retry = false;
w.accept("transforming calling function");
doCommonClassRedefinition(Transform.class, CLASS_BYTES, DEX_BYTES);
// This does nothing.
Runnable noop = () -> {};
// This just prints something out to show we are running the Runnable.
Runnable say_nothing = () -> { w.accept("Not doing anything here"); };
// This checks to see if we have jitted the methods we are testing.
Runnable check_interpreting = () -> {
// TODO remove the second check when we remove the doCall function. We need to check that
// both of these functions aren't being interpreted because if sayHi is the test doesn't do
// anything and if doCall is then there will be a runtime call right above the sayHi
// function preventing sayHi from being deoptimized.
interpreting = Main.isInterpretedFunction(say_hi_method, true) ||
Main.isInterpretedFunction(do_call_method, false);
do {
// Wait for the methods to be jitted
long j = 0;
do {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
t.sayHi(noop, w);
t.sayHi(check_interpreting, w);
if (j >= 1000000) {
System.out.println("FAIL: Could not make sayHi be Jitted!");
} while(interpreting);
// Clear output. Now we try for real.
// Try and redefine.
t.sayHi(say_nothing, w);
t.sayHi(do_redefinition, w);
t.sayHi(say_nothing, w);
} while (retry);
// Print output of last run.
private static native boolean isInterpretedFunction(Method m, boolean require_deoptimizable);
// Transforms the class
private static native void doCommonClassRedefinition(Class<?> target,
byte[] classfile,
byte[] dexfile);