blob: ec8e2a680eadb3b2a2369a7bcf4c449c9ee26ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Generated by `regen-test-files`. Do not edit manually.
// Build rules for ART run-test `532-checker-nonnull-arrayset`.
// Test's Dex code.
java_test {
name: "art-run-test-532-checker-nonnull-arrayset",
defaults: ["art-run-test-defaults"],
srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
data: [":art-run-test-532-checker-nonnull-arrayset-expected"],
// Include the Java source files in the test's artifacts, to make Checker assertions
// available to the TradeFed test runner.
include_srcs: true,
// Test's expected output.
genrule {
name: "art-run-test-532-checker-nonnull-arrayset-expected",
out: ["art-run-test-532-checker-nonnull-arrayset-expected.txt"],
srcs: ["expected.txt"],
cmd: "cp -f $(in) $(out)",