blob: 857e8bac5207a8a0ac5856aec48c3a5a4f2082ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "odrefresh.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <system_error>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "aidl/com/android/art/CompilerFilter.h"
#include "aidl/com/android/art/DexoptBcpExtArgs.h"
#include "aidl/com/android/art/DexoptSystemServerArgs.h"
#include "aidl/com/android/art/Isa.h"
#include "android-base/file.h"
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "android-base/parseint.h"
#include "android-base/properties.h"
#include "android-base/result.h"
#include "android-base/scopeguard.h"
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "android/log.h"
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
#include "base/file_utils.h"
#include "base/globals.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/os.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/string_view_cpp20.h"
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "com_android_apex.h"
#include "com_android_art.h"
#include "dex/art_dex_file_loader.h"
#include "dexoptanalyzer.h"
#include "exec_utils.h"
#include "libdexopt.h"
#include "log/log.h"
#include "odr_artifacts.h"
#include "odr_common.h"
#include "odr_compilation_log.h"
#include "odr_config.h"
#include "odr_dexopt.h"
#include "odr_fs_utils.h"
#include "odr_metrics.h"
#include "odrefresh/odrefresh.h"
#include "palette/palette.h"
#include "palette/palette_types.h"
namespace art {
namespace odrefresh {
namespace apex = com::android::apex;
namespace art_apex = com::android::art;
using aidl::com::android::art::CompilerFilter;
using aidl::com::android::art::DexoptBcpExtArgs;
using aidl::com::android::art::DexoptSystemServerArgs;
using aidl::com::android::art::Isa;
using android::base::Result;
namespace {
// Name of cache info file in the ART Apex artifact cache.
constexpr const char* kCacheInfoFile = "cache-info.xml";
constexpr mode_t kFileMode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
constexpr const char* kFirstBootImageBasename = "";
void EraseFiles(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>>& files) {
for (auto& file : files) {
// Moves `files` to the directory `output_directory_path`.
// If any of the files cannot be moved, then all copies of the files are removed from both
// the original location and the output location.
// Returns true if all files are moved, false otherwise.
bool MoveOrEraseFiles(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>>& files,
std::string_view output_directory_path) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> output_files;
for (auto& file : files) {
const std::string file_basename(android::base::Basename(file->GetPath()));
const std::string output_file_path = Concatenate({output_directory_path, "/", file_basename});
const std::string input_file_path = file->GetPath();
if (output_files.back() == nullptr) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << QuotePath(output_file_path);
return false;
if (fchmod(output_files.back()->Fd(), kFileMode) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not set file mode on " << QuotePath(output_file_path);
return false;
const size_t file_bytes = file->GetLength();
if (!output_files.back()->Copy(file.get(), /*offset=*/0, file_bytes)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy " << QuotePath(file->GetPath()) << " to "
<< QuotePath(output_file_path);
return false;
if (!file->Erase(/*unlink=*/true)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to erase " << QuotePath(file->GetPath());
return false;
if (output_files.back()->FlushCloseOrErase() != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush and close file " << QuotePath(output_file_path);
return false;
return true;
// Gets the `ApexInfo` associated with the currently active ART APEX.
std::optional<apex::ApexInfo> GetArtApexInfo(const std::vector<apex::ApexInfo>& info_list) {
auto it = std::find_if(info_list.begin(), info_list.end(), [](const apex::ApexInfo& info) {
return info.getModuleName() == "";
return it != info_list.end() ? std::make_optional(*it) : std::nullopt;
// Returns cache provenance information based on the current APEX version and filesystem
// information.
art_apex::ModuleInfo GenerateModuleInfo(const apex::ApexInfo& apex_info,
bool include_last_update_millis) {
// The lastUpdateMillis is an addition to ApexInfoList.xsd to support samegrade installs.
int64_t last_update_millis =
apex_info.hasLastUpdateMillis() ? apex_info.getLastUpdateMillis() : 0;
return art_apex::ModuleInfo{
include_last_update_millis ? std::make_optional(last_update_millis) : std::nullopt};
// Returns cache provenance information for all APEXes.
std::vector<art_apex::ModuleInfo> GenerateModuleInfoList(
const std::vector<apex::ApexInfo>& apex_info_list, bool include_last_update_millis) {
std::vector<art_apex::ModuleInfo> module_info_list;
std::bind(GenerateModuleInfo, std::placeholders::_1, include_last_update_millis));
return module_info_list;
// Returns a rewritten path based on ANDROID_ROOT if the path starts with "/system/".
std::string AndroidRootRewrite(const std::string& path) {
if (StartsWith(path, "/system/")) {
return Concatenate({GetAndroidRoot(), path.substr(7)});
} else {
return path;
template <typename T>
Result<void> CheckComponents(
const std::vector<T>& expected_components,
const std::vector<T>& actual_components,
const std::function<Result<void>(const T& expected, const T& actual)>& custom_checker =
[](const T&, const T&) -> Result<void> { return {}; }) {
if (expected_components.size() != actual_components.size()) {
return Errorf(
"Component count differs ({} != {})", expected_components.size(), actual_components.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_components.size(); ++i) {
const T& expected = expected_components[i];
const T& actual = actual_components[i];
if (expected.getFile() != actual.getFile()) {
return Errorf(
"Component {} file differs ('{}' != '{}')", i, expected.getFile(), actual.getFile());
if (expected.getSize() != actual.getSize()) {
return Errorf(
"Component {} size differs ({} != {})", i, expected.getSize(), actual.getSize());
if (expected.getChecksums() != actual.getChecksums()) {
return Errorf("Component {} checksums differ ('{}' != '{}')",
Result<void> result = custom_checker(expected, actual);
if (!result.ok()) {
return Errorf("Component {} {}", i, result.error().message());
return {};
Result<void> CheckSystemServerComponents(
const std::vector<art_apex::SystemServerComponent>& expected_components,
const std::vector<art_apex::SystemServerComponent>& actual_components) {
return CheckComponents<art_apex::SystemServerComponent>(
[](const art_apex::SystemServerComponent& expected,
const art_apex::SystemServerComponent& actual) -> Result<void> {
if (expected.getIsInClasspath() != actual.getIsInClasspath()) {
return Errorf("isInClasspath differs ({} != {})",
return {};
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> GenerateComponents(
const std::vector<std::string>& jars,
const std::function<T(const std::string& path, uint64_t size, const std::string& checksum)>&
custom_generator) {
std::vector<T> components;
ArtDexFileLoader loader;
for (const std::string& path : jars) {
std::string actual_path = AndroidRootRewrite(path);
struct stat sb;
if (stat(actual_path.c_str(), &sb) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stat component: " << QuotePath(actual_path);
return {};
std::vector<uint32_t> checksums;
std::vector<std::string> dex_locations;
std::string error_msg;
if (!loader.GetMultiDexChecksums(actual_path.c_str(), &checksums, &dex_locations, &error_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get multi-dex checksums: " << error_msg;
return {};
std::ostringstream oss;
for (size_t i = 0; i < checksums.size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
oss << ';';
oss << android::base::StringPrintf("%08x", checksums[i]);
const std::string checksum = oss.str();
Result<T> component = custom_generator(path, static_cast<uint64_t>(sb.st_size), checksum);
if (!component.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate component: " << component.error();
return {};
return components;
std::vector<art_apex::Component> GenerateComponents(const std::vector<std::string>& jars) {
return GenerateComponents<art_apex::Component>(
jars, [](const std::string& path, uint64_t size, const std::string& checksum) {
return art_apex::Component{path, size, checksum};
// Checks whether a group of artifacts exists. Returns true if all are present, false otherwise.
// If `checked_artifacts` is present, adds checked artifacts to `checked_artifacts`.
bool ArtifactsExist(const OdrArtifacts& artifacts,
bool check_art_file,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts = nullptr) {
std::vector<const char*> paths{artifacts.OatPath().c_str(), artifacts.VdexPath().c_str()};
if (check_art_file) {
for (const char* path : paths) {
if (!OS::FileExists(path)) {
if (errno == EACCES) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stat() " << path;
*error_msg = "Missing file: " + QuotePath(path);
return false;
// This should be done after checking all artifacts because either all of them are valid or none
// of them is valid.
if (checked_artifacts != nullptr) {
for (const char* path : paths) {
return true;
bool PrepareDex2OatConcurrencyArguments(/*out*/ int* threads, /*out*/ std::vector<int>* cpu_set) {
DCHECK(cpu_set && cpu_set->empty());
*threads = android::base::GetIntProperty("dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-threads",
std::string cpu_set_spec = android::base::GetProperty("dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-cpu-set", "");
if (cpu_set_spec.empty()) {
return true;
for (auto& str : android::base::Split(cpu_set_spec, ",")) {
int id;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(str, &id, 0)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid CPU set spec: " << cpu_set_spec;
return false;
return true;
bool PrepareDex2OatProfileIfExists(/*inout*/ int* profile_fd,
/*inout*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>>* output_files,
const std::string& profile_path) {
std::unique_ptr<File> profile_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(profile_path.c_str()));
if (profile_file && profile_file->IsOpened()) {
*profile_fd = profile_file->Fd();
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool PrepareBootClasspathFds(/*inout*/ std::vector<int>& boot_classpath_fds,
/*inout*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>>& output_files,
const std::vector<std::string>& bcp_jars) {
for (const std::string& jar : bcp_jars) {
// Special treatment for Compilation OS. JARs in staged APEX may not be visible to Android, and
// may only be visible in the VM where the staged APEX is mounted. On the contrary, JARs in
// /system is not available by path in the VM, and can only made available via (remote) FDs.
if (StartsWith(jar, "/apex/")) {
} else {
std::string actual_path = AndroidRootRewrite(jar);
std::unique_ptr<File> jar_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(actual_path.c_str()));
if (!jar_file || !jar_file->IsValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open a BCP jar " << actual_path;
return false;
return true;
std::string GetBootImageComponentBasename(const std::string& jar_path, bool is_first_jar) {
if (is_first_jar) {
return kFirstBootImageBasename;
const std::string jar_name = android::base::Basename(jar_path);
return "boot-" + ReplaceFileExtension(jar_name, "art");
void PrepareCompiledBootClasspathFdsIfAny(
/*inout*/ DexoptSystemServerArgs& dexopt_args,
/*inout*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>>& output_files,
const std::vector<std::string>& bcp_jars,
const InstructionSet isa,
const std::string& artifact_dir) {
std::vector<int> bcp_image_fds;
std::vector<int> bcp_oat_fds;
std::vector<int> bcp_vdex_fds;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> opened_files;
bool added_any = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bcp_jars.size(); i++) {
const std::string& jar = bcp_jars[i];
std::string image_path =
artifact_dir + "/" + GetBootImageComponentBasename(jar, /*is_first_jar=*/i == 0);
image_path = GetSystemImageFilename(image_path.c_str(), isa);
std::unique_ptr<File> image_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(image_path.c_str()));
if (image_file && image_file->IsValid()) {
added_any = true;
} else {
std::string oat_path = ReplaceFileExtension(image_path, "oat");
std::unique_ptr<File> oat_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(oat_path.c_str()));
if (oat_file && oat_file->IsValid()) {
added_any = true;
} else {
std::string vdex_path = ReplaceFileExtension(image_path, "vdex");
std::unique_ptr<File> vdex_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(vdex_path.c_str()));
if (vdex_file && vdex_file->IsValid()) {
added_any = true;
} else {
// Add same amount of FDs as BCP JARs, or none.
if (added_any) {
std::move(opened_files.begin(), opened_files.end(), std::back_inserter(output_files));
dexopt_args.bootClasspathImageFds = bcp_image_fds;
dexopt_args.bootClasspathVdexFds = bcp_vdex_fds;
dexopt_args.bootClasspathOatFds = bcp_oat_fds;
std::string GetStagingLocation(const std::string& staging_dir, const std::string& path) {
return Concatenate({staging_dir, "/", android::base::Basename(path)});
WARN_UNUSED bool CheckCompilationSpace() {
// Check the available storage space against an arbitrary threshold because dex2oat does not
// report when it runs out of storage space and we do not want to completely fill
// the users data partition.
// We do not have a good way of pre-computing the required space for a compilation step, but
// typically observe no more than 48MiB as the largest total size of AOT artifacts for a single
// dex2oat invocation, which includes an image file, an executable file, and a verification data
// file.
static constexpr uint64_t kMinimumSpaceForCompilation = 48 * 1024 * 1024;
uint64_t bytes_available;
const std::string& art_apex_data_path = GetArtApexData();
if (!GetFreeSpace(art_apex_data_path, &bytes_available)) {
return false;
if (bytes_available < kMinimumSpaceForCompilation) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Low space for " << QuotePath(art_apex_data_path) << " (" << bytes_available
<< " bytes)";
return false;
return true;
Isa InstructionSetToAidlIsa(InstructionSet isa) {
switch (isa) {
case InstructionSet::kArm:
return Isa::ARM;
case InstructionSet::kThumb2:
return Isa::THUMB2;
case InstructionSet::kArm64:
return Isa::ARM64;
case InstructionSet::kX86:
return Isa::X86;
case InstructionSet::kX86_64:
return Isa::X86_64;
CompilerFilter CompilerFilterStringToAidl(const std::string& compiler_filter) {
if (compiler_filter == "speed-profile") {
return CompilerFilter::SPEED_PROFILE;
} else if (compiler_filter == "speed") {
return CompilerFilter::SPEED;
} else if (compiler_filter == "verify") {
return CompilerFilter::VERIFY;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Unrecognized compiler filter: " << compiler_filter;
return CompilerFilter::UNSUPPORTED;
std::string GetArtBootImageDir() { return GetArtRoot() + "/javalib"; }
std::string GetSystemBootImageDir() { return GetAndroidRoot() + "/framework"; }
} // namespace
OnDeviceRefresh::OnDeviceRefresh(const OdrConfig& config)
: OnDeviceRefresh(config,
Concatenate({config.GetArtifactDirectory(), "/", kCacheInfoFile}),
std::make_unique<OdrDexopt>(config, std::make_unique<ExecUtils>())) {}
OnDeviceRefresh::OnDeviceRefresh(const OdrConfig& config,
const std::string& cache_info_filename,
std::unique_ptr<ExecUtils> exec_utils,
std::unique_ptr<OdrDexopt> odr_dexopt)
: config_{config},
odr_dexopt_{std::move(odr_dexopt)} {
for (const std::string& jar : android::base::Split(config_.GetDex2oatBootClasspath(), ":")) {
// Updatable APEXes should not have DEX files in the DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH. At the time of
// writing i18n is a non-updatable APEX and so does appear in the DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH.
all_systemserver_jars_ = android::base::Split(config_.GetSystemServerClasspath(), ":");
systemserver_classpath_jars_ = {all_systemserver_jars_.begin(), all_systemserver_jars_.end()};
boot_classpath_jars_ = android::base::Split(config_.GetBootClasspath(), ":");
std::string standalone_system_server_jars_str = config_.GetStandaloneSystemServerJars();
if (!standalone_system_server_jars_str.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> standalone_systemserver_jars =
android::base::Split(standalone_system_server_jars_str, ":");
time_t OnDeviceRefresh::GetExecutionTimeUsed() const { return time(nullptr) - start_time_; }
time_t OnDeviceRefresh::GetExecutionTimeRemaining() const {
return std::max(static_cast<time_t>(0),
config_.GetMaxExecutionSeconds() - GetExecutionTimeUsed());
time_t OnDeviceRefresh::GetSubprocessTimeout() const {
return std::min(GetExecutionTimeRemaining(), config_.GetMaxChildProcessSeconds());
std::optional<std::vector<apex::ApexInfo>> OnDeviceRefresh::GetApexInfoList() const {
std::optional<apex::ApexInfoList> info_list =
if (!info_list.has_value()) {
return std::nullopt;
// We are only interested in active APEXes that contain compilable JARs.
std::unordered_set<std::string_view> relevant_apexes;
for (const std::vector<std::string>* jar_list :
{&boot_classpath_compilable_jars_, &all_systemserver_jars_, &boot_classpath_jars_}) {
for (auto& jar : *jar_list) {
std::string_view apex = ApexNameFromLocation(jar);
if (!apex.empty()) {
// The ART APEX is always relevant no matter it contains any compilable JAR or not, because it
// contains the runtime.
std::vector<apex::ApexInfo> filtered_info_list;
[&](const apex::ApexInfo& info) {
return info.getIsActive() && relevant_apexes.count(info.getModuleName()) != 0;
return filtered_info_list;
std::optional<art_apex::CacheInfo> OnDeviceRefresh::ReadCacheInfo() const {
return art_apex::read(cache_info_filename_.c_str());
Result<void> OnDeviceRefresh::WriteCacheInfo() const {
if (OS::FileExists(cache_info_filename_.c_str())) {
if (unlink(cache_info_filename_.c_str()) != 0) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Failed to unlink() file {}", QuotePath(cache_info_filename_));
const std::string dir_name = android::base::Dirname(cache_info_filename_);
if (!EnsureDirectoryExists(dir_name)) {
return Errorf("Could not create directory {}", QuotePath(dir_name));
std::optional<std::vector<apex::ApexInfo>> apex_info_list = GetApexInfoList();
if (!apex_info_list.has_value()) {
return Errorf("Could not update {}: no APEX info", QuotePath(cache_info_filename_));
std::optional<apex::ApexInfo> art_apex_info = GetArtApexInfo(apex_info_list.value());
if (!art_apex_info.has_value()) {
return Errorf("Could not update {}: no ART APEX info", QuotePath(cache_info_filename_));
// We don't write lastUpdateMillis to the cache info in Compilation OS because APEX timestamps
// inside the VM are different from those outside (b/211458160).
bool include_last_update_millis = !config_.GetCompilationOsMode();
art_apex::ModuleInfo art_module_info =
GenerateModuleInfo(art_apex_info.value(), include_last_update_millis);
std::vector<art_apex::ModuleInfo> module_info_list =
GenerateModuleInfoList(apex_info_list.value(), include_last_update_millis);
std::optional<std::vector<art_apex::Component>> bcp_components =
if (!bcp_components.has_value()) {
return Errorf("No boot classpath components.");
std::optional<std::vector<art_apex::Component>> bcp_compilable_components =
if (!bcp_compilable_components.has_value()) {
return Errorf("No boot classpath compilable components.");
std::optional<std::vector<art_apex::SystemServerComponent>> system_server_components =
if (!system_server_components.has_value()) {
return Errorf("No system_server components.");
std::ofstream out(cache_info_filename_.c_str());
if ( {
return Errorf("Cannot open {} for writing.", QuotePath(cache_info_filename_));
art_apex::CacheInfo info(
config_.GetCompilationOsMode() ? std::make_optional(true) : std::nullopt);
art_apex::write(out, info);
if ( {
return Errorf("Cannot write to {}", QuotePath(cache_info_filename_));
return {};
static void ReportNextBootAnimationProgress(uint32_t current_compilation,
uint32_t number_of_compilations) {
// We arbitrarily show progress until 90%, expecting that our compilations take a large chunk of
// boot time.
uint32_t value = (90 * current_compilation) / number_of_compilations;
android::base::SetProperty("service.bootanim.progress", std::to_string(value));
std::vector<art_apex::Component> OnDeviceRefresh::GenerateBootClasspathComponents() const {
return GenerateComponents(boot_classpath_jars_);
std::vector<art_apex::Component> OnDeviceRefresh::GenerateBootClasspathCompilableComponents()
const {
return GenerateComponents(boot_classpath_compilable_jars_);
std::vector<art_apex::SystemServerComponent> OnDeviceRefresh::GenerateSystemServerComponents()
const {
return GenerateComponents<art_apex::SystemServerComponent>(
[&](const std::string& path, uint64_t size, const std::string& checksum) {
bool isInClasspath = ContainsElement(systemserver_classpath_jars_, path);
return art_apex::SystemServerComponent{path, size, checksum, isInClasspath};
std::string OnDeviceRefresh::GetBootImage(bool on_system) const {
if (on_system) {
// Typically "/apex/".
// TODO(b/211973309): Update this once the primary boot image is moved.
return GetArtBootImageDir() + "/" + kFirstBootImageBasename;
} else {
// Typically "/data/misc/apexdata/".
return config_.GetArtifactDirectory() + "/" + kFirstBootImageBasename;
std::string OnDeviceRefresh::GetBootImagePath(bool on_system, const InstructionSet isa) const {
// Typically "/data/misc/apexdata/<isa>/".
return GetSystemImageFilename(GetBootImage(on_system).c_str(), isa);
std::string OnDeviceRefresh::GetSystemBootImageExtension() const {
std::string art_root = GetArtRoot() + "/";
// Find the first boot extension jar.
auto it = std::find_if_not(
[&](const std::string& jar) { return android::base::StartsWith(jar, art_root); });
CHECK(it != boot_classpath_compilable_jars_.end());
// Typically "/system/framework/".
return GetSystemBootImageDir() + "/" + GetBootImageComponentBasename(*it, /*is_first_jar=*/false);
std::string OnDeviceRefresh::GetSystemBootImageExtensionPath(const InstructionSet isa) const {
// Typically "/system/framework/<isa>/".
return GetSystemImageFilename(GetSystemBootImageExtension().c_str(), isa);
std::string OnDeviceRefresh::GetSystemServerImagePath(bool on_system,
const std::string& jar_path) const {
if (on_system) {
if (LocationIsOnApex(jar_path)) {
return GetSystemOdexFilenameForApex(jar_path, config_.GetSystemServerIsa());
const std::string jar_name = android::base::Basename(jar_path);
const std::string image_name = ReplaceFileExtension(jar_name, "art");
const char* isa_str = GetInstructionSetString(config_.GetSystemServerIsa());
// Typically "/system/framework/oat/<isa>/".
return Concatenate({GetAndroidRoot(), "/framework/oat/", isa_str, "/", image_name});
} else {
// Typically
// "/data/misc/apexdata/.../dalvik-cache/<isa>/".
const std::string image = GetApexDataImage(jar_path.c_str());
return GetSystemImageFilename(image.c_str(), config_.GetSystemServerIsa());
WARN_UNUSED bool OnDeviceRefresh::RemoveArtifactsDirectory() const {
if (config_.GetDryRun()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Directory " << QuotePath(config_.GetArtifactDirectory())
<< " and contents would be removed (dry-run).";
return true;
return RemoveDirectory(config_.GetArtifactDirectory());
WARN_UNUSED bool OnDeviceRefresh::BootClasspathArtifactsExist(
bool on_system,
const InstructionSet isa,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts) const {
std::string path = GetBootImagePath(on_system, isa);
OdrArtifacts artifacts = OdrArtifacts::ForBootImage(path);
if (!ArtifactsExist(artifacts, /*check_art_file=*/true, error_msg, checked_artifacts)) {
return false;
// There is a split between the primary boot image and the extension on /system, so they need to
// be checked separately. This does not apply to the boot image on /data.
if (on_system) {
std::string extension_path = GetSystemBootImageExtensionPath(isa);
OdrArtifacts extension_artifacts = OdrArtifacts::ForBootImage(extension_path);
if (!ArtifactsExist(
extension_artifacts, /*check_art_file=*/true, error_msg, checked_artifacts)) {
return false;
return true;
WARN_UNUSED bool OnDeviceRefresh::SystemServerArtifactsExist(
bool on_system,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg,
/*out*/ std::set<std::string>* jars_missing_artifacts,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts) const {
for (const std::string& jar_path : all_systemserver_jars_) {
const std::string image_location = GetSystemServerImagePath(on_system, jar_path);
const OdrArtifacts artifacts = OdrArtifacts::ForSystemServer(image_location);
// .art files are optional and are not generated for all jars by the build system.
const bool check_art_file = !on_system;
std::string error_msg_tmp;
if (!ArtifactsExist(artifacts, check_art_file, &error_msg_tmp, checked_artifacts)) {
*error_msg = error_msg->empty() ? error_msg_tmp : *error_msg + "\n" + error_msg_tmp;
return jars_missing_artifacts->empty();
WARN_UNUSED bool OnDeviceRefresh::CheckBootClasspathArtifactsAreUpToDate(
OdrMetrics& metrics,
const InstructionSet isa,
const apex::ApexInfo& art_apex_info,
const std::optional<art_apex::CacheInfo>& cache_info,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts) const {
if (art_apex_info.getIsFactory()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Factory ART APEX mounted.";
// ART is not updated, so we can use the artifacts on /system. Check if they exist.
std::string error_msg;
if (BootClasspathArtifactsExist(/*on_system=*/true, isa, &error_msg)) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Incomplete boot classpath artifacts on /system. " << error_msg;
LOG(INFO) << "Checking cache.";
if (!cache_info.has_value()) {
// If the cache info file does not exist, it means on-device compilation has not been done
// before.
PLOG(INFO) << "No prior cache-info file: " << QuotePath(cache_info_filename_);
return false;
// Check whether the current cache ART module info differs from the current ART module info.
const art_apex::ModuleInfo* cached_art_info = cache_info->getFirstArtModuleInfo();
if (cached_art_info == nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing ART APEX info from cache-info.";
return false;
if (cached_art_info->getVersionCode() != art_apex_info.getVersionCode()) {
LOG(INFO) << "ART APEX version code mismatch (" << cached_art_info->getVersionCode()
<< " != " << art_apex_info.getVersionCode() << ").";
return false;
if (cached_art_info->getVersionName() != art_apex_info.getVersionName()) {
LOG(INFO) << "ART APEX version name mismatch (" << cached_art_info->getVersionName()
<< " != " << art_apex_info.getVersionName() << ").";
return false;
// We don't check lastUpdateMillis if the cache info is generated in Compilation OS because APEX
// timestamps inside the VM are different from those outside (b/211458160). The cache info will be
// updated in the `--compile` phase to fill this field.
if (!(cache_info->hasCompilationOsMode() && cache_info->getCompilationOsMode())) {
// Check lastUpdateMillis for samegrade installs. If `cached_art_info` is missing the
// lastUpdateMillis field then it is not current with the schema used by this binary so treat
// it as a samegrade update. Otherwise check whether the lastUpdateMillis changed.
const int64_t cached_art_last_update_millis =
cached_art_info->hasLastUpdateMillis() ? cached_art_info->getLastUpdateMillis() : -1;
if (cached_art_last_update_millis != art_apex_info.getLastUpdateMillis()) {
LOG(INFO) << "ART APEX last update time mismatch (" << cached_art_last_update_millis
<< " != " << art_apex_info.getLastUpdateMillis() << ").";
return false;
// Check boot class components.
// This checks the size and checksums of odrefresh compilable files on the DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH
// (the Odrefresh constructor determines which files are compilable). If the number of files
// there changes, or their size or checksums change then compilation will be triggered.
// The boot class components may change unexpectedly, for example an OTA could update
// framework.jar.
const std::vector<art_apex::Component> expected_bcp_compilable_components =
if (expected_bcp_compilable_components.size() != 0 &&
(!cache_info->hasDex2oatBootClasspath() ||
!cache_info->getFirstDex2oatBootClasspath()->hasComponent())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing Dex2oatBootClasspath components.";
return false;
const std::vector<art_apex::Component>& bcp_compilable_components =
Result<void> result =
CheckComponents(expected_bcp_compilable_components, bcp_compilable_components);
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Dex2OatClasspath components mismatch: " << result.error();
return false;
// Cache info looks good, check all compilation artifacts exist.
std::string error_msg;
if (!BootClasspathArtifactsExist(/*on_system=*/false, isa, &error_msg, checked_artifacts)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Incomplete boot classpath artifacts. " << error_msg;
return false;
return true;
bool OnDeviceRefresh::CheckSystemServerArtifactsAreUpToDate(
OdrMetrics& metrics,
const std::vector<apex::ApexInfo>& apex_info_list,
const std::optional<art_apex::CacheInfo>& cache_info,
/*out*/ std::set<std::string>* jars_to_compile,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts) const {
auto compile_all = [&, this]() {
*jars_to_compile = AllSystemServerJars();
return false;
std::set<std::string> jars_missing_artifacts_on_system;
bool artifacts_on_system_up_to_date = false;
if (std::all_of(apex_info_list.begin(),
[](const apex::ApexInfo& apex_info) { return apex_info.getIsFactory(); })) {
LOG(INFO) << "Factory APEXes mounted.";
// APEXes are not updated, so we can use the artifacts on /system. Check if they exist.
std::string error_msg;
if (SystemServerArtifactsExist(
/*on_system=*/true, &error_msg, &jars_missing_artifacts_on_system)) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Incomplete system server artifacts on /system. " << error_msg;
LOG(INFO) << "Checking cache.";
artifacts_on_system_up_to_date = true;
if (!cache_info.has_value()) {
// If the cache info file does not exist, it means on-device compilation has not been done
// before.
PLOG(INFO) << "No prior cache-info file: " << QuotePath(cache_info_filename_);
if (artifacts_on_system_up_to_date) {
*jars_to_compile = jars_missing_artifacts_on_system;
return false;
return compile_all();
// Check whether the current cached module info differs from the current module info.
const art_apex::ModuleInfoList* cached_module_info_list = cache_info->getFirstModuleInfoList();
if (cached_module_info_list == nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing APEX info list from cache-info.";
return compile_all();
std::unordered_map<std::string, const art_apex::ModuleInfo*> cached_module_info_map;
for (const art_apex::ModuleInfo& module_info : cached_module_info_list->getModuleInfo()) {
if (!module_info.hasName()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Unexpected module info from cache-info. Missing module name.";
return compile_all();
cached_module_info_map[module_info.getName()] = &module_info;
// Note that apex_info_list may omit APEXes that are included in cached_module_info - e.g. if an
// apex used to be compilable, but now isn't. That won't be detected by this loop, but will be
// detected below in CheckComponents.
for (const apex::ApexInfo& current_apex_info : apex_info_list) {
auto& apex_name = current_apex_info.getModuleName();
auto it = cached_module_info_map.find(apex_name);
if (it == cached_module_info_map.end()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing APEX info from cache-info (" << apex_name << ").";
return compile_all();
const art_apex::ModuleInfo* cached_module_info = it->second;
if (cached_module_info->getVersionCode() != current_apex_info.getVersionCode()) {
LOG(INFO) << "APEX (" << apex_name << ") version code mismatch ("
<< cached_module_info->getVersionCode()
<< " != " << current_apex_info.getVersionCode() << ").";
return compile_all();
if (cached_module_info->getVersionName() != current_apex_info.getVersionName()) {
LOG(INFO) << "APEX (" << apex_name << ") version name mismatch ("
<< cached_module_info->getVersionName()
<< " != " << current_apex_info.getVersionName() << ").";
return compile_all();
if (!(cache_info->hasCompilationOsMode() && cache_info->getCompilationOsMode())) {
if (!cached_module_info->hasLastUpdateMillis() ||
cached_module_info->getLastUpdateMillis() != current_apex_info.getLastUpdateMillis()) {
LOG(INFO) << "APEX (" << apex_name << ") last update time mismatch ("
<< cached_module_info->getLastUpdateMillis()
<< " != " << current_apex_info.getLastUpdateMillis() << ").";
return compile_all();
// Check system server components.
// This checks the size and checksums of odrefresh compilable files on the
// SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH (the Odrefresh constructor determines which files are compilable). If
// the number of files there changes, or their size or checksums change then compilation will be
// triggered.
// The system_server components may change unexpectedly, for example an OTA could update
// services.jar.
const std::vector<art_apex::SystemServerComponent> expected_system_server_components =
if (expected_system_server_components.size() != 0 &&
(!cache_info->hasSystemServerComponents() ||
!cache_info->getFirstSystemServerComponents()->hasComponent())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing SystemServerComponents.";
return compile_all();
const std::vector<art_apex::SystemServerComponent>& system_server_components =
Result<void> result =
CheckSystemServerComponents(expected_system_server_components, system_server_components);
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(INFO) << "SystemServerComponents mismatch: " << result.error();
return compile_all();
const std::vector<art_apex::Component> expected_bcp_components =
if (expected_bcp_components.size() != 0 &&
(!cache_info->hasBootClasspath() || !cache_info->getFirstBootClasspath()->hasComponent())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing BootClasspath components.";
return false;
const std::vector<art_apex::Component>& bcp_components =
result = CheckComponents(expected_bcp_components, bcp_components);
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(INFO) << "BootClasspath components mismatch: " << result.error();
// Boot classpath components can be dependencies of system_server components, so system_server
// components need to be recompiled if boot classpath components are changed.
return compile_all();
std::string error_msg;
std::set<std::string> jars_missing_artifacts_on_data;
if (!SystemServerArtifactsExist(
/*on_system=*/false, &error_msg, &jars_missing_artifacts_on_data, checked_artifacts)) {
if (artifacts_on_system_up_to_date) {
// Check if the remaining system_server artifacts are on /data.
std::inserter(*jars_to_compile, jars_to_compile->end()));
if (!jars_to_compile->empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Incomplete system_server artifacts on /data. " << error_msg;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Found the remaining system_server artifacts on /data.";
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Incomplete system_server artifacts. " << error_msg;
*jars_to_compile = jars_missing_artifacts_on_data;
return false;
return true;
Result<void> OnDeviceRefresh::CleanupArtifactDirectory(
const std::vector<std::string>& artifacts_to_keep) const {
const std::string& artifact_dir = config_.GetArtifactDirectory();
std::unordered_set<std::string> artifact_set{artifacts_to_keep.begin(), artifacts_to_keep.end()};
// When anything unexpected happens, remove all artifacts.
auto remove_artifact_dir = android::base::make_scope_guard([&]() {
if (!RemoveDirectory(artifact_dir)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove the artifact directory";
std::vector<std::filesystem::directory_entry> entries;
std::error_code ec;
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(artifact_dir, ec)) {
// Save the entries and use them later because modifications during the iteration will result in
// undefined behavior;
if (ec) {
return Errorf("Failed to iterate over entries in the artifact directory: {}", ec.message());
for (const std::filesystem::directory_entry& entry : entries) {
std::string path = entry.path().string();
if (entry.is_regular_file()) {
if (!ContainsElement(artifact_set, path)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Removing " << path;
if (unlink(path.c_str()) != 0) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Failed to remove file {}", QuotePath(path));
} else if (!entry.is_directory()) {
// Neither a regular file nor a directory. Unexpected file type.
LOG(INFO) << "Removing " << path;
if (unlink(path.c_str()) != 0) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Failed to remove file {}", QuotePath(path));
return {};
Result<void> OnDeviceRefresh::RefreshExistingArtifacts() const {
const std::string& artifact_dir = config_.GetArtifactDirectory();
if (!OS::DirectoryExists(artifact_dir.c_str())) {
return {};
std::vector<std::filesystem::directory_entry> entries;
std::error_code ec;
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(artifact_dir, ec)) {
// Save the entries and use them later because modifications during the iteration will result in
// undefined behavior;
if (ec) {
return Errorf("Failed to iterate over entries in the artifact directory: {}", ec.message());
for (const std::filesystem::directory_entry& entry : entries) {
std::string path = entry.path().string();
if (entry.is_regular_file()) {
// Unexpected files are already removed by `CleanupArtifactDirectory`. We can safely assume
// that all the remaining files are good.
LOG(INFO) << "Refreshing " << path;
std::string content;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(path, &content)) {
return Errorf("Failed to read file {}", QuotePath(path));
if (unlink(path.c_str()) != 0) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Failed to remove file {}", QuotePath(path));
if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile(content, path)) {
return Errorf("Failed to write file {}", QuotePath(path));
if (chmod(path.c_str(), kFileMode) != 0) {
return ErrnoErrorf("Failed to chmod file {}", QuotePath(path));
return {};
OnDeviceRefresh::CheckArtifactsAreUpToDate(OdrMetrics& metrics,
/*out*/ CompilationOptions* compilation_options) const {
// Clean-up helper used to simplify clean-ups and handling failures there.
auto cleanup_and_compile_all = [&, this]() {
compilation_options->compile_boot_classpath_for_isas = config_.GetBootClasspathIsas();
compilation_options->system_server_jars_to_compile = AllSystemServerJars();
return RemoveArtifactsDirectory() ? ExitCode::kCompilationRequired : ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
// Compilation OS cannot reuse the artifacts generated before because it cannot securely verify
// them (b/203630168). Therefore, we always compile everything in Compilation OS. This is fine
// because Compilation OS runs when the device is idling and it does not affact boot time.
if (config_.GetCompilationOsMode()) {
return cleanup_and_compile_all();
std::optional<std::vector<apex::ApexInfo>> apex_info_list = GetApexInfoList();
if (!apex_info_list.has_value()) {
// This should never happen, further up-to-date checks are not possible if it does.
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get APEX info.";
return cleanup_and_compile_all();
std::optional<apex::ApexInfo> art_apex_info = GetArtApexInfo(apex_info_list.value());
if (!art_apex_info.has_value()) {
// This should never happen, further up-to-date checks are not possible if it does.
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get ART APEX info.";
return cleanup_and_compile_all();
// Record ART APEX version for metrics reporting.
// Log the version so there's a starting point for any issues reported (b/197489543).
LOG(INFO) << "ART APEX version " << art_apex_info->getVersionCode();
// Record ART APEX last update milliseconds (used in compilation log).
std::optional<art_apex::CacheInfo> cache_info = ReadCacheInfo();
if (!cache_info.has_value() && OS::FileExists(cache_info_filename_.c_str())) {
// This should not happen unless odrefresh is updated to a new version that is not
// compatible with an old cache-info file. Further up-to-date checks are not possible if it
// does.
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse cache-info file: " << QuotePath(cache_info_filename_);
return cleanup_and_compile_all();
InstructionSet system_server_isa = config_.GetSystemServerIsa();
std::vector<std::string> checked_artifacts;
for (const InstructionSet isa : config_.GetBootClasspathIsas()) {
if (!CheckBootClasspathArtifactsAreUpToDate(
metrics, isa, art_apex_info.value(), cache_info, &checked_artifacts)) {
// system_server artifacts are invalid without valid boot classpath artifacts.
if (isa == system_server_isa) {
compilation_options->system_server_jars_to_compile = AllSystemServerJars();
if (compilation_options->system_server_jars_to_compile.empty()) {
bool compilation_required = (!compilation_options->compile_boot_classpath_for_isas.empty() ||
// If partial compilation is disabled, we should compile everything regardless of what's in
// `compilation_options`.
if (compilation_required && !config_.GetPartialCompilation()) {
return cleanup_and_compile_all();
// We should only keep the cache info if we have artifacts on /data.
if (!checked_artifacts.empty()) {
Result<void> result = CleanupArtifactDirectory(checked_artifacts);
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << result.error();
return ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
// If the cache info was genereted in Compilation OS, update it to fill the lastUpdateMillis
// field.
if (!compilation_required && cache_info->hasCompilationOsMode() &&
cache_info->getCompilationOsMode()) {
compilation_options->update_cache_info_only = true;
// Return `kCompilationRequired` though there is nothing to compile. This is needed so that
// odsign will invoke `odrefresh --compile` and therefore we can update the cache info in that
// phase. We cannot update the cache info here because `odrefresh --check` should not modify any
// file. Otherwise, it will break odsign's signature verification.
compilation_required = true;
return compilation_required ? ExitCode::kCompilationRequired : ExitCode::kOkay;
WARN_UNUSED bool OnDeviceRefresh::CompileBootClasspathArtifacts(
const InstructionSet isa,
const std::string& staging_dir,
OdrMetrics& metrics,
const std::function<void()>& on_dex2oat_success,
std::string* error_msg) const {
ScopedOdrCompilationTimer compilation_timer(metrics);
DexoptBcpExtArgs dexopt_args;
dexopt_args.isa = InstructionSetToAidlIsa(isa);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> readonly_files_raii;
const std::string art_boot_profile_file = GetArtRoot() + "/etc/";
if (!PrepareDex2OatProfileIfExists(
&dexopt_args.profileFds[0], &readonly_files_raii, art_boot_profile_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing expected ART boot profile: " << art_boot_profile_file;
return false;
const std::string framework_boot_profile_file = GetAndroidRoot() + "/etc/";
if (!PrepareDex2OatProfileIfExists(
&dexopt_args.profileFds[1], &readonly_files_raii, framework_boot_profile_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing expected framework boot profile: " << framework_boot_profile_file;
return false;
const std::string dirty_image_objects_file(GetAndroidRoot() + "/etc/dirty-image-objects");
if (OS::FileExists(dirty_image_objects_file.c_str())) {
std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(dirty_image_objects_file.c_str()));
dexopt_args.dirtyImageObjectsFd = file->Fd();
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Missing dirty objects file : " << QuotePath(dirty_image_objects_file);
// Add boot classpath jars to compile.
for (const std::string& component : boot_classpath_compilable_jars_) {
std::string actual_path = AndroidRootRewrite(component);
std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(actual_path.c_str()));
auto bcp_jars = android::base::Split(config_.GetDex2oatBootClasspath(), ":");
dexopt_args.bootClasspaths = bcp_jars;
if (!PrepareBootClasspathFds(dexopt_args.bootClasspathFds, readonly_files_raii, bcp_jars)) {
return false;
const std::string image_location = GetBootImagePath(/*on_system=*/false, isa);
const OdrArtifacts artifacts = OdrArtifacts::ForBootImage(image_location);
dexopt_args.oatLocation = artifacts.OatPath();
const std::pair<const std::string, int*> location_kind_pairs[] = {
std::make_pair(artifacts.ImagePath(), &dexopt_args.imageFd),
std::make_pair(artifacts.OatPath(), &dexopt_args.oatFd),
std::make_pair(artifacts.VdexPath(), &dexopt_args.vdexFd)};
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> staging_files;
for (const auto& location_kind_pair : location_kind_pairs) {
auto& [location, out_ptr] = location_kind_pair;
const std::string staging_location = GetStagingLocation(staging_dir, location);
std::unique_ptr<File> staging_file(OS::CreateEmptyFile(staging_location.c_str()));
if (staging_file == nullptr) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create file: " << staging_location;
return false;
if (fchmod(staging_file->Fd(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not set file mode on " << QuotePath(staging_location);
return false;
*out_ptr = staging_file->Fd();
const std::string install_location = android::base::Dirname(image_location);
if (!EnsureDirectoryExists(install_location)) {
return false;
if (!PrepareDex2OatConcurrencyArguments(&dexopt_args.threads, &dexopt_args.cpuSet)) {
return false;
const time_t timeout = GetSubprocessTimeout();
LOG(INFO) << "Compiling boot classpath (" << isa << "): " << dexopt_args.toString()
<< " [timeout " << timeout << "s]";
if (config_.GetDryRun()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Compilation skipped (dry-run).";
return true;
bool timed_out = false;
// NOTE: The method `DexoptBcpExtension` actually compiles the entire boot classpath. We don't
// rename this method because it will eventually go away.
// TODO(b/211977683): Call dex2oat directly.
int dex2oat_exit_code =
odr_dexopt_->DexoptBcpExtension(dexopt_args, timeout, &timed_out, error_msg);
if (dex2oat_exit_code != 0) {
if (timed_out) {
} else {
return false;
if (!MoveOrEraseFiles(staging_files, install_location)) {
return false;
return true;
WARN_UNUSED bool OnDeviceRefresh::CompileSystemServerArtifacts(
const std::string& staging_dir,
OdrMetrics& metrics,
const std::set<std::string>& system_server_jars_to_compile,
const std::function<void()>& on_dex2oat_success,
std::string* error_msg) const {
ScopedOdrCompilationTimer compilation_timer(metrics);
std::vector<std::string> classloader_context;
const std::string dex2oat = config_.GetDex2Oat();
const InstructionSet isa = config_.GetSystemServerIsa();
for (const std::string& jar : all_systemserver_jars_) {
auto scope_guard = android::base::make_scope_guard([&]() {
if (ContainsElement(systemserver_classpath_jars_, jar)) {
if (!ContainsElement(system_server_jars_to_compile, jar)) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> readonly_files_raii;
DexoptSystemServerArgs dexopt_args;
dexopt_args.isa = InstructionSetToAidlIsa(isa);
std::string actual_jar_path = AndroidRootRewrite(jar);
std::unique_ptr<File> dex_file(OS::OpenFileForReading(actual_jar_path.c_str()));
dexopt_args.dexPath = jar;
dexopt_args.dexFd = dex_file->Fd();
dexopt_args.isa = InstructionSetToAidlIsa(isa);
const std::string jar_name(android::base::Basename(jar));
const std::string profile = Concatenate({GetAndroidRoot(), "/framework/", jar_name, ".prof"});
std::string compiler_filter = config_.GetSystemServerCompilerFilter();
if (compiler_filter == "speed-profile") {
// Use speed-profile only if profile is provided, otherwise fallback to speed.
if (PrepareDex2OatProfileIfExists(&dexopt_args.profileFd, &readonly_files_raii, profile)) {
dexopt_args.compilerFilter = CompilerFilter::SPEED_PROFILE;
} else {
dexopt_args.compilerFilter = CompilerFilter::SPEED;
} else {
dexopt_args.compilerFilter = CompilerFilterStringToAidl(compiler_filter);
const std::string image_location = GetSystemServerImagePath(/*on_system=*/false, jar);
const std::string install_location = android::base::Dirname(image_location);
if (!EnsureDirectoryExists(install_location)) {
return false;
OdrArtifacts artifacts = OdrArtifacts::ForSystemServer(image_location);
CHECK_EQ(artifacts.OatPath(), GetApexDataOdexFilename(jar.c_str(), isa));
const std::pair<const std::string, int*> location_kind_pairs[] = {
std::make_pair(artifacts.ImagePath(), &dexopt_args.imageFd),
std::make_pair(artifacts.OatPath(), &dexopt_args.oatFd),
std::make_pair(artifacts.VdexPath(), &dexopt_args.vdexFd)};
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> staging_files;
for (const auto& location_kind_pair : location_kind_pairs) {
auto& [location, out_ptr] = location_kind_pair;
const std::string staging_location = GetStagingLocation(staging_dir, location);
std::unique_ptr<File> staging_file(OS::CreateEmptyFile(staging_location.c_str()));
if (staging_file == nullptr) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create file: " << staging_location;
return false;
*out_ptr = staging_file->Fd();
dexopt_args.oatLocation = artifacts.OatPath();
auto bcp_jars = android::base::Split(config_.GetBootClasspath(), ":");
dexopt_args.bootClasspaths = bcp_jars;
if (!PrepareBootClasspathFds(dexopt_args.bootClasspathFds, readonly_files_raii, bcp_jars)) {
return false;
std::string unused_error_msg;
// If the boot classpath artifacts are not on /data, then the boot classpath are not re-compiled
// and the artifacts must exist on /system.
bool boot_image_on_system =
!BootClasspathArtifactsExist(/*on_system=*/false, isa, &unused_error_msg);
boot_image_on_system ? GetSystemBootImageDir() : config_.GetArtifactDirectory());
dexopt_args.bootImage = boot_image_on_system ? GetBootImage(/*on_system=*/true) + ":" +
GetSystemBootImageExtension() :
dexopt_args.classloaderContext = classloader_context;
if (!classloader_context.empty()) {
std::vector<int> fds;
for (const std::string& path : classloader_context) {
std::string actual_path = AndroidRootRewrite(path);
std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(actual_path.c_str()));
if (!file->IsValid()) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open classloader context " << actual_path;
return false;
dexopt_args.classloaderFds = fds;
if (!art::ContainsElement(systemserver_classpath_jars_, jar)) {
dexopt_args.classloaderContextAsParent = true;
if (!PrepareDex2OatConcurrencyArguments(&dexopt_args.threads, &dexopt_args.cpuSet)) {
return false;
const time_t timeout = GetSubprocessTimeout();
LOG(INFO) << "Compiling " << jar << ": " << dexopt_args.toString() << " [timeout " << timeout
<< "s]";
if (config_.GetDryRun()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Compilation skipped (dry-run).";
return true;
bool timed_out = false;
int dex2oat_exit_code =
odr_dexopt_->DexoptSystemServer(dexopt_args, timeout, &timed_out, error_msg);
if (dex2oat_exit_code != 0) {
if (timed_out) {
} else {
return false;
if (!MoveOrEraseFiles(staging_files, install_location)) {
return false;
return true;
WARN_UNUSED ExitCode OnDeviceRefresh::Compile(OdrMetrics& metrics,
const CompilationOptions& compilation_options) const {
const char* staging_dir = nullptr;
if (config_.GetRefresh()) {
Result<void> result = RefreshExistingArtifacts();
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to refresh existing artifacts: " << result.error();
return ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
// Emit cache info before compiling. This can be used to throttle compilation attempts later.
Result<void> result = WriteCacheInfo();
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << result.error();
return ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
if (compilation_options.update_cache_info_only) {
return ExitCode::kCompilationSuccess;
if (!config_.GetStagingDir().empty()) {
staging_dir = config_.GetStagingDir().c_str();
} else {
// Create staging area and assign label for generating compilation artifacts.
if (PaletteCreateOdrefreshStagingDirectory(&staging_dir) != PALETTE_STATUS_OK) {
return ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
std::string error_msg;
uint32_t dex2oat_invocation_count = 0;
uint32_t total_dex2oat_invocation_count =
compilation_options.compile_boot_classpath_for_isas.size() +
ReportNextBootAnimationProgress(dex2oat_invocation_count, total_dex2oat_invocation_count);
auto advance_animation_progress = [&]() {
ReportNextBootAnimationProgress(++dex2oat_invocation_count, total_dex2oat_invocation_count);
const auto& bcp_instruction_sets = config_.GetBootClasspathIsas();
DCHECK(!bcp_instruction_sets.empty() && bcp_instruction_sets.size() <= 2);
for (const InstructionSet isa : compilation_options.compile_boot_classpath_for_isas) {
auto stage = (isa == bcp_instruction_sets.front()) ? OdrMetrics::Stage::kPrimaryBootClasspath :
if (!CheckCompilationSpace()) {
// Return kCompilationFailed so odsign will keep and sign whatever we have been able to
// compile.
return ExitCode::kCompilationFailed;
if (!CompileBootClasspathArtifacts(
isa, staging_dir, metrics, advance_animation_progress, &error_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Compilation of BCP failed: " << error_msg;
if (!config_.GetDryRun() && !RemoveDirectory(staging_dir)) {
return ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
return ExitCode::kCompilationFailed;
if (!compilation_options.system_server_jars_to_compile.empty()) {
if (!CheckCompilationSpace()) {
// Return kCompilationFailed so odsign will keep and sign whatever we have been able to
// compile.
return ExitCode::kCompilationFailed;
if (!CompileSystemServerArtifacts(staging_dir,
&error_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Compilation of system_server failed: " << error_msg;
if (!config_.GetDryRun() && !RemoveDirectory(staging_dir)) {
return ExitCode::kCleanupFailed;
return ExitCode::kCompilationFailed;
return ExitCode::kCompilationSuccess;
} // namespace odrefresh
} // namespace art