blob: 931aa2ccad25d47ccee929f7409fa3ca7c3efbc7 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Regenerate ART run-tests Blueprint files.
# This script handles only a subset of ART run-tests at the moment; additional
# cases will be added later.
import collections
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
# Relative path to ART's tests directory from ART's source directory.
TESTS_DIR = "test"
# Indentation unit.
INDENT = " "
def reindent(str, indent_level = 0):
"""Reindent literal string while removing common leading spaces."""
return textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(str), INDENT * indent_level)
# Known failing ART run-tests.
# TODO(rpl): Investigate and address the causes of failures.
known_failing_tests = frozenset([
"728-imt-conflict-zygote", # Custom `run` script + dependency on `libarttest`.
"813-fp-args", # Dependency on `libarttest`.
# Percentage of ART run-tests (among the ones expected to succeed) to include in
# the `presubmit` test group in `TEST_MAPPING` file -- the rest will be included
# in `postsubmit` test group.
# This value has to be a number between 0 and 100.
presubmit_tests_percentage = 25
# Is `run_test` a Checker test (i.e. a test containing Checker
# assertions)?
def is_checker_test(run_test):
return re.match("^[0-9]+-checker-", run_test)
# Is `run_test` expected to succeed?
# Also temporarily consider Checker tests as known failing tests, as they
# currently break some test runs (see b/169852871).
# TODO(b/162408889): Complete Checker integration and re-include Checker
# tests in test mapping.
def is_expected_succeeding(run_test):
return run_test not in known_failing_tests and not is_checker_test(run_test)
class Generator:
def __init__(self, art_dir):
self.art_dir = art_dir
self.art_test_dir = os.path.join(art_dir, TESTS_DIR)
def enumerate_run_tests(self):
return sorted(
[run_test for \
run_test in os.listdir(self.art_test_dir) if re.match("^[0-9]{3,}-", run_test)])
# Is building `run_test` supported?
# TODO(b/147814778): Add build support for more tests.
def is_buildable(self, run_test):
run_test_path = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test)
# Ignore tests with non-default build rules.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "build")):
return False
# Ignore tests with no `src` directory.
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src")):
return False
# Ignore tests with sources outside the `src` directory.
for subdir in ["jasmin",
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_test_path, subdir)):
return False
# Ignore test with a copy of `sun.misc.Unsafe`.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "src", "sun", "misc", "")):
return False
# Ignore tests with Hidden API specs.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_test_path, "hiddenapi-flags.csv")):
return False
# All other tests are considered buildable.
return True
def regen_bp_files(self, run_tests, buildable_tests):
for run_test in run_tests:
# Remove any previously generated file.
bp_file = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test, "Android.bp")
if os.path.exists(bp_file):
for run_test in buildable_tests:
def regen_bp_file(self, run_test):
"""Regenerate Blueprint file for an ART run-test."""
bp_file = os.path.join(self.art_test_dir, run_test, "Android.bp")
run_test_module_name = "art-run-test-" + run_test
if is_expected_succeeding(run_test):
test_config_template = "art-run-test-target-template"
test_config_template = "art-run-test-target-no-test-suite-tag-template"
if is_checker_test(run_test):
include_src = """\
// Include the Java source files in the test's artifacts, to make Checker assertions
// available to the TradeFed test runner.
include_srcs: true,"""
include_src = ""
with open(bp_file, "w") as f:
// Generated by `{me}`. Do not edit manually.
// Build rules for ART run-test `{run_test}`.
// Test's Dex code.
java_test {{
name: "{run_test_module_name}",
defaults: ["art-run-test-defaults"],
test_config_template: ":{test_config_template}",
srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
data: [
// Test's expected standard output.
genrule {{
name: "{run_test_module_name}-expected-stdout",
out: ["{run_test_module_name}-expected-stdout.txt"],
srcs: ["expected-stdout.txt"],
cmd: "cp -f $(in) $(out)",
// Test's expected standard error.
genrule {{
name: "{run_test_module_name}-expected-stderr",
out: ["{run_test_module_name}-expected-stderr.txt"],
srcs: ["expected-stderr.txt"],
cmd: "cp -f $(in) $(out)",
def regen_test_mapping_file(self, art_run_tests, num_presubmit_run_tests):
"""Regenerate ART's `TEST_MAPPING`."""
run_test_module_names = list(map(lambda t: "art-run-test-" + t, art_run_tests))
# Mainline presubmits.
# TODO(rpl): Progressively add more tests to this test group.
mainline_presubmit_tests = [
mainline_presubmit_tests_dict = [{"name": t} for t in mainline_presubmit_tests]
# Presubmits.
other_presubmit_tests = [
art_gtests = [
presubmit_run_tests = run_test_module_names[0:num_presubmit_run_tests]
presubmit_tests = other_presubmit_tests + art_gtests + presubmit_run_tests
presubmit_tests_dict = [{"name": t} for t in presubmit_tests]
# Postsubmits.
postsubmit_run_tests = run_test_module_names[num_presubmit_run_tests:]
postsubmit_tests_dict = [{"name": t} for t in postsubmit_run_tests]
# Use an `OrderedDict` container to preserve the order in which items are inserted.
test_mapping_dict = collections.OrderedDict([
("mainline-presubmit", mainline_presubmit_tests_dict),
("presubmit", presubmit_tests_dict),
("postsubmit", postsubmit_tests_dict),
test_mapping_contents = json.dumps(test_mapping_dict, indent = INDENT)
test_mapping_file = os.path.join(self.art_dir, "TEST_MAPPING")
with open(test_mapping_file, "w") as f:
f.write(f"// Generated by `{me}`. Do not edit manually.\n")
def regen_test_files(self):
run_tests = self.enumerate_run_tests()
# Create a list of the tests that can currently be built, and for
# which a Blueprint file is to be generated.
buildable_tests = list(filter(self.is_buildable, run_tests))
# Create a list of the tests that can be built and are expected to
# succeed. These tests are to be added to ART's `TEST_MAPPING`
# file and also tagged as part of TradeFed's `art-target-run-test`
# test suite via the `test-suite-tag` option in their
# configuration file.
expected_succeeding_tests = list(filter(is_expected_succeeding, buildable_tests))
# Regenerate Blueprint files.
# ---------------------------
self.regen_bp_files(run_tests, buildable_tests)
buildable_tests_percentage = int(len(buildable_tests) * 100 / len(run_tests))
print(f"Generated Blueprint files for {len(buildable_tests)} ART run-tests out of"
f" {len(run_tests)} ({buildable_tests_percentage}%).")
# Regenerate `TEST_MAPPING` file.
# -------------------------------
# Note: We only include ART run-tests expected to succeed for now.
# Note: We only include a (growing) fraction of the supported ART
# run-tests (see `presubmit_tests_percentage`) into the
# `presubmit` test group (the other ART run-tests are added to the
# `postsubmit` test group), as we initially had issues with
# Android presubmits when the whole set of supported ART run-tests
# was included in one go (b/169310621). This progressive rollout
# allows us to better monitor future potential presubmit failures.
num_presubmit_run_tests = int(len(expected_succeeding_tests) * presubmit_tests_percentage / 100)
self.regen_test_mapping_file(expected_succeeding_tests, num_presubmit_run_tests)
expected_succeeding_tests_percentage = int(len(expected_succeeding_tests) * 100 /
num_postsubmit_tests = len(expected_succeeding_tests) - num_presubmit_run_tests
postsubmit_tests_percentage = 100 - presubmit_tests_percentage
print(f"Generated TEST_MAPPING entries for {len(expected_succeeding_tests)} ART run-tests out"
f" of {len(run_tests)} ({expected_succeeding_tests_percentage}%):")
print(f" {num_presubmit_run_tests} tests ({presubmit_tests_percentage}%) in `presubmit` test"
f" group;")
print(f" {num_postsubmit_tests} tests ({postsubmit_tests_percentage}%) in `postsubmit` test"
f" group.")
def main():
if "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP" not in os.environ:
logging.error("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP environment variable is empty; did you forget to run `lunch`?")
generator = Generator(os.path.join(os.environ["ANDROID_BUILD_TOP"], "art"))
if __name__ == '__main__':