blob: b7964f64a55688e537e508df0fb80600bbba52ce [file] [log] [blame]
.class public LB22411633_5;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.method public static run(Z)V
.registers 6
# Do not merge into the backward branch target.
goto :LabelEntry
# At this point v4 is an uninitialized reference. We should be able to initialize here
# and call a method afterwards.
invoke-direct {v4}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V
invoke-virtual {v4}, Ljava/lang/Object;->hashCode()I
# Make sure this is not an infinite loop.
const v5, 1
# Allocate a java.lang.Object (do not initialize).
new-instance v4, Ljava/lang/Object;
# Branch backward.
if-eqz v5, :LabelBwd
.end method