blob: 0bba6e838ee6b0f9743b3382fb8cb2e6a19cf06c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "reg_type_cache-inl.h"
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/aborting.h"
#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
#include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
#include "base/casts.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "class_linker-inl.h"
#include "dex/descriptors_names.h"
#include "dex/dex_file-inl.h"
#include "mirror/class-inl.h"
#include "mirror/object-inl.h"
#include "reg_type-inl.h"
namespace art {
namespace verifier {
bool RegTypeCache::primitive_initialized_ = false;
uint16_t RegTypeCache::primitive_count_ = 0;
const PreciseConstType* RegTypeCache::small_precise_constants_[kMaxSmallConstant -
kMinSmallConstant + 1];
namespace {
ClassLinker* gInitClassLinker = nullptr;
} // namespace
ALWAYS_INLINE static inline bool MatchingPrecisionForClass(const RegType* entry, bool precise)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
if (entry->IsPreciseReference() == precise) {
// We were or weren't looking for a precise reference and we found what we need.
return true;
} else {
if (!precise && entry->GetClass()->CannotBeAssignedFromOtherTypes()) {
// We weren't looking for a precise reference, as we're looking up based on a descriptor, but
// we found a matching entry based on the descriptor. Return the precise entry in that case.
return true;
return false;
void RegTypeCache::FillPrimitiveAndSmallConstantTypes() {
// Note: this must have the same order as CreatePrimitiveAndSmallConstantTypes.
for (int32_t value = kMinSmallConstant; value <= kMaxSmallConstant; ++value) {
int32_t i = value - kMinSmallConstant;
DCHECK_EQ(entries_.size(), small_precise_constants_[i]->GetId());
DCHECK_EQ(entries_.size(), primitive_count_);
const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromDescriptor(ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader,
const char* descriptor,
bool precise) {
if (descriptor[1] == '\0') {
switch (descriptor[0]) {
case 'Z':
return Boolean();
case 'B':
return Byte();
case 'S':
return Short();
case 'C':
return Char();
case 'I':
return Integer();
case 'J':
return LongLo();
case 'F':
return Float();
case 'D':
return DoubleLo();
case 'V': // For void types, conflict types.
return Conflict();
} else if (descriptor[0] == 'L' || descriptor[0] == '[') {
return From(loader, descriptor, precise);
} else {
return Conflict();
const RegType& RegTypeCache::RegTypeFromPrimitiveType(Primitive::Type prim_type) const {
switch (prim_type) {
case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
return *BooleanType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimByte:
return *ByteType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimShort:
return *ShortType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimChar:
return *CharType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimInt:
return *IntegerType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimLong:
return *LongLoType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
return *FloatType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
return *DoubleLoType::GetInstance();
case Primitive::kPrimVoid:
return *ConflictType::GetInstance();
bool RegTypeCache::MatchDescriptor(size_t idx, const std::string_view& descriptor, bool precise) {
const RegType* entry = entries_[idx];
if (descriptor != entry->descriptor_) {
return false;
if (entry->HasClass()) {
return MatchingPrecisionForClass(entry, precise);
// There is no notion of precise unresolved references, the precise information is just dropped
// on the floor.
return true;
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> RegTypeCache::ResolveClass(const char* descriptor,
ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader) {
// Class was not found, must create new type.
// Try resolving class
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader(hs.NewHandle(loader));
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = nullptr;
if (can_load_classes_) {
klass = class_linker_->FindClass(self, descriptor, class_loader);
} else {
klass = class_linker_->LookupClass(self, descriptor, loader);
if (klass != nullptr && !klass->IsResolved()) {
// We found the class but without it being loaded its not safe for use.
klass = nullptr;
return klass;
std::string_view RegTypeCache::AddString(const std::string_view& str) {
char* ptr = allocator_.AllocArray<char>(str.length());
memcpy(ptr,, str.length());
return std::string_view(ptr, str.length());
const RegType& RegTypeCache::From(ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader,
const char* descriptor,
bool precise) {
std::string_view sv_descriptor(descriptor);
// Try looking up the class in the cache first. We use a std::string_view to avoid
// repeated strlen operations on the descriptor.
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
if (MatchDescriptor(i, sv_descriptor, precise)) {
return *(entries_[i]);
// Class not found in the cache, will create a new type for that.
// Try resolving class.
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = ResolveClass(descriptor, loader);
if (klass != nullptr) {
// Class resolved, first look for the class in the list of entries
// Class was not found, must create new type.
// To pass the verification, the type should be imprecise,
// instantiable or an interface with the precise type set to false.
DCHECK_IMPLIES(precise, klass->IsInstantiable());
// Create a precise type if:
// 1- Class is final and NOT an interface. a precise interface is meaningless !!
// 2- Precise Flag passed as true.
RegType* entry;
// Create an imprecise type if we can't tell for a fact that it is precise.
if (klass->CannotBeAssignedFromOtherTypes() || precise) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(klass->IsAbstract(), klass->IsArrayClass());
entry =
new (&allocator_) PreciseReferenceType(klass, AddString(sv_descriptor), entries_.size());
} else {
entry = new (&allocator_) ReferenceType(klass, AddString(sv_descriptor), entries_.size());
return AddEntry(entry);
} else { // Class not resolved.
// We tried loading the class and failed, this might get an exception raised
// so we want to clear it before we go on.
if (can_load_classes_) {
} else {
if (IsValidDescriptor(descriptor)) {
return AddEntry(
new (&allocator_) UnresolvedReferenceType(AddString(sv_descriptor), entries_.size()));
} else {
// The descriptor is broken return the unknown type as there's nothing sensible that
// could be done at runtime
return Conflict();
const RegType& RegTypeCache::MakeUnresolvedReference() {
// The descriptor is intentionally invalid so nothing else will match this type.
return AddEntry(new (&allocator_) UnresolvedReferenceType(AddString("a"), entries_.size()));
const RegType* RegTypeCache::FindClass(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass, bool precise) const {
DCHECK(klass != nullptr);
if (klass->IsPrimitive()) {
// Note: precise isn't used for primitive classes. A char is assignable to an int. All
// primitive classes are final.
return &RegTypeFromPrimitiveType(klass->GetPrimitiveType());
for (auto& pair : klass_entries_) {
const ObjPtr<mirror::Class> reg_klass = pair.first.Read();
if (reg_klass == klass) {
const RegType* reg_type = pair.second;
if (MatchingPrecisionForClass(reg_type, precise)) {
return reg_type;
return nullptr;
const RegType* RegTypeCache::InsertClass(const std::string_view& descriptor,
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass,
bool precise) {
// No reference to the class was found, create new reference.
DCHECK(FindClass(klass, precise) == nullptr);
RegType* const reg_type = precise
? static_cast<RegType*>(
new (&allocator_) PreciseReferenceType(klass, descriptor, entries_.size()))
: new (&allocator_) ReferenceType(klass, descriptor, entries_.size());
return &AddEntry(reg_type);
const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromClass(const char* descriptor,
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass,
bool precise) {
DCHECK(klass != nullptr);
const RegType* reg_type = FindClass(klass, precise);
if (reg_type == nullptr) {
reg_type = InsertClass(AddString(std::string_view(descriptor)), klass, precise);
return *reg_type;
RegTypeCache::RegTypeCache(ClassLinker* class_linker,
bool can_load_classes,
ScopedArenaAllocator& allocator,
bool can_suspend)
: entries_(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocVerifier)),
can_load_classes_(can_load_classes) {
DCHECK_EQ(class_linker, gInitClassLinker);
DCHECK(can_suspend || !can_load_classes) << "Cannot load classes if suspension is disabled!";
if (kIsDebugBuild && can_suspend) {
Thread::Current()->AssertThreadSuspensionIsAllowable(gAborting == 0);
// The klass_entries_ array does not have primitives or small constants.
static constexpr size_t kNumReserveEntries = 32;
// We want to have room for additional entries after inserting primitives and small
// constants.
entries_.reserve(kNumReserveEntries + kNumPrimitivesAndSmallConstants);
RegTypeCache::~RegTypeCache() {
DCHECK_LE(primitive_count_, entries_.size());
void RegTypeCache::ShutDown() {
if (RegTypeCache::primitive_initialized_) {
for (int32_t value = kMinSmallConstant; value <= kMaxSmallConstant; ++value) {
const PreciseConstType* type = small_precise_constants_[value - kMinSmallConstant];
delete type;
small_precise_constants_[value - kMinSmallConstant] = nullptr;
RegTypeCache::primitive_initialized_ = false;
RegTypeCache::primitive_count_ = 0;
// Helper for create_primitive_type_instance lambda.
namespace {
template <typename T>
struct TypeHelper {
using type = T;
static_assert(std::is_convertible<T*, RegType*>::value, "T must be a RegType");
const char* descriptor;
explicit TypeHelper(const char* d) : descriptor(d) {}
} // namespace
void RegTypeCache::CreatePrimitiveAndSmallConstantTypes(ClassLinker* class_linker) {
gInitClassLinker = class_linker;
// Note: this must have the same order as FillPrimitiveAndSmallConstantTypes.
// It is acceptable to pass on the const char* in type to CreateInstance, as all calls below are
// with compile-time constants that will have global lifetime. Use of the lambda ensures this
// code cannot leak to other users.
auto create_primitive_type_instance = [&](auto type) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
using Type = typename decltype(type)::type;
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = nullptr;
// Try loading the class from linker.
DCHECK(type.descriptor != nullptr);
if (strlen(type.descriptor) > 0) {
klass = class_linker->FindSystemClass(Thread::Current(), type.descriptor);
DCHECK(klass != nullptr);
const Type* entry = Type::CreateInstance(klass,
return entry;
for (int32_t value = kMinSmallConstant; value <= kMaxSmallConstant; ++value) {
PreciseConstType* type = new PreciseConstType(value, primitive_count_);
small_precise_constants_[value - kMinSmallConstant] = type;
const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromUnresolvedMerge(const RegType& left,
const RegType& right,
MethodVerifier* verifier) {
ArenaBitVector types(&allocator_,
kDefaultArenaBitVectorBytes * kBitsPerByte, // Allocate at least 8 bytes.
true); // Is expandable.
const RegType* left_resolved;
bool left_unresolved_is_array;
if (left.IsUnresolvedMergedReference()) {
const UnresolvedMergedType& left_merge = *down_cast<const UnresolvedMergedType*>(&left);
left_resolved = &left_merge.GetResolvedPart();
left_unresolved_is_array = left.IsArrayTypes();
} else if (left.IsUnresolvedTypes()) {
left_resolved = &Zero();
left_unresolved_is_array = left.IsArrayTypes();
} else {
left_resolved = &left;
left_unresolved_is_array = false;
const RegType* right_resolved;
bool right_unresolved_is_array;
if (right.IsUnresolvedMergedReference()) {
const UnresolvedMergedType& right_merge = *down_cast<const UnresolvedMergedType*>(&right);
right_resolved = &right_merge.GetResolvedPart();
right_unresolved_is_array = right.IsArrayTypes();
} else if (right.IsUnresolvedTypes()) {
right_resolved = &Zero();
right_unresolved_is_array = right.IsArrayTypes();
} else {
right_resolved = &right;
right_unresolved_is_array = false;
// Merge the resolved parts. Left and right might be equal, so use SafeMerge.
const RegType& resolved_parts_merged = left_resolved->SafeMerge(*right_resolved, this, verifier);
// If we get a conflict here, the merge result is a conflict, not an unresolved merge type.
if (resolved_parts_merged.IsConflict()) {
return Conflict();
if (resolved_parts_merged.IsJavaLangObject()) {
return resolved_parts_merged;
bool resolved_merged_is_array = resolved_parts_merged.IsArrayTypes();
if (left_unresolved_is_array || right_unresolved_is_array || resolved_merged_is_array) {
// Arrays involved, see if we need to merge to Object.
// Is the resolved part a primitive array?
if (resolved_merged_is_array && !resolved_parts_merged.IsObjectArrayTypes()) {
return JavaLangObject(/* precise= */ false);
// Is any part not an array (but exists)?
if ((!left_unresolved_is_array && left_resolved != &left) ||
(!right_unresolved_is_array && right_resolved != &right) ||
!resolved_merged_is_array) {
return JavaLangObject(/* precise= */ false);
// Check if entry already exists.
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUnresolvedMergedReference()) {
const UnresolvedMergedType* cmp_type = down_cast<const UnresolvedMergedType*>(cur_entry);
const RegType& resolved_part = cmp_type->GetResolvedPart();
const BitVector& unresolved_part = cmp_type->GetUnresolvedTypes();
// Use SameBitsSet. "types" is expandable to allow merging in the components, but the
// BitVector in the final RegType will be made non-expandable.
if (&resolved_part == &resolved_parts_merged && types.SameBitsSet(&unresolved_part)) {
return *cur_entry;
return AddEntry(new (&allocator_) UnresolvedMergedType(resolved_parts_merged,
const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromUnresolvedSuperClass(const RegType& child) {
// Check if entry already exists.
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUnresolvedSuperClass()) {
const UnresolvedSuperClass* tmp_entry =
down_cast<const UnresolvedSuperClass*>(cur_entry);
uint16_t unresolved_super_child_id =
if (unresolved_super_child_id == child.GetId()) {
return *cur_entry;
return AddEntry(new (&allocator_) UnresolvedSuperClass(child.GetId(), this, entries_.size()));
const UninitializedType& RegTypeCache::Uninitialized(const RegType& type, uint32_t allocation_pc) {
UninitializedType* entry = nullptr;
const std::string_view& descriptor(type.GetDescriptor());
if (type.IsUnresolvedTypes()) {
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUnresolvedAndUninitializedReference() &&
down_cast<const UnresolvedUninitializedRefType*>(cur_entry)->GetAllocationPc()
== allocation_pc &&
(cur_entry->GetDescriptor() == descriptor)) {
return *down_cast<const UnresolvedUninitializedRefType*>(cur_entry);
entry = new (&allocator_) UnresolvedUninitializedRefType(descriptor,
} else {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = type.GetClass();
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUninitializedReference() &&
down_cast<const UninitializedReferenceType*>(cur_entry)
->GetAllocationPc() == allocation_pc &&
cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
return *down_cast<const UninitializedReferenceType*>(cur_entry);
entry = new (&allocator_) UninitializedReferenceType(klass,
return AddEntry(entry);
const RegType& RegTypeCache::FromUninitialized(const RegType& uninit_type) {
RegType* entry;
if (uninit_type.IsUnresolvedTypes()) {
const std::string_view& descriptor(uninit_type.GetDescriptor());
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUnresolvedReference() &&
cur_entry->GetDescriptor() == descriptor) {
return *cur_entry;
entry = new (&allocator_) UnresolvedReferenceType(descriptor, entries_.size());
} else {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = uninit_type.GetClass();
if (uninit_type.IsUninitializedThisReference() && !klass->IsFinal()) {
// For uninitialized "this reference" look for reference types that are not precise.
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsReference() && cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
return *cur_entry;
entry = new (&allocator_) ReferenceType(klass, "", entries_.size());
} else if (!klass->IsPrimitive()) {
// We're uninitialized because of allocation, look or create a precise type as allocations
// may only create objects of that type.
// Note: we do not check whether the given klass is actually instantiable (besides being
// primitive), that is, we allow interfaces and abstract classes here. The reasoning is
// twofold:
// 1) The "new-instance" instruction to generate the uninitialized type will already
// queue an instantiation error. This is a soft error that must be thrown at runtime,
// and could potentially change if the class is resolved differently at runtime.
// 2) Checking whether the klass is instantiable and using conflict may produce a hard
// error when the value is used, which leads to a VerifyError, which is not the
// correct semantics.
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsPreciseReference() && cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
return *cur_entry;
entry = new (&allocator_) PreciseReferenceType(klass,
} else {
return Conflict();
return AddEntry(entry);
const UninitializedType& RegTypeCache::UninitializedThisArgument(const RegType& type) {
UninitializedType* entry;
const std::string_view& descriptor(type.GetDescriptor());
if (type.IsUnresolvedTypes()) {
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUnresolvedAndUninitializedThisReference() &&
cur_entry->GetDescriptor() == descriptor) {
return *down_cast<const UninitializedType*>(cur_entry);
entry = new (&allocator_) UnresolvedUninitializedThisRefType(descriptor, entries_.size());
} else {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = type.GetClass();
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsUninitializedThisReference() && cur_entry->GetClass() == klass) {
return *down_cast<const UninitializedType*>(cur_entry);
entry = new (&allocator_) UninitializedThisReferenceType(klass, descriptor, entries_.size());
return AddEntry(entry);
const ConstantType& RegTypeCache::FromCat1NonSmallConstant(int32_t value, bool precise) {
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->klass_.IsNull() && cur_entry->IsConstant() &&
cur_entry->IsPreciseConstant() == precise &&
(down_cast<const ConstantType*>(cur_entry))->ConstantValue() == value) {
return *down_cast<const ConstantType*>(cur_entry);
ConstantType* entry;
if (precise) {
entry = new (&allocator_) PreciseConstType(value, entries_.size());
} else {
entry = new (&allocator_) ImpreciseConstType(value, entries_.size());
return AddEntry(entry);
const ConstantType& RegTypeCache::FromCat2ConstLo(int32_t value, bool precise) {
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsConstantLo() && (cur_entry->IsPrecise() == precise) &&
(down_cast<const ConstantType*>(cur_entry))->ConstantValueLo() == value) {
return *down_cast<const ConstantType*>(cur_entry);
ConstantType* entry;
if (precise) {
entry = new (&allocator_) PreciseConstLoType(value, entries_.size());
} else {
entry = new (&allocator_) ImpreciseConstLoType(value, entries_.size());
return AddEntry(entry);
const ConstantType& RegTypeCache::FromCat2ConstHi(int32_t value, bool precise) {
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry->IsConstantHi() && (cur_entry->IsPrecise() == precise) &&
(down_cast<const ConstantType*>(cur_entry))->ConstantValueHi() == value) {
return *down_cast<const ConstantType*>(cur_entry);
ConstantType* entry;
if (precise) {
entry = new (&allocator_) PreciseConstHiType(value, entries_.size());
} else {
entry = new (&allocator_) ImpreciseConstHiType(value, entries_.size());
return AddEntry(entry);
const RegType& RegTypeCache::GetComponentType(const RegType& array,
ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> loader) {
if (!array.IsArrayTypes()) {
return Conflict();
} else if (array.IsUnresolvedTypes()) {
DCHECK(!array.IsUnresolvedMergedReference()); // Caller must make sure not to ask for this.
const std::string descriptor(array.GetDescriptor());
return FromDescriptor(loader, descriptor.c_str() + 1, false);
} else {
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = array.GetClass()->GetComponentType();
std::string temp;
const char* descriptor = klass->GetDescriptor(&temp);
if (klass->IsErroneous()) {
// Arrays may have erroneous component types, use unresolved in that case.
// We assume that the primitive classes are not erroneous, so we know it is a
// reference type.
return FromDescriptor(loader, descriptor, false);
} else {
return FromClass(descriptor, klass, klass->CannotBeAssignedFromOtherTypes());
void RegTypeCache::Dump(std::ostream& os) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_.size(); i++) {
const RegType* cur_entry = entries_[i];
if (cur_entry != nullptr) {
os << i << ": " << cur_entry->Dump() << "\n";
void RegTypeCache::VisitStaticRoots(RootVisitor* visitor) {
// Visit the primitive types, this is required since if there are no active verifiers they wont
// be in the entries array, and therefore not visited as roots.
if (primitive_initialized_) {
RootInfo ri(kRootUnknown);
UndefinedType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
ConflictType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
BooleanType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
ByteType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
ShortType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
CharType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
IntegerType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
LongLoType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
LongHiType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
FloatType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
DoubleLoType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
DoubleHiType::GetInstance()->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
for (int32_t value = kMinSmallConstant; value <= kMaxSmallConstant; ++value) {
small_precise_constants_[value - kMinSmallConstant]->VisitRoots(visitor, ri);
void RegTypeCache::VisitRoots(RootVisitor* visitor, const RootInfo& root_info) {
// Exclude the static roots that are visited by VisitStaticRoots().
for (size_t i = primitive_count_; i < entries_.size(); ++i) {
entries_[i]->VisitRoots(visitor, root_info);
for (auto& pair : klass_entries_) {
GcRoot<mirror::Class>& root = pair.first;
root.VisitRoot(visitor, root_info);
} // namespace verifier
} // namespace art