blob: 5886587659af76ca48bc5bae6604e3d506d4d4ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "base/globals.h"
#include "base/locks.h"
#include "base/mem_map.h"
namespace art {
namespace jit {
// Alignment in bytes that will suit all architectures for JIT code cache allocations. The
// allocated block is used for method header followed by generated code. Allocations should be
// aligned to avoid sharing cache lines between different allocations. The alignment should be
// determined from the hardware, but this isn't readily exposed in userland plus some hardware
// misreports.
static constexpr int kJitCodeAlignment = 64;
// Represents a memory region for the JIT, where code and data are stored. This class
// provides allocation and deallocation primitives.
class JitMemoryRegion {
: used_memory_for_code_(0),
used_memory_for_data_(0) {}
void InitializeState(size_t initial_capacity, size_t max_capacity)
bool InitializeMappings(bool rwx_memory_allowed, bool is_zygote, std::string* error_msg)
void InitializeSpaces() REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
// Try to increase the current capacity of the code cache. Return whether we
// succeeded at doing so.
bool IncreaseCodeCacheCapacity() REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
// Set the footprint limit of the code cache.
void SetFootprintLimit(size_t new_footprint) REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
uint8_t* AllocateCode(size_t code_size) REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
void FreeCode(uint8_t* code) REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
uint8_t* AllocateData(size_t data_size) REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
void FreeData(uint8_t* data) REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_);
bool HasDualCodeMapping() const {
return non_exec_pages_.IsValid();
bool HasCodeMapping() const {
return exec_pages_.IsValid();
bool IsInDataSpace(const void* ptr) const {
return data_pages_.HasAddress(ptr);
bool IsInExecSpace(const void* ptr) const {
return exec_pages_.HasAddress(ptr);
const MemMap* GetUpdatableCodeMapping() const {
if (HasDualCodeMapping()) {
return &non_exec_pages_;
} else if (HasCodeMapping()) {
return &exec_pages_;
} else {
return nullptr;
const MemMap* GetExecPages() const {
return &exec_pages_;
template <typename T> T* GetExecutableAddress(T* src_ptr) {
return TranslateAddress(src_ptr, non_exec_pages_, exec_pages_);
template <typename T> T* GetNonExecutableAddress(T* src_ptr) {
return TranslateAddress(src_ptr, exec_pages_, non_exec_pages_);
void* MoreCore(const void* mspace, intptr_t increment);
bool OwnsSpace(const void* mspace) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return mspace == data_mspace_ || mspace == exec_mspace_;
size_t GetCurrentCapacity() const REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_) {
return current_capacity_;
size_t GetMaxCapacity() const REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_) {
return max_capacity_;
size_t GetUsedMemoryForCode() const REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_) {
return used_memory_for_code_;
size_t GetUsedMemoryForData() const REQUIRES(Locks::jit_lock_) {
return used_memory_for_data_;
template <typename T>
T* TranslateAddress(T* src_ptr, const MemMap& src, const MemMap& dst) {
if (!HasDualCodeMapping()) {
return src_ptr;
uint8_t* const raw_src_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(src_ptr);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(raw_src_ptr - src.Begin() + dst.Begin());
// The initial capacity in bytes this code region starts with.
size_t initial_capacity_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The maximum capacity in bytes this region can go to.
size_t max_capacity_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The current capacity in bytes of the region.
size_t current_capacity_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The current footprint in bytes of the data portion of the region.
size_t data_end_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The current footprint in bytes of the code portion of the region.
size_t exec_end_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The size in bytes of used memory for the code portion of the region.
size_t used_memory_for_code_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The size in bytes of used memory for the data portion of the region.
size_t used_memory_for_data_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// Mem map which holds data (stack maps and profiling info).
MemMap data_pages_;
// Mem map which holds code and has executable permission.
MemMap exec_pages_;
// Mem map which holds code with non executable permission. Only valid for dual view JIT when
// this is the non-executable view of code used to write updates.
MemMap non_exec_pages_;
// The opaque mspace for allocating data.
void* data_mspace_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
// The opaque mspace for allocating code.
void* exec_mspace_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::jit_lock_);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace art