Art: "Out of Registers" workaround.

The weekend is almost over, and the proper fix for b/15024623
isn't quite ready (CL 468162).  Time for plan B.

This workaround CL avoids the bug by disabling local liveness
tracking and the associated reduntant load suppression.
Once CL 468162 is ready, they will be re-enabled.

Change-Id: Idb58d702fd3c049b5fad3adf42435fc677e11a1f
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index 3bc060b..4edc87c 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
 static uint32_t kCompilerOptimizerDisableFlags = 0 |  // Disable specific optimizations
   (1 << kLoadStoreElimination) |  // TODO: this pass has been broken for awhile - fix or delete.
   // (1 << kLoadHoisting) |
-  // (1 << kSuppressLoads) |
+  (1 << kSuppressLoads) |   // TODO:  Temporary workaround, restore when b/15024623 fixed.
   // (1 << kNullCheckElimination) |
   // (1 << kClassInitCheckElimination) |
   // (1 << kPromoteRegs) |
-  // (1 << kTrackLiveTemps) |
+  (1 << kTrackLiveTemps) |   // TODO: Temporary workaround, restore when b/15024623 fixed.
   // (1 << kSafeOptimizations) |
   // (1 << kBBOpt) |
   // (1 << kMatch) |