blob: 8fd20aa428c662c9d9d24a8f4b9146a8b5eb0b31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
#include "compiled_method.h"
#include "debug/dwarf/debug_info_entry_writer.h"
#include "debug/dwarf/register.h"
#include "debug/method_debug_info.h"
#include "stack_map.h"
namespace art {
namespace debug {
using Reg = dwarf::Reg;
static Reg GetDwarfCoreReg(InstructionSet isa, int machine_reg) {
switch (isa) {
case kArm:
case kThumb2:
return Reg::ArmCore(machine_reg);
case kArm64:
return Reg::Arm64Core(machine_reg);
case kX86:
return Reg::X86Core(machine_reg);
case kX86_64:
return Reg::X86_64Core(machine_reg);
case kMips:
return Reg::MipsCore(machine_reg);
case kMips64:
return Reg::Mips64Core(machine_reg);
case kNone:
LOG(FATAL) << "No instruction set";
static Reg GetDwarfFpReg(InstructionSet isa, int machine_reg) {
switch (isa) {
case kArm:
case kThumb2:
return Reg::ArmFp(machine_reg);
case kArm64:
return Reg::Arm64Fp(machine_reg);
case kX86:
return Reg::X86Fp(machine_reg);
case kX86_64:
return Reg::X86_64Fp(machine_reg);
case kMips:
return Reg::MipsFp(machine_reg);
case kMips64:
return Reg::Mips64Fp(machine_reg);
case kNone:
LOG(FATAL) << "No instruction set";
struct VariableLocation {
uint32_t low_pc;
uint32_t high_pc;
DexRegisterLocation reg_lo; // May be None if the location is unknown.
DexRegisterLocation reg_hi; // Most significant bits of 64-bit value.
// Get the location of given dex register (e.g. stack or machine register).
// Note that the location might be different based on the current pc.
// The result will cover all ranges where the variable is in scope.
// PCs corresponding to stackmap with dex register map are accurate,
// all other PCs are best-effort only.
std::vector<VariableLocation> GetVariableLocations(const MethodDebugInfo* method_info,
uint16_t vreg,
bool is64bitValue,
uint32_t dex_pc_low,
uint32_t dex_pc_high) {
std::vector<VariableLocation> variable_locations;
// Get stack maps sorted by pc (they might not be sorted internally).
const CodeInfo code_info(method_info->compiled_method->GetVmapTable().data());
const StackMapEncoding encoding = code_info.ExtractEncoding();
std::map<uint32_t, StackMap> stack_maps;
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < code_info.GetNumberOfStackMaps(); s++) {
StackMap stack_map = code_info.GetStackMapAt(s, encoding);
const uint32_t low_pc = method_info->low_pc + stack_map.GetNativePcOffset(encoding);
DCHECK_LE(low_pc, method_info->high_pc);
stack_maps.emplace(low_pc, stack_map);
// Create entries for the requested register based on stack map data.
for (auto it = stack_maps.begin(); it != stack_maps.end(); it++) {
const StackMap& stack_map = it->second;
const uint32_t low_pc = it->first;
auto next_it = it;
const uint32_t high_pc = next_it != stack_maps.end() ? next_it->first
: method_info->high_pc;
DCHECK_LE(low_pc, high_pc);
if (low_pc == high_pc) {
continue; // Ignore if the address range is empty.
// Check that the stack map is in the requested range.
uint32_t dex_pc = stack_map.GetDexPc(encoding);
if (!(dex_pc_low <= dex_pc && dex_pc < dex_pc_high)) {
// Find the location of the dex register.
DexRegisterLocation reg_lo = DexRegisterLocation::None();
DexRegisterLocation reg_hi = DexRegisterLocation::None();
if (stack_map.HasDexRegisterMap(encoding)) {
DexRegisterMap dex_register_map = code_info.GetDexRegisterMapOf(
stack_map, encoding, method_info->code_item->registers_size_);
reg_lo = dex_register_map.GetDexRegisterLocation(
vreg, method_info->code_item->registers_size_, code_info, encoding);
if (is64bitValue) {
reg_hi = dex_register_map.GetDexRegisterLocation(
vreg + 1, method_info->code_item->registers_size_, code_info, encoding);
// Add location entry for this address range.
if (!variable_locations.empty() &&
variable_locations.back().reg_lo == reg_lo &&
variable_locations.back().reg_hi == reg_hi &&
variable_locations.back().high_pc == low_pc) {
// Merge with the previous entry (extend its range).
variable_locations.back().high_pc = high_pc;
} else if (!variable_locations.empty() && reg_lo == DexRegisterLocation::None()) {
// Unknown location - use the last known location as best-effort guess.
variable_locations.back().high_pc = high_pc;
} else {
variable_locations.push_back({low_pc, high_pc, reg_lo, reg_hi});
return variable_locations;
// Write table into .debug_loc which describes location of dex register.
// The dex register might be valid only at some points and it might
// move between machine registers and stack.
static void WriteDebugLocEntry(const MethodDebugInfo* method_info,
uint16_t vreg,
bool is64bitValue,
uint32_t compilation_unit_low_pc,
uint32_t dex_pc_low,
uint32_t dex_pc_high,
InstructionSet isa,
dwarf::DebugInfoEntryWriter<>* debug_info,
std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_loc_buffer,
std::vector<uint8_t>* debug_ranges_buffer) {
using Kind = DexRegisterLocation::Kind;
if (!method_info->IsFromOptimizingCompiler()) {
std::vector<VariableLocation> variable_locations = GetVariableLocations(
// Write .debug_loc entries.
dwarf::Writer<> debug_loc(debug_loc_buffer);
const size_t debug_loc_offset = debug_loc.size();
const bool is64bit = Is64BitInstructionSet(isa);
std::vector<uint8_t> expr_buffer;
for (const VariableLocation& variable_location : variable_locations) {
// Translate dex register location to DWARF expression.
// Note that 64-bit value might be split to two distinct locations.
// (for example, two 32-bit machine registers, or even stack and register)
dwarf::Expression expr(&expr_buffer);
DexRegisterLocation reg_lo = variable_location.reg_lo;
DexRegisterLocation reg_hi = variable_location.reg_hi;
for (int piece = 0; piece < (is64bitValue ? 2 : 1); piece++) {
DexRegisterLocation reg_loc = (piece == 0 ? reg_lo : reg_hi);
const Kind kind = reg_loc.GetKind();
const int32_t value = reg_loc.GetValue();
if (kind == Kind::kInStack) {
const size_t frame_size = method_info->compiled_method->GetFrameSizeInBytes();
// The stack offset is relative to SP. Make it relative to CFA.
expr.WriteOpFbreg(value - frame_size);
if (piece == 0 && reg_hi.GetKind() == Kind::kInStack &&
reg_hi.GetValue() == value + 4) {
break; // the high word is correctly implied by the low word.
} else if (kind == Kind::kInRegister) {
expr.WriteOpReg(GetDwarfCoreReg(isa, value).num());
if (piece == 0 && reg_hi.GetKind() == Kind::kInRegisterHigh &&
reg_hi.GetValue() == value) {
break; // the high word is correctly implied by the low word.
} else if (kind == Kind::kInFpuRegister) {
if ((isa == kArm || isa == kThumb2) &&
piece == 0 && reg_hi.GetKind() == Kind::kInFpuRegister &&
reg_hi.GetValue() == value + 1 && value % 2 == 0) {
// Translate S register pair to D register (e.g. S4+S5 to D2).
expr.WriteOpReg(Reg::ArmDp(value / 2).num());
expr.WriteOpReg(GetDwarfFpReg(isa, value).num());
if (piece == 0 && reg_hi.GetKind() == Kind::kInFpuRegisterHigh &&
reg_hi.GetValue() == reg_lo.GetValue()) {
break; // the high word is correctly implied by the low word.
} else if (kind == Kind::kConstant) {
} else if (kind == Kind::kNone) {
} else {
// kInStackLargeOffset and kConstantLargeValue are hidden by GetKind().
// kInRegisterHigh and kInFpuRegisterHigh should be handled by
// the special cases above and they should not occur alone.
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected register location kind: "
<< DexRegisterLocation::PrettyDescriptor(kind);
if (is64bitValue) {
// Write the marker which is needed by split 64-bit values.
// This code is skipped by the special cases.
if (expr.size() > 0) {
if (is64bit) {
debug_loc.PushUint64(variable_location.low_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
debug_loc.PushUint64(variable_location.high_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
} else {
debug_loc.PushUint32(variable_location.low_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
debug_loc.PushUint32(variable_location.high_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
// Write the expression.
} else {
// Do not generate .debug_loc if the location is not known.
// Write end-of-list entry.
if (is64bit) {
} else {
// Write .debug_ranges entries.
// This includes ranges where the variable is in scope but the location is not known.
dwarf::Writer<> debug_ranges(debug_ranges_buffer);
size_t debug_ranges_offset = debug_ranges.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < variable_locations.size(); i++) {
uint32_t low_pc = variable_locations[i].low_pc;
uint32_t high_pc = variable_locations[i].high_pc;
while (i + 1 < variable_locations.size() && variable_locations[i+1].low_pc == high_pc) {
// Merge address range with the next entry.
high_pc = variable_locations[++i].high_pc;
if (is64bit) {
debug_ranges.PushUint64(low_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
debug_ranges.PushUint64(high_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
} else {
debug_ranges.PushUint32(low_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
debug_ranges.PushUint32(high_pc - compilation_unit_low_pc);
// Write end-of-list entry.
if (is64bit) {
} else {
// Simple de-duplication - check whether this entry is same as the last one (or tail of it).
size_t debug_ranges_entry_size = debug_ranges.size() - debug_ranges_offset;
if (debug_ranges_offset >= debug_ranges_entry_size) {
size_t previous_offset = debug_ranges_offset - debug_ranges_entry_size;
if (memcmp(debug_ranges_buffer->data() + previous_offset,
debug_ranges_buffer->data() + debug_ranges_offset,
debug_ranges_entry_size) == 0) {
// Remove what we have just written and use the last entry instead.
debug_ranges_offset = previous_offset;
// Write attributes to .debug_info.
debug_info->WriteSecOffset(dwarf::DW_AT_location, debug_loc_offset);
debug_info->WriteSecOffset(dwarf::DW_AT_start_scope, debug_ranges_offset);
} // namespace debug
} // namespace art