Update comment in class_linker.cc

Be more clear about what is meant by 'corruption'.

Change-Id: I54f11c8c1ff11328f2a63382fc570b213a4d3a3e
diff --git a/runtime/class_linker.cc b/runtime/class_linker.cc
index d29d33a..35c40cd 100644
--- a/runtime/class_linker.cc
+++ b/runtime/class_linker.cc
@@ -6639,7 +6639,9 @@
             // If the super-classes method is override-able by a default method we need to keep
             // track of it since though it is override-able it is not guaranteed to be 'overridden'.
             // If it turns out not to be overridden and we did not keep track of it we might add it
-            // to the vtable twice, causing corruption in this class and possibly any subclasses.
+            // to the vtable twice, causing corruption (vtable entries having inconsistent and
+            // illegal states, incorrect vtable size, and incorrect or inconsistent iftable entries)
+            // in this class and any subclasses.
             DCHECK(vtable_impl == nullptr || vtable_impl == supers_method)
                 << "vtable_impl was " << PrettyMethod(vtable_impl) << " and not 'nullptr' or "
                 << PrettyMethod(supers_method) << " as expected. IFTable appears to be corrupt!";