ART: Increase stack overflow guard for sanitization

Increase the stack overflow guard page size under address sanitization.
The C++ frames are larger, so more space is necessary to create an

Adjustments in this CL are restricted to the host.

This CL adjusts the frames up so that most tests pass. Other issues will
be addressed in follow-up changes.

Bug: 31098551
Test: m SANITIZE_HOST=address test-art-host
Change-Id: I9490eeaa10c1a25486302fc43f8f8212210a59ec
diff --git a/build/art.go b/build/art.go
index 6dca793..b33b565 100644
--- a/build/art.go
+++ b/build/art.go
@@ -76,13 +76,28 @@
 		asflags = append(asflags, "-DART_USE_OLD_ARM_BACKEND=1")
-	cflags = append(cflags,
-			"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_arm=8192",
-			"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_arm64=8192",
-			"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_mips=16384",
-			"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_mips64=16384",
-			"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_x86=8192",
-			"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_x86_64=8192")
+	// We need larger stack overflow guards for ASAN, as the compiled code will have
+	// larger frame sizes. For simplicity, just use global not-target-specific cflags.
+	// Note: We increase this for both debug and non-debug, as the overflow gap will
+	//       be compiled into managed code. We always preopt (and build core images) with
+	//       the debug version. So make the gap consistent (and adjust for the worst).
+	if len(ctx.AConfig().SanitizeDevice()) > 0 || len(ctx.AConfig().SanitizeHost()) > 0 {
+		cflags = append(cflags,
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_arm=8192",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_arm64=8192",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_mips=16384",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_mips64=16384",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_x86=12288",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_x86_64=20480")
+	} else {
+		cflags = append(cflags,
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_arm=8192",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_arm64=8192",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_mips=16384",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_mips64=16384",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_x86=8192",
+				"-DART_STACK_OVERFLOW_GAP_x86_64=8192")
+	}
 	return cflags, asflags