blob: b1ba248ab440f4de8bab54af05ad332fdc142962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Carl Shapiro)
#include "jni_internal.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "assembler.h"
#include "object.h"
#define __ assembler->
namespace art {
// Creates a function which invokes a managed method with an array of
// arguments.
// At the time of call, the environment looks something like this:
// R0 = method pointer
// R1 = receiver pointer or NULL for static methods
// R2 = (managed) thread pointer
// R3 = argument array or NULL for void arugment methods
// [SP] = JValue result or NULL for void returns
// As the JNI call has already transitioned the thread into the
// "running" state the remaining responsibilities of this routine are
// to save the native register value and restore the managed thread
// register and transfer arguments from the array into register and on
// the stack, if needed. On return, the thread register must be
// shuffled and the return value must be store into the result JValue.
void CreateInvokeStub(Assembler* assembler, Method* method) {
size_t num_arg_words = method->NumArgArrayBytes() / kWordSize;
// TODO: the incoming argument array should have implicit arguments.
size_t max_register_words = method->IsStatic() ? 3 : 2;
size_t num_register_words = std::min(num_arg_words, max_register_words);
size_t num_stack_words = num_arg_words - num_register_words;
// For now we allocate stack space for stacked outgoing arguments.
size_t stack_parameters_size = num_stack_words*kWordSize;
if (num_arg_words != RoundUp(num_arg_words,8)) {
// Ensure 8-byte alignment.
stack_parameters_size += kWordSize;
RegList save = (1 << R9);
__ PushList(save | (1 << LR));
// Allocate a frame large enough for the stacked arguments.
__ AddConstant(SP, -stack_parameters_size);
// Move the managed thread pointer into R9.
__ mov(R9, ShifterOperand(R2));
// Move all stacked arguments into place.
size_t first_stack_word = num_register_words;
if (num_arg_words > max_register_words) {
for (size_t i = first_stack_word, j = 0; i < num_arg_words; ++i, ++j) {
int r3_offset = i * kWordSize;
int sp_offset = j * kWordSize;
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, IP, R3, r3_offset);
__ StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, IP, SP, sp_offset);
// Move all the register arguments into place.
if (method->IsStatic()) {
if (num_register_words > 0) {
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R1, R3, 0);
if (num_register_words > 1) {
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R2, R3, 4);
if (num_register_words > 2) {
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R3, R3, 8);
} else {
if (num_register_words > 0) {
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R2, R3, 0);
if (num_register_words > 1) {
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, R3, R3, 4);
// Allocate the spill area for outgoing arguments.
__ AddConstant(SP, -((num_register_words+1)*kWordSize));
// Load the code pointer we are about to call.
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, IP, R0, method->GetCodeOffset());
// Do the call.
__ blx(IP);
// Deallocate the spill area for outgoing arguments.
__ AddConstant(SP, ((num_register_words+1)*kWordSize));
// If the method returns a value, store it to the result pointer.
char ch = method->GetShorty()[0];
if (ch != 'V') {
// Load the result JValue pointer. It is the first stacked
// argument so it is stored above the stacked R9 and LR values.
__ LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, IP, SP, stack_parameters_size + 2*kWordSize);
if (ch == 'D' || ch == 'J') {
__ StoreToOffset(kStoreWordPair, R0, IP, 0);
} else {
__ StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, R0, IP, 0);
__ AddConstant(SP, stack_parameters_size);
__ PopList(save | (1 << PC));
} // namespace art