blob: e2f3357ba2544c8c12771f73c623d19c32333d1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/arena_containers.h"
#include "base/atomic.h"
#include "base/histogram.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/mem_map.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/safe_map.h"
namespace art {
class ArtMethod;
template<class T> class Handle;
class LinearAlloc;
class InlineCache;
class IsMarkedVisitor;
class JitJniStubTestHelper;
class OatQuickMethodHeader;
struct ProfileMethodInfo;
class ProfilingInfo;
class Thread;
namespace gc {
namespace accounting {
template<size_t kAlignment> class MemoryRangeBitmap;
} // namespace accounting
} // namespace gc
namespace mirror {
class Class;
class Object;
template<class T> class ObjectArray;
} // namespace mirror
namespace gc {
namespace accounting {
template<size_t kAlignment> class MemoryRangeBitmap;
} // namespace accounting
} // namespace gc
namespace mirror {
class Class;
class Object;
template<class T> class ObjectArray;
} // namespace mirror
namespace jit {
class MarkCodeClosure;
class ScopedCodeCacheWrite;
// Alignment in bits that will suit all architectures.
static constexpr int kJitCodeAlignment = 16;
using CodeCacheBitmap = gc::accounting::MemoryRangeBitmap<kJitCodeAlignment>;
class JitCodeCache {
static constexpr size_t kMaxCapacity = 64 * MB;
// Put the default to a very low amount for debug builds to stress the code cache
// collection.
static constexpr size_t kInitialCapacity = kIsDebugBuild ? 8 * KB : 64 * KB;
// By default, do not GC until reaching 256KB.
static constexpr size_t kReservedCapacity = kInitialCapacity * 4;
// Create the code cache with a code + data capacity equal to "capacity", error message is passed
// in the out arg error_msg.
static JitCodeCache* Create(bool used_only_for_profile_data,
bool rwx_memory_allowed,
bool is_zygote,
std::string* error_msg);
bool NotifyCompilationOf(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self, bool osr)
void NotifyMethodRedefined(ArtMethod* method)
// Notify to the code cache that the compiler wants to use the
// profiling info of `method` to drive optimizations,
// and therefore ensure the returned profiling info object is not
// collected.
ProfilingInfo* NotifyCompilerUse(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self)
void DoneCompiling(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self, bool osr)
void DoneCompilerUse(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self)
// Allocate and write code and its metadata to the code cache.
// `cha_single_implementation_list` needs to be registered via CHA (if it's
// still valid), since the compiled code still needs to be invalidated if the
// single-implementation assumptions are violated later. This needs to be done
// even if `has_should_deoptimize_flag` is false, which can happen due to CHA
// guard elimination.
uint8_t* CommitCode(Thread* self,
ArtMethod* method,
uint8_t* stack_map,
uint8_t* roots_data,
const uint8_t* code,
size_t code_size,
size_t data_size,
bool osr,
const std::vector<Handle<mirror::Object>>& roots,
bool has_should_deoptimize_flag,
const ArenaSet<ArtMethod*>& cha_single_implementation_list)
// Return true if the code cache contains this pc.
bool ContainsPc(const void* pc) const;
// Returns true if either the method's entrypoint is JIT compiled code or it is the
// instrumentation entrypoint and we can jump to jit code for this method. For testing use only.
bool WillExecuteJitCode(ArtMethod* method) REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Return true if the code cache contains this method.
bool ContainsMethod(ArtMethod* method) REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Return the code pointer for a JNI-compiled stub if the method is in the cache, null otherwise.
const void* GetJniStubCode(ArtMethod* method) REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Allocate a region of data that contain `size` bytes, and potentially space
// for storing `number_of_roots` roots. Returns null if there is no more room.
// Return the number of bytes allocated.
size_t ReserveData(Thread* self,
size_t stack_map_size,
size_t number_of_roots,
ArtMethod* method,
uint8_t** stack_map_data,
uint8_t** roots_data)
// Clear data from the data portion of the code cache.
void ClearData(Thread* self, uint8_t* stack_map_data, uint8_t* roots_data)
// Perform a collection on the code cache.
void GarbageCollectCache(Thread* self)
// Given the 'pc', try to find the JIT compiled code associated with it.
// Return null if 'pc' is not in the code cache. 'method' is passed for
// sanity check.
OatQuickMethodHeader* LookupMethodHeader(uintptr_t pc, ArtMethod* method)
OatQuickMethodHeader* LookupOsrMethodHeader(ArtMethod* method)
// Removes method from the cache for testing purposes. The caller
// must ensure that all threads are suspended and the method should
// not be in any thread's stack.
bool RemoveMethod(ArtMethod* method, bool release_memory)
// Remove all methods in our cache that were allocated by 'alloc'.
void RemoveMethodsIn(Thread* self, const LinearAlloc& alloc)
void CopyInlineCacheInto(const InlineCache& ic, Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> array)
// Create a 'ProfileInfo' for 'method'. If 'retry_allocation' is true,
// will collect and retry if the first allocation is unsuccessful.
ProfilingInfo* AddProfilingInfo(Thread* self,
ArtMethod* method,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& entries,
bool retry_allocation)
bool OwnsSpace(const void* mspace) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return mspace == data_mspace_ || mspace == exec_mspace_;
void* MoreCore(const void* mspace, intptr_t increment);
// Adds to `methods` all profiled methods which are part of any of the given dex locations.
void GetProfiledMethods(const std::set<std::string>& dex_base_locations,
std::vector<ProfileMethodInfo>& methods)
void InvalidateCompiledCodeFor(ArtMethod* method, const OatQuickMethodHeader* code)
void Dump(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!lock_);
bool IsOsrCompiled(ArtMethod* method) REQUIRES(!lock_);
void SweepRootTables(IsMarkedVisitor* visitor)
// The GC needs to disallow the reading of inline caches when it processes them,
// to avoid having a class being used while it is being deleted.
void AllowInlineCacheAccess() REQUIRES(!lock_);
void DisallowInlineCacheAccess() REQUIRES(!lock_);
void BroadcastForInlineCacheAccess() REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Notify the code cache that the method at the pointer 'old_method' is being moved to the pointer
// 'new_method' since it is being made obsolete.
void MoveObsoleteMethod(ArtMethod* old_method, ArtMethod* new_method)
REQUIRES(!lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Dynamically change whether we want to garbage collect code. Should only be used during JIT
// initialization or by tests.
void SetGarbageCollectCode(bool value) {
garbage_collect_code_ = value;
bool GetGarbageCollectCode() const {
return garbage_collect_code_;
// If Jit-gc has been disabled (and instrumentation has been enabled) this will return the
// jit-compiled entrypoint for this method. Otherwise it will return null.
const void* FindCompiledCodeForInstrumentation(ArtMethod* method)
void PostForkChildAction(bool is_system_server, bool is_zygote);
void InitializeState(size_t initial_capacity, size_t max_capacity) REQUIRES(lock_);
bool InitializeMappings(bool rwx_memory_allowed, bool is_zygote, std::string* error_msg)
void InitializeSpaces() REQUIRES(lock_);
// Internal version of 'CommitCode' that will not retry if the
// allocation fails. Return null if the allocation fails.
uint8_t* CommitCodeInternal(Thread* self,
ArtMethod* method,
uint8_t* stack_map,
uint8_t* roots_data,
const uint8_t* code,
size_t code_size,
size_t data_size,
bool osr,
const std::vector<Handle<mirror::Object>>& roots,
bool has_should_deoptimize_flag,
const ArenaSet<ArtMethod*>& cha_single_implementation_list)
// Adds the given roots to the roots_data. Only a member for annotalysis.
void FillRootTable(uint8_t* roots_data, const std::vector<Handle<mirror::Object>>& roots)
ProfilingInfo* AddProfilingInfoInternal(Thread* self,
ArtMethod* method,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& entries)
// If a collection is in progress, wait for it to finish. Must be called with the mutator lock.
// The non-mutator lock version should be used if possible. This method will release then
// re-acquire the mutator lock.
void WaitForPotentialCollectionToCompleteRunnable(Thread* self)
REQUIRES(lock_, !Roles::uninterruptible_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
// If a collection is in progress, wait for it to finish. Return
// whether the thread actually waited.
bool WaitForPotentialCollectionToComplete(Thread* self)
REQUIRES(lock_) REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Remove CHA dependents and underlying allocations for entries in `method_headers`.
void FreeAllMethodHeaders(const std::unordered_set<OatQuickMethodHeader*>& method_headers)
// Removes method from the cache. The caller must ensure that all threads
// are suspended and the method should not be in any thread's stack.
bool RemoveMethodLocked(ArtMethod* method, bool release_memory)
// Free code and data allocations for `code_ptr`.
void FreeCodeAndData(const void* code_ptr) REQUIRES(lock_);
// Number of bytes allocated in the code cache.
size_t CodeCacheSize() REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Number of bytes allocated in the data cache.
size_t DataCacheSize() REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Number of bytes allocated in the code cache.
size_t CodeCacheSizeLocked() REQUIRES(lock_);
// Number of bytes allocated in the data cache.
size_t DataCacheSizeLocked() REQUIRES(lock_);
// Notify all waiting threads that a collection is done.
void NotifyCollectionDone(Thread* self) REQUIRES(lock_);
// Try to increase the current capacity of the code cache. Return whether we
// succeeded at doing so.
bool IncreaseCodeCacheCapacity() REQUIRES(lock_);
// Set the footprint limit of the code cache.
void SetFootprintLimit(size_t new_footprint) REQUIRES(lock_);
// Return whether we should do a full collection given the current state of the cache.
bool ShouldDoFullCollection()
void DoCollection(Thread* self, bool collect_profiling_info)
void RemoveUnmarkedCode(Thread* self)
void MarkCompiledCodeOnThreadStacks(Thread* self)
bool CheckLiveCompiledCodeHasProfilingInfo()
CodeCacheBitmap* GetLiveBitmap() const {
return live_bitmap_.get();
uint8_t* AllocateCode(size_t code_size) REQUIRES(lock_);
void FreeCode(uint8_t* code) REQUIRES(lock_);
uint8_t* AllocateData(size_t data_size) REQUIRES(lock_);
void FreeData(uint8_t* data) REQUIRES(lock_);
bool HasDualCodeMapping() const {
return non_exec_pages_.IsValid();
bool HasCodeMapping() const {
return exec_pages_.IsValid();
const MemMap* GetUpdatableCodeMapping() const;
bool IsInZygoteDataSpace(const void* ptr) const {
return zygote_data_pages_.HasAddress(ptr);
bool IsInZygoteExecSpace(const void* ptr) const {
return zygote_exec_pages_.HasAddress(ptr);
bool IsWeakAccessEnabled(Thread* self) const;
void WaitUntilInlineCacheAccessible(Thread* self)
class JniStubKey;
class JniStubData;
// Lock for guarding allocations, collections, and the method_code_map_.
// Condition to wait on during collection.
ConditionVariable lock_cond_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Whether there is a code cache collection in progress.
bool collection_in_progress_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Mem map which holds data (stack maps and profiling info).
MemMap data_pages_;
// Mem map which holds code and has executable permission.
MemMap exec_pages_;
// Mem map which holds code with non executable permission. Only valid for dual view JIT when
// this is the non-executable view of code used to write updates.
MemMap non_exec_pages_;
// The opaque mspace for allocating data.
void* data_mspace_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The opaque mspace for allocating code.
void* exec_mspace_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Bitmap for collecting code and data.
std::unique_ptr<CodeCacheBitmap> live_bitmap_;
// Holds compiled code associated with the shorty for a JNI stub.
SafeMap<JniStubKey, JniStubData> jni_stubs_map_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Holds compiled code associated to the ArtMethod.
SafeMap<const void*, ArtMethod*> method_code_map_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Holds osr compiled code associated to the ArtMethod.
SafeMap<ArtMethod*, const void*> osr_code_map_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// ProfilingInfo objects we have allocated.
std::vector<ProfilingInfo*> profiling_infos_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The initial capacity in bytes this code cache starts with.
size_t initial_capacity_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The maximum capacity in bytes this code cache can go to.
size_t max_capacity_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The current capacity in bytes of the code cache.
size_t current_capacity_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The current footprint in bytes of the data portion of the code cache.
size_t data_end_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The current footprint in bytes of the code portion of the code cache.
size_t exec_end_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Whether the last collection round increased the code cache.
bool last_collection_increased_code_cache_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Whether we can do garbage collection. Not 'const' as tests may override this.
bool garbage_collect_code_;
// The size in bytes of used memory for the data portion of the code cache.
size_t used_memory_for_data_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The size in bytes of used memory for the code portion of the code cache.
size_t used_memory_for_code_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Number of compilations done throughout the lifetime of the JIT.
size_t number_of_compilations_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Number of compilations for on-stack-replacement done throughout the lifetime of the JIT.
size_t number_of_osr_compilations_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Number of code cache collections done throughout the lifetime of the JIT.
size_t number_of_collections_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Histograms for keeping track of stack map size statistics.
Histogram<uint64_t> histogram_stack_map_memory_use_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Histograms for keeping track of code size statistics.
Histogram<uint64_t> histogram_code_memory_use_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Histograms for keeping track of profiling info statistics.
Histogram<uint64_t> histogram_profiling_info_memory_use_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Whether the GC allows accessing weaks in inline caches. Note that this
// is not used by the concurrent collector, which uses
// Thread::SetWeakRefAccessEnabled instead.
Atomic<bool> is_weak_access_enabled_;
// Condition to wait on for accessing inline caches.
ConditionVariable inline_cache_cond_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// Mem map which holds zygote data (stack maps and profiling info).
MemMap zygote_data_pages_;
// Mem map which holds zygote code and has executable permission.
MemMap zygote_exec_pages_;
// The opaque mspace for allocating zygote data.
void* zygote_data_mspace_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// The opaque mspace for allocating zygote code.
void* zygote_exec_mspace_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
friend class art::JitJniStubTestHelper;
friend class ScopedCodeCacheWrite;
friend class MarkCodeClosure;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace art