Create two CompilerTemp for a wide compiler temp

We create a new CompilerTemp for the high part of
a wide compiler temp to fix counting compiler temps.
Otherwise, assertion failures may happen inside
GetNumUsedCompilerTemps(), if there are any wide compiler temps.
Previously, we never ask for a wide compiler temp, such that
we don't hit the issue.

Change-Id: I9e79ad15e4192665b9d8a9dae5a5453496e48a79
Signed-off-by: Chao-ying Fu <>
diff --git a/compiler/dex/ b/compiler/dex/
index 749a235..1d4aef2 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/
+++ b/compiler/dex/
@@ -268,13 +268,22 @@
     DCHECK_EQ(ct_type, kCompilerTempVR);
     // The new non-special compiler temp must receive a unique v_reg with a negative value.
-    compiler_temp->v_reg = static_cast<int>(kVRegNonSpecialTempBaseReg) - num_non_special_compiler_temps_;
+    compiler_temp->v_reg = static_cast<int>(kVRegNonSpecialTempBaseReg) -
+        num_non_special_compiler_temps_;
     compiler_temp->s_reg_low = AddNewSReg(compiler_temp->v_reg);
     if (wide) {
-      // Ensure that the two registers are consecutive. Since the virtual registers used for temps grow in a
-      // negative fashion, we need the smaller to refer to the low part. Thus, we redefine the v_reg and s_reg_low.
+      // Create a new CompilerTemp for the high part.
+      CompilerTemp *compiler_temp_high =
+          static_cast<CompilerTemp *>(arena_->Alloc(sizeof(CompilerTemp), kArenaAllocRegAlloc));
+      compiler_temp_high->v_reg = compiler_temp->v_reg;
+      compiler_temp_high->s_reg_low = compiler_temp->s_reg_low;
+      compiler_temps_.Insert(compiler_temp_high);
+      // Ensure that the two registers are consecutive. Since the virtual registers used for temps
+      // grow in a negative fashion, we need the smaller to refer to the low part. Thus, we
+      // redefine the v_reg and s_reg_low.
       int ssa_reg_high = compiler_temp->s_reg_low;
       compiler_temp->s_reg_low = AddNewSReg(compiler_temp->v_reg);