blob: 75e75b002782621d8212fe821cf00a9a207ba854 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "exec_utils.h"
#include "odr_metrics_record.h"
namespace art {
namespace odrefresh {
class OdrMetrics final {
// Enumeration used to track the latest stage reached running odrefresh.
// These values mirror those in OdrefreshReported::Stage in frameworks/proto_logging/atoms.proto.
// NB There are gaps between the values in case an additional stages are introduced.
enum class Stage : uint8_t {
kUnknown = 0,
kCheck = 10,
kPreparation = 20,
kPrimaryBootClasspath = 30,
kSecondaryBootClasspath = 40,
kSystemServerClasspath = 50,
kComplete = 60,
// Enumeration describing the overall status, processing stops on the first error discovered.
// These values mirror those in OdrefreshReported::Status in frameworks/proto_logging/atoms.proto.
enum class Status : uint8_t {
kUnknown = 0,
kOK = 1,
kNoSpace = 2,
kIoError = 3,
kDex2OatError = 4,
// Value 5 was kTimeLimitExceeded, but has been removed in favour of
// reporting the exit code for Dex2Oat (set to ExecResult::kTimedOut)
kStagingFailed = 6,
kInstallFailed = 7,
// Failed to access the dalvik-cache directory due to lack of permission.
kDalvikCachePermissionDenied = 8,
// Enumeration describing the cause of compilation (if any) in odrefresh.
// These values mirror those in OdrefreshReported::Trigger in
// frameworks/proto_logging/atoms.proto.
enum class Trigger : uint8_t {
kUnknown = 0,
kApexVersionMismatch = 1,
kDexFilesChanged = 2,
kMissingArtifacts = 3,
explicit OdrMetrics(const std::string& cache_directory,
const std::string& metrics_file = kOdrefreshMetricsFile);
// Enables/disables metrics writing.
void SetEnabled(bool value) { enabled_ = value; }
// Gets the ART APEX that metrics are being collected on behalf of.
int64_t GetArtApexVersion() const { return art_apex_version_; }
// Sets the ART APEX that metrics are being collected on behalf of.
void SetArtApexVersion(int64_t version) { art_apex_version_ = version; }
// Gets the ART APEX last update time in milliseconds.
int64_t GetArtApexLastUpdateMillis() const { return art_apex_last_update_millis_; }
// Sets the ART APEX last update time in milliseconds.
void SetArtApexLastUpdateMillis(int64_t last_update_millis) {
art_apex_last_update_millis_ = last_update_millis;
// Gets the trigger for metrics collection. The trigger is the reason why odrefresh considers
// compilation necessary.
Trigger GetTrigger() const { return trigger_; }
// Sets the trigger for metrics collection. The trigger is the reason why odrefresh considers
// compilation necessary. Only call this method if compilation is necessary as the presence
// of a trigger means we will try to record and upload metrics.
void SetTrigger(const Trigger trigger) { trigger_ = trigger; }
// Sets the execution status of the current odrefresh processing stage.
void SetStatus(const Status status) { status_ = status; }
// Sets the current odrefresh processing stage.
void SetStage(Stage stage) { stage_ = stage; }
// Sets the result of the current dex2oat invocation.
void SetDex2OatResult(const ExecResult& dex2oat_result);
// Captures the current free space as the end free space.
void CaptureSpaceFreeEnd();
// Records metrics into an OdrMetricsRecord.
OdrMetricsRecord ToRecord() const;
OdrMetrics(const OdrMetrics&) = delete;
OdrMetrics operator=(const OdrMetrics&) = delete;
static int32_t GetFreeSpaceMiB(const std::string& path);
static void WriteToFile(const std::string& path, const OdrMetrics* metrics);
void SetCompilationTime(int32_t millis);
static OdrMetricsRecord::Dex2OatExecResult
ConvertExecResult(const std::optional<ExecResult>& result);
const std::string cache_directory_;
const std::string metrics_file_;
bool enabled_ = false;
int64_t art_apex_version_ = 0;
int64_t art_apex_last_update_millis_ = 0;
Trigger trigger_ = Trigger::kUnknown;
Stage stage_ = Stage::kUnknown;
Status status_ = Status::kUnknown;
int32_t cache_space_free_start_mib_ = 0;
int32_t cache_space_free_end_mib_ = 0;
// The total time spent on compiling primary BCP.
int32_t primary_bcp_compilation_millis_ = 0;
// The result of the dex2oat invocation for compiling primary BCP, or `std::nullopt` if dex2oat is
// not invoked.
std::optional<ExecResult> primary_bcp_dex2oat_result_;
// The total time spent on compiling secondary BCP.
int32_t secondary_bcp_compilation_millis_ = 0;
// The result of the dex2oat invocation for compiling secondary BCP, or `std::nullopt` if dex2oat
// is not invoked.
std::optional<ExecResult> secondary_bcp_dex2oat_result_;
// The total time spent on compiling system server.
int32_t system_server_compilation_millis_ = 0;
// The result of the last dex2oat invocation for compiling system server, or `std::nullopt` if
// dex2oat is not invoked.
std::optional<ExecResult> system_server_dex2oat_result_;
friend class ScopedOdrCompilationTimer;
// Timer used to measure compilation time (in seconds). Automatically associates the time recorded
// with the current stage of the metrics used.
class ScopedOdrCompilationTimer final {
explicit ScopedOdrCompilationTimer(OdrMetrics& metrics) :
metrics_(metrics), start_(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) {}
~ScopedOdrCompilationTimer() {
auto elapsed_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_;
auto elapsed_millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(elapsed_time);
OdrMetrics& metrics_;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start_;
// Generated ostream operators.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, OdrMetrics::Status status);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, OdrMetrics::Stage stage);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, OdrMetrics::Trigger trigger);
} // namespace odrefresh
} // namespace art